My pot movie

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Holy fuck brown dirt! I had high expectations and you crashed through them. I don't even know where to begin I'm so shocked and amazed! I mean wow, WOW, that episode blew my mind. My heart was actually racing in the end, i was getting scared just watching you.
BDW I Hate to see that happen!!! Especially after all the back breaking work and termoil that you went threw. Close call, glad you made it out!!!

I know that you have been doing this for a lot of years, but can I make a segestion for next year? Go in, cut the buds down, and get out! Trim the buds at home where you know you are safe. sure you may have a bit more weight on you and the bags are gonna be a little bulky but when you are dealing with that much herb, just get in and get out!

Oh yeah nice suspense work!!! keeping everybody hangin on like that!!

Also if you trim at home you can make all the pot butter and hash you could ever want!!!
wow big og homie, well worth the wait. i love the soundtrack, and how we feel your back is against the wall. i feel ya and love these vids. who cares if i have to wait because to me this i what i love, ganja and a good movie.
Woo hoo boy oh boy BDW you got some balls goin back for the sack, ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Worth the wait heart poundin for sure.

Mad respect to ya always keep it up can't wait for the DVD
wow bdw thats some crazy shit....some of those buds were fuckin huge, great job man.cant wait for the rest, the wait is defenetely worth it...:joint::mrgreen:
Fucking INTENSE!

Holy fucking shit browndirt that was the best episode yet.

You had me clenching my fists sitting here and my heart was pounding.

Awesome awesome awesome shit!!!!!

I had the same exact thing happen to me and I started having a panic attack. I thought my chest was gonna cave in! It has to be one of the scariest things ive ever encountered.

I loved that!!!!!
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