My Spice (k-2, Herbal Incense, Synthetic Marijuana) Trip Left Physical Evidence!

the shitty thing is, spice and bathsalts get wrapped up into one big thing, i think that synthetics could offer SOME people out there medical properties, its some strong shit no doubt, and its kind of like smoking crack, but if you had a huge tolerance, thatshit could still put you out, geekin.
the shitty thing is, spice and bathsalts get wrapped up into one big thing, i think that synthetics could offer SOME people out there medical properties, its some strong shit no doubt, and its kind of like smoking crack, but if you had a huge tolerance, thatshit could still put you out, geekin.

no way if weed aint strong enough theirs bho if that don't do it theirs edibles if that still don't work you got opiates there's no good use for spice or bathsalts that can't be outdone buy nature.
Crazy kids these days.... Back in my day we would just do a mop up and be absent for about a week... But when we came to it was all beauty and wonderment (mixed with a bunch of confusion).
^Kids these days... Haha how abou adults these days they r so typical.. Anyways i od-ed on eam2201 and my boy did on 5fpb22 then shits can take ur life unlike the shit u were smoking. Ull b find. My heart was at 400 bpm
no way if weed aint strong enough theirs bho if that don't do it theirs edibles if that still don't work you got opiates there's no good use for spice or bathsalts that can't be outdone buy nature.
Bho blows edibals out the water. Easy does it big guy
the shitty thing is, spice and bathsalts get wrapped up into one big thing, i think that synthetics could offer SOME people out there medical properties, its some strong shit no doubt, and its kind of like smoking crack, but if you had a huge tolerance, thatshit could still put you out, geekin.
........??? Really lol. Ppl r fried these days.. No comment
Spice is bad shit. Theres about 200+ synthetic cannabinoids out there. Several of them are scheduled now. The JWH's were discovered back in the 60s (give or take a decade.. lol) and the JWH is the scientsts initials. It was created to help research cannabis and what, if any, medical benefits cannabis has!

My personal experience smoking JWH-220 (im pretty sure thats what it was, Spike brand) was A. VERY addictive. It got to the point that I would rather smoke spice than medical grade chronic. It was more expensive than chronic too. My dealer sold 8ths for 30 bucks, buying spice for $15/g.. B. the high was almost ALWAYS negative. What i mean by that is when I would smoke spice I would get instant gratification, soon as that wore off my buzz would start giving me negative thoughts. Kinda like your tripping on dose and your mind is just racing away and you cant stop it. After the JWH and CP chems were sheduled I stopped using spice because I did not like the effects of the new legal chemical. Now ive moved to a new area and getting my medicine is like pulling teeth. I cant find a straight dealer that will sell me straight bags so here I am back to spice and addicted again. Im currently using Super Nova, Nightmare (the one with jack skellington on the cover), and Diablo.

Diablo is by far my favorite as its the most heady and it has mugwort which i just happen to love. Bad to smoke for extended periods of time though...

Ive had seizures from smoking spice....

U smoke shitty ass spice.. Super nova hhaah. Some real chronic browski
Bho blows edibals out the water. Easy does it big guy

I've never seen some BHO send someone on a 24-hour spirit quest. My cookies on the other hand though, those will do it. Ingestion lasts longer, hits harder, and works differently than smoking.
........??? Really lol. Ppl r fried these days.. No comment

A shining example :lol:. Lemme get this right, your informing everyone about how you yourself experiment with these chemicals but at the same time demean those who do..?
I've never seen some BHO send someone on a 24-hour spirit quest. My cookies on the other hand though, those will do it. Ingestion lasts longer, hits harder, and works differently than smoking.
24 hr spirit quest... Where do u ppl come up with these things.. And a huge dab will blow ur spirit right out of you.. Into a lan of blankness. Lol
A shining example :lol:. Lemme get this right, your informing everyone about how you yourself experiment with these chemicals but at the same time demean those who do..?
No ppl r fried for ramblin on about nothing lol. And no i dont do these chems jus tried a few once or twice. But never again after the OD.. I cant even explain wat happened
Everyoone knows spice is bad...if u need to get high that bad,and are on probation and can't,meditate,jog,have sex,work out,drink a beer maybe..fuck go get a tank of nitrous..but not spice..there are better,more easily obtainable highs without the worries,seziures,od's,bad taste and wicked bad highs...fuck spice..I've never done it and am smart enough to read others misfortunes to know I never where's my bong at?
U and ur followers r idiots.. Green lantern is a good movie.. As uve all sat and watched it..

And Meet the Spartans grossed over $80 million in theaters. Asses in the seats doesn't equal a good movie.

And where can you get spice these days anyway? I thought it was illegal, and the DEA made some backstop law that keeps it illegal even if the manufacturers alter the formula
24 hr spirit quest... Where do u ppl come up with these things.. And a huge dab will blow ur spirit right out of you.. Into a lan of blankness. Lol

I come up with it from personal experience. Let's see a dab et you high for 24 hrs. Feel free ato contradict me in a meaningful way.
Everyoone knows spice is bad...if u need to get high that bad,and are on probation and can't,meditate,jog,have sex,work out,drink a beer maybe..fuck go get a tank of nitrous..but not spice..there are better,more easily obtainable highs without the worries,seziures,od's,bad taste and wicked bad highs...fuck spice..I've never done it and am smart enough to read others misfortunes to know I never where's my bong at?

You've clearly never smoked good spice. That shit will get you so high that weed would want a parachute to get back down.
And Meet the Spartans grossed over $80 million in theaters. Asses in the seats doesn't equal a good movie.

And where can you get spice these days anyway? I thought it was illegal, and the DEA made some backstop law that keeps it illegal even if the manufacturers alter the formula
Dont worry about where i got my illegal drugs man and was green lantern even in theathers.. I kno i was to young to to see it if it was honestly but uve all seen it man. And its a good catchy fcukin movie.. Wats a good movie to you? Star wars? Define good movie. Its an opinion and ur guys' opinions r retarded... Tag a longs