My seed germ'd and now the shell is stuck

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Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
There you have many examples of differing answers.To put it simply, It doesn't matter.Therefore, both of us are right,thank you.
you are a fucktard...and we arent both right until you "show me a diagram" like you said i had to do to prove my point...go find a site that says doing it my way wastes they arent equal, one site says i am right, none say you are...that's 1-0 fuuuucktard


Well-Known Member
i gave a friend some of my best beans once. he came back a few weeks later and asked for more. i asked what happened. he said "i planted the upside down and they died". i am still laughing.

who turns them the right way in the wild? i'm starting to wonder how many beans some of you have actually hatched. funny stuff though.

i refuse to partake any further in an argument on which way is up.

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