My Song of the Day

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One of my favorites. I was listening to these guys back when they first hit the scene. I cranked this song.

I knew them from their first two albums, never heard the third one where they were feeling around for their direction then they came to town for Sons and Fascination, 1981. I didn't know what to expect, the concert was in a hall in our art gallery that held 250-300 people. The PA was more than adequate for the size of room so it was not barely breaking a sweat. It was a good volume but sounded really clean, the sound just floated above us, immersing us. I wish I could say I could remember more of the concert (hey), but still remember first hearing this song and another which the guitar had the same sound as Fleetwood Mac, Edge of Seventeen. And then this song came on.


Stevie Winwood played keyboards on Small Hours by John Martyn, I think it's ranked as Islands number 1

"And there's nothing left worth knowing
And it's time you should be going
While you see a chance
Take it
Find romance
Fake it
Because it's all on you"
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