My Song of the Day

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Well-Known Member
And a good evening too you :)
Try to stay safe & the next bowl you burn, think of me
I'm burning one now, thinking of you
All is good then right?
Peace out brother :)
I'll roll a N.L. for us as we roll. I'm feeling better. Tens unit is S&M thing. But more fun than not. Sinus thing going away. I can breathe.
Always good if I'm poking someone. Bad when they are poking me to check for life signs. LMAO.
Keep the hits rolling. Learning from all.


Well-Known Member
Anyone else have an odd occurrence of military hugheys and chinooks flying over at low levels of late? Not normal here. Daily for about a week. Multiples some days. And in groups. Headed for Chicago as seen. But now playing this.
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