my second grow room in progress

im growing with cfl's because of my budget.
i connected up to 6 cfl's to y connectors and then to wall plug adaptors then to a surge protector with a cooking pan reflector. then two more cfl's in a y connector in the back.
i still dont have a good out take fan other than that im ready to go.
two of my bulbs are 6500k im working on changing out my other bulbs but i dont have the money right away.
for two plants i think this is a good set up for very very cheap.
im using fox farm soil and gunna just use some water and nutrients and let them do their thing.
im germinating right now ill post more pics after a while.
any tips?
my first grow room was more like a shop light and 4 shitty hermies.
this time around i hope to do a little better especially now im not hiding from my parents.
also is this in anyway in your opinion a potential fire hazard. the bulbs have been on for testing for about 2 hours and they are quite hot, but none of the adapters or anything else is hot.100_2948.jpg100_2947.jpg


Active Member
Just keep it simple and it'll turn out great for you.

No real fire hazard with CFLs just don't overload any outlets.

Keep it up :leaf:
So its been about 4 weeks and im making slight progress. Took a while for the one guy to pop, the other never did. Stem is thick and its already looking bushy. Just very small for 1 month.



Maybe if you didn't already have that baby in a dome, you might should have. keep the dome misted, it helps keep the humidity and temp high allowing for the right environment a little baby seedling needs.

also those pots are huge for starting a seedling in.
Thanks for the advice, i have a makeshift dome now for the plant and have the light as close as i can get it. Ill check back in a week or so and see if i start seeing any change.
Almost a week later now and the lowest small leaves have died so i clipped them, and now other leaves are beginning to yellow on the edges, i even see a brown spot, is this damage from heat? I have now moved light 2" away.100_2998.jpg