My situation

It's funny (not really) that ignorance of the law is indefensible under the law unless you are a cop, lawyer, judge or politician. This 21st century game of lawfare (legal economy) surely has to have the writers of our Constitution rolling in their graves.
Went to the courthouse to try and explain what happened with all my paperwork and the copies of what got mailed in for my replacement card. Couldn’t even explain myself before being told that these matters get taken care of in district court. Sure let’s run my name through the paper and hurt my reputation because I didn’t have my card on me. Guess I get to wait a month and see what comes of it.
Feel a lot more comfortable now. Thanks all, I will definitely keep you posted. My county is quite small which is why a lawyer will be contacted to see what to expect with something like this, help get an idea of how they view medical marijuana. They can keep it, wasn’t nothing but garbage and a whopping one gram officer was actually really nice just confused on the topic which is why he called the drug task force. Thanks for the article on the bill though, helps ALOT.
pay the lawyer or pay the state still getting screwed
Went to the courthouse to try and explain what happened with all my paperwork and the copies of what got mailed in for my replacement card. Couldn’t even explain myself before being told that these matters get taken care of in district court. Sure let’s run my name through the paper and hurt my reputation because I didn’t have my card on me. Guess I get to wait a month and see what comes of it.

let em know in district court that the court, the judge, the court clerk and the prosecutor have broken the mmma confidentiality , and that you will be compensated for his breach of private medical records and of the MMMA. its part of the MMMA, dont back down.

remember to get the court case sealed and your record expunged.

(h) The following confidentiality rules shall apply:

(1) Subject to subdivisions (3) and (4), applications and supporting information submitted by qualifying patients, including information regarding their primary caregivers and physicians, are confidential.

(2) The department shall maintain a confidential list of the persons to whom the department has issued registry identification cards. Except as provided in subdivisions (3) and (4), individual names and other identifying information on the list are confidential and are exempt from disclosure under the freedom of information act, 1976 PA 442, MCL 15.231 to 15.246.

(3) The department shall verify to law enforcement personnel and to the necessary database created in the marihuana tracking act as established by the medical marihuana facilities licensing act whether a registry identification card is valid, without disclosing more information than is reasonably necessary to verify the authenticity of the registry identification card.

(4) A person, including an employee, contractor, or official of the department or another state agency or local unit of government, who discloses confidential information in violation of this act is guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by imprisonment for not more than 6 months, or a fine of not more than $1,000.00, or both. Notwithstanding this provision, department employees may notify law enforcement about falsified or fraudulent information submitted to the department.
you could try giving the prosecutor a call.

he/she may drop charges if card is presented to them. before the court date i mean.
this is where lawyer comes in handy,they wont talk to joe blow, 1 gram come on fight it all the way plead povety make them pay for lawyer its his right!!its a gram of weed who cares I think the courts have bigger things to deal with
Went to the courthouse to try and explain what happened with all my paperwork and the copies of what got mailed in for my replacement card. Couldn’t even explain myself before being told that these matters get taken care of in district court. Sure let’s run my name through the paper and hurt my reputation because I didn’t have my card on me. Guess I get to wait a month and see what comes of it.
Possessing marijuana does not ruin your name. It has no negative effect on your name at all. Being embarassed or ashamed of cannabis use gives other users and this great plant a negative image. Sheesh. Own your actions. Consume with pride. Its a good plant.
In my opinion it does, I mean for the future work that I would like to do that could certainly impact it so it worries me. More paranoid then I need to be...probably. I called a lawyer and he told me it doesn’t sound like anything was illegal and recommended speaking with the prosecutor and having it possibly dropped. Otherwise they’ll only be after me for the fact I didn’t have a card. Which I know was mentioned earlier. Thanks again.
The lawyer would be helpful! These lawyers always have the solution to protect their clients. My brother was also caught under these charges and immediately decided to consult a lawyer for his rescue. Lawyers and their additional hints (tarabay-gemayel) are really very useful sometimes, especially in tensed situation.
The police and prosecution change tactics when you "lawyer up", because they know they cant get away with any BS.
forgot to mention, when you talk to the prosecutor, the prosecutor may offer you a plea deal to just pay the fine on some ticket.

do not fall for this. it is a trick and a trap to get you to sign "something" which can and will be used against you in court.

also you dont owe these fucks a dime.
forgot to mention, when you talk to the prosecutor, the prosecutor may offer you a plea deal to just pay the fine on some ticket.

do not fall for this. it is a trick and a trap to get you to sign "something" which can and will be used against you in court.

also you dont owe these fucks a dime.

He did get caught with weed/pipe in his possesion without his card. If he has to pay a ticket its because hes kinda got it coming, -but they may let him off if he showed up with the proper paperwork to show he was legal at the time of the ticket. Its no different than getting pulled over with no physical drivers license on you. You may be legal to drive, but you also need to be able to provide proof if/when pulled over. I think if he talks to the prosecutor before he goes in front of the judge, they may dismiss the ticket if he can provide all of the proper paperwork proving he was legal at the time of the ticket.

@Exstoner12 if you were legal and had a card, but just didnt have the card on you...why didnt he just run your name to see you were in the system? If the cop wrote the ticket to teach you a lesson for not having your card, you can count on the officer showing up to the court appearance and you paying the ticket.
I think the only thing LEO is able to do is give them #'s and see if they are valid. I sure hope they can't check by name.