New Member
He'd better not, or I'll call the usher and have him dealt with forthwith!
Look. Those 50,000+ views? I know they're not just yours. I'm not downplaying your film at all - you made a hell of a good movie, and I don't dispute that for a second. You're damned good at what you do, and you seem to know your shit when it comes to growing the loco weed, as well. I'm not taking anything away from that. You're right - I could never in a million years make a film like that; you're genuinely gifted.
But so what? Doesn't have anything to do with the point I was making. We're all good at something, and I'm sure as hell not criticizing your obvious talents as a filmmaker or a grower. I'm just saying the drama in this thread is bordering on the ridiculous sometimes, and it's worthy of having some fun poked at it from time to time. Doesn't mean I'm poking fun at you, or your movie. You're right, I damned well will buy a copy of the DVD, and I wish you nothing but the best. I've got nothing against you personally; I'm sure you're a hell of a guy. I sincerely hope your DVD is successful beyond your wildest dreams, and you make enough money to buy one of the minor islands in the Hawaiian Archipelago and spend the rest of your days growing square miles upon square miles of the sacred herb.
But while I'm waiting for the DVD to come out, I'll continue to get a laugh every now and then at the histrionics here in this thread. Sorry, but you can't have it both ways. Want to stir up minor dramas to attract attention and keep your thread at the top of the page? Go ahead, knock yourself out. But you don't get to pick which kinds of attention you attract. Some of it may be less than flattering, even negative. It's the internet. You just have to live with that.
Best of luck, and I mean that with all my heart. Peace. Out.
h'mmm, so let me see if I get this here... They get to dish it out, but if I respond and defend myself I'm somehow the villain? Interesting concept. I can give as good as get my friend. Just because it's a reality of our medium doesn't make it right. I'm taking fire all the time from some folk in here. and even the people that work here. And you don't kill your own when you are fighting a war. It's just not right. People are looking too closely for the chinks in my armour it seems. But I have feelings like anyone else and deserve a basic modicum of respect as does anyone else. If you look at the history of this thread, you will see nothing but gratitude and graciousness out of me ... until the shit began to fly from those with the neuro plasticity of a circus money. the jealousy and self loathing was so transparent and in bad taste. I like to strive to elevate myself a bit as a human being. And try to encourage others to do the same -- through my work. But it's most distasteful when I have to dedicate even one moment of my day trying to school morons on the basics of self respect and common decency. I have nothing in common with these people. why the hell they come into this thread and spew their bile is perplexing to me. It's like they're shaking their mother and demanding she love them. Everyone wants a piece of me. I mean, FDD has to be here because he's a mod -- so I guess he has an excuse. But as moderator? very unprofessional indeed -- some of the things he has said? He should be impartial, perfunctory and follow rules of conduct when wielding the very limited power he has. buddy grows a couple of plants in his back yard and gets a gig as a moderator -- and that gives him carte blanche to mess with my shit? Bit of an unfair advantage isn't it? I bet he tortures defenceless animals when no one is looking. fuck he wouldn't last a minute with me in the bush -- never mind sitting across from me debating any of his shit. Somebody should tell that kid anyone can grow a plant if it's in their back yard -- forget go out and film it in any manner compelling enough to hit at the heart of our plight as growers and attract legions of fans. He needs to learn a word: RESPECT. Interesting that he should try so diligently to get a post in my film then turn on me like a rabid dog. Homey's got nothing. This is the most excitement he is ever gonna see. Live it up FDD.
I appreciate what you are saying this time around, and thank you for your graciousness, but what you said before was clearly and indictment on my veracity and motive. I didn't just fall off the turnip truck. But you are a good person at your core, I feel, because you have come forward like this showing that you are a man -- not a fucking child like some in here.
So anyone else in here want to take me on? the gloves are off. Class is now in session.