My pot movie

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dude SICK episode!! best part was that I was quoted!! my youtube name is Ars1n1st, and I was the guy he put in the beggining when he was saying he was famous!!! sooo happy!
I thought this was the final episode, looks like there will be at least one more, any idea when the DVD will be dropping BDW?
wow your girl left you, and just left a note?!?!?!?! that sucks!!!
fukin beautiful BDW

you had me jumping out of my seat cos i was getting so scared for you

best episode yet and well worth the wait. cant wait for the next one

hope all is well for you

I had a chick note dump me before dude, eveything happens for a reason. Been watching since the first video post. Stay up Brown Dirt.
This is more intense than waiting for the next episode of Prison Break, 24 and Lost all put together. Its even more interesting because its real life and you don't have a clue what will happen next....
fucking pig allways fucking shit up u see that shit should of hacked everything down and went into covering to trim such a sad event to lose that much pot im rooting for ya bdw hope everyhting works out for ya man
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