And after a couple of weeks of people clamoring and begging for a new video, he pops in to marvel - just marvel - at the utterly amazing outpouring of support the masses are heaping upon him... and, occasionally, favor us all with still another reason why he's doing the project in the first place. Let's see, so far we have -but see, he says that every time. then it takes 2 weeks. meanwhile everyone comes here every couple hours and posts asking for the new vid. then his views and post counts keep adding up. do you all not see this? he just asked about it. it's a ploy.![]()
you forgot the academy award.And after a couple of weeks of people clamoring and begging for a new video, he pops in to marvel - just marvel - at the utterly amazing outpouring of support the masses are heaping upon him... and, occasionally, favor us all with still another reason why he's doing the project in the first place. Let's see, so far we have -
1. He's doing it to finance his career as a film-maker.
2. He's in debt, and trying to get the bill-collectors off his back.
3. He's trying to get marijuana legalized, and thinks that making a movie about what hard work it is for some dude in a mask to grow a quarter million dollar's worth of illegal drugs in the woods will somehow convince people that the drug laws are wrong.
4. And now, we find out that the real reason is that he just wanted us all to enjoy his "ode to the grower."
Did I miss any?![]()
i dont understand y u guys wanna break this guys balls ...who cares what his motives are? who dont like money ? who dont like good bud ?...who dont like reaping a reward after working hard ?... the guy is having some fun makin a short flik about his outdoor grow y all the haters?... i enjoy the clips i saw.... i mean if u dont like this guy's movie or his opinions y not just dont watch the utube flik and dont read these posts ... i get the feeling that some of u hope he gets pinched or his crop gets hit again with devastation that is pathetic...what side are u on? is this guy the greatest grower in the world? no absolutly this guy even the sharpest dude on this website? no he isnt but he is entertaining and is taking huge risk releasing some of this footage and i hope he gets a fat yeild and make his hard work pay off for him...![]()
WHere in the world would you get that idea? I think you're reading way, way too much into other people's motives.i get the feeling that some of u hope he gets pinched or his crop gets hit again with devastation that is pathetic...
Me too. I'm just amazed at the drama he creates to hype his movie, and the way so many people here buy into it. His constantly shifting reasons for making the movie, his threatening to leave the board and take his spam to another website if moderators don't delete posts that he deems libelous, his flouncing out in a huff because people were mildly criticizing him, his grandiose announcement that he had decided to return because of the "incredible outpouring of support" when a couple of people said they hoped he'd come back, and all the other drama are just so fucking silly it's hard not to make fun of it sometimes...but he is entertaining and is taking huge risk releasing some of this footage and i hope he gets a fat yeild and make his hard work pay off for him...![]()
Me too. I'm just amazed at the drama he creates to hype his movie, and the way so many people here buy into it. His constantly shifting reasons for making the movie, his threatening to leave the board and take his spam to another website if moderators don't delete posts that he deems libelous, his flouncing out in a huff because people were mildly criticizing him, his grandiose announcement that he had decided to return because of the "incredible outpouring of support" when a couple of people said they hoped he'd come back, and all the other drama are just so fucking silly it's hard not to make fun of it sometimes.
Good question on the resolution,i'd also be interested in knowing what format the soundtrack will be in or if there will be any options,im a hifi nut & home theater buff.For me, it's novel and interesting to watch. And, like I said, the scenery is awesome, and I want to see it on DVD just for that.
BDW, what resolution will the DVD be? 480-p? 720-p? 1080-i?
My friend the other day asked me some info cause he was thinkin about growing outdoors.
I made him watch all of prohibition lol pretty sure it scared him off.
native DV 720x480. Most will have to load it onto their hardrive for smooth playback. I'll put out a DVD quality version too.All that makes him is a fairly effective promoter.
I don't get why everyone's panties are in a twist. The vids come out once every 30 days, give or take a day or two.
BDW has acknowledged that the movie is dramatized, but not in an over-the-top way. The stuff with the wife and the bills is there to drive the plot, but apparently the rest is more or less realistic (although I tend to agree that the dog thing was staged too. Whatever, not worth arguing about.)
Go watch an ep of 'Urban Grower' and then tell me that BDW isn't doing a decent job.
I dunno, maybe I care less because I don't grow outdoors. For me, it's novel and interesting to watch. And, like I said, the scenery is awesome, and I want to see it on DVD just for that.
BDW, what resolution will the DVD be? 480-p? 720-p? 1080-i?
Hey those 50 some thousand views of this thread aren't mine buddy. It's either an outpouring of support or they're all FDD and Zekedogg. Also, bub, when you acuse someone of ripping somebody off with no basis in fact? That ain't mild criticizm. Them's fightin' words. But I'm trying to get over all that. So please don't downplay something that you could never accomplish yourself. You and I both know you'll be in the front row eating popcorn with these other nay saying weiners watching epsidode 11. Just watch Zekedogg though, he might stick something up through your popcorn box.WHere in the world would you get that idea? I think you're reading way, way too much into other people's motives.
Me too. I'm just amazed at the drama he creates to hype his movie, and the way so many people here buy into it. His constantly shifting reasons for making the movie, his threatening to leave the board and take his spam to another website if moderators don't delete posts that he deems libelous, his flouncing out in a huff because people were mildly criticizing him, his grandiose announcement that he had decided to return because of the "incredible outpouring of support" when a couple of people said they hoped he'd come back, and all the other drama are just so fucking silly it's hard not to make fun of it sometimes.
he might stick something up through your popcorn box.