My Substitute Reality.


Well-Known Member
i've been reminiscing lately-

god i miss the 90's. it seems now they were the last of the free times. people were alot happier. political correctness had yet to grab hold, and make multitude of whiners.

oh. and the music festivals.

were any of you kiddie's at this one?

i was.
i was a part of that pepsi sponsered fiasco lol....

looks like youve been busy murf... love the changes


Well-Known Member
thanks man.

good to see ya, man. i meant to ask you, how did that giant hydro farm thing work out?
hopefully you got that job, killer place.

and i must also mention that 5toned has helped me learn a significant amount about electricity( after being in the construction field my whole life). because of that Nikola Tesla has become my hero. i pour over his work. its very difficult to understand.

anyway. the twenty five dollar 30A, 240V, 110V triggered control boxes he taught me how to build.



Well-Known Member
gotta shout out to deprave-

good lookin out brother! what a good guy. good meds too!
i don't know if he's taking patients, but you'd be lucky to have him!


Well-Known Member
he stopped by today and i was showing him some of my old root balls from my basket pots.-

the are so full of hair like roots, that i could barely break them up with my hands. chock full of hairs. i'll post some pics later.

i would like to see some pics of old root balls from guys that grow in air pots. i have a few buddies that use them, and i don't know if it's the nutes, rain or the pots. my roots smoke theirs.


New Member
ya those airpots do seem to work very well, the pictures dont do it justice, Incredibly healthy, bushy, and vigorous all around especially the Jilly Bean, the grapefruit looks like it could be the most potent one though but ya never know at this point the SLH could be the best :)


Well-Known Member

i'm hoping the jilly is the best. for my girl. she has an anxiety disorder, and takes no meds for it. i'm hoping she will receive significant relief from it. it is supposed to be very uplifting.

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Active Member
Nice subd up. I felt great, always thought I would be the one living fast as I grow old.
But.. about 3 years the medical issues started.
Mornings are tough, legs get pretty stiff.
Hurting this morning, was building a 20 x 48 A-frame hot house yesterday.

Planning on putting up some pics, cost only $650 and will have tons of room.
I am like you got too many projects going at once.

Hope to talk more in the future.


Well-Known Member
Love your reality!

Being a bit older probably,, I still vaguely remember this one (THAT was a party! :lol:;-))

Funny how things change and yet remain the same. People killing & hating,, I doubt we'll ever get over it.

Like you,, 90% of my reality in within my property lines. And I'm in full control (when the wife allows it ;-)).


Well-Known Member
and sometimes-
it also makes me sad. my plants are so beautiful, and, i believe. filled with enormous potential.

when my grandmother passed i wasn't able to attend her funeral. for work. i was the boos and if the job didn't get done i didn't get paid and it was down to the wire. i thought i would be able to do a half day and the fuckin homeowner jusyt wanted to be pain in the ass all fuckin day. i missed it.

all for a fuckin dollar. she had stomach cancer. the chemotherapy turned her into a zombie fuckin thing. and now i have her cure here. in my house. this all happened in ayear before cannabis was "medical" and before i had the knowledge to know what to do anyway.
i'll never forgive my self.
i could ever save one littl eold lady from what happened to my grandmother, it would save me in a way.

as i watch the retards squabble still. all the stoners i used to know are greedy fuckin dime bag dealers. the township guy on the newas just isn't sure if this, or even government can be done properly!?

i don't want to be associated with any of them! i fucking HATE their gaddamn childs play!



Well-Known Member
vision, canon, glad to have ya-



Well-Known Member
i feel ya on the livin fast thing-

too bad for the rest, i'm still faster than them. broke in half. HA.


Well-Known Member
my grandma used to make the best homemade root beer popsicles.-

i'm gonna have to get that recipe for the kids.


Active Member
Hey Murfy, tuff day, rained all day, did not get boo-shit done on the A-frame. Work in the greenhouses, even though I should have been getting equipment ready to farm.

Was really tired about 6 oclock, but had to repot some Chemo Iranian and Sweet Dreams. Tommorrow more work on the A-frame if it doesn't rain.
Then repotting Sweet Tooth. And have some more seeds germinated that need to go into peat pots.
Plus got a huge box of strawberries, trees and flowers.

Getting me in shape for the planting season ahead.

Hope your day went good


Well-Known Member
farming is hard work, eh?

i too have an a frame. its an old tent barn frame. with very heavy visqueen, with poly cords running through it. kinda like a pool cover maybe. anyway haven't gotten to set it up yet this year the weathers been so bad.
hopefully it's not one of those years when it doesn't get warm until father's day.


Active Member
ah- the good ol days-

No doubt . My first of many Dead shows was in Sept 1978 at Madison Square Garden. It definitely was a long strange trip. Great looking set up and grow. I like your grow basket too. Peace, jethead