My poor liver....


Well-Known Member
Ok guys, I know, this is posted in the wrong section of the forum. In fact, I don't think any of the sections quite fit this topic.

I've recently had my wisdom teeth taken out, and up until today have been totally fine. I was originally give 20 lortabs (7.5 mg/500 mg acetaminophen), and ran out of them within the first 2 days. I was perfectly fine for day 3 and 4, just a wee bit sore, the usual soreness.

Today, day 5, part of my gum fell off while I was doing a saltwater rinse, and it has absolutely KILLED ever since. I called the doctor, and they gave me 12 more Lortabs, to "get me through the weekend".

I've taken 6 of them (45 mg of hydrocodone) and my mouth hurts worse than it has so far. The nurse said yesterday should have been my worse day, and she sounded like she didn't really take me seriously over the phone, like I was just another person trying to get more pain pills.

The main point of this post wasn't to get advice, but rather support for my liver. I have put my liver through SO MUCH SHIT in the past 5 days, including hella antibiotics, 32 Lortab, 10 Promethazine, not to mention at least 8 beers everyday. And all of this is just to deal with the pain.

I will definitely be buying some Milk Thistle, and treating my liver like my baby over the next week. Thank you guys for listening to my pointless ramble...Sometimes it just helps to be able to bitch about your problems, I suppose.

If you believe in God (Which I ironically don't), please pray that I don't get a dry socket!!! I have two tests to take on Monday, and this surgery has been completely debilitating as far as studying goes.

Off to smoke some OG #18 now, and once again, sorry for the bullshit pointless post!! Pray for my liver you guys!! I've been a true shithead to it lately..


Active Member
dude, dont smoke after getting ur wisdom teeth out, you probably do have dry socket, it shouldnt hurt that bad by now...hopefully you see this before you smoke that og


Well-Known Member
dude, dont smoke after getting ur wisdom teeth out, you probably do have dry socket, it shouldnt hurt that bad by now...hopefully you see this before you smoke that og

I've been smoking man....I took it really easy the first 24 hours, then was very very careful, using a vaporizer and being sure to not "suck" too hard on the bag.

I think I'm fine, honestly...I'm more worried about my liver than I am a dry socket. Thankfully I've had no liver cramps (Which I have gotten from excess alcohol consumption before)

I think I'm good to smoke herb, though....I found it funny that my post-surgery instructions said "Do not smoke, especially tobacco, for 72 hours." Supposedly, nicotine has a detrimental effect on the healing process, but I found it hilarious that they specified not to smoke tobacco. It's almost like they know what people are going to go smoke....What else would I smoke, crack?? Lol.


Well-Known Member
So yeh, I definitely just threw up, all my fuckin' dinner and everything!! I guess that's exactly what I get for being a fucking dumbass, and overloading my liver with shit that it can't/doesn't want to process. Damn I'm loving life right now...


Definitely a dry socket, definitely, definitely. Thats a bad deal. What you spit out was the blood clot that was sealing the hole your tooth left. Definitely. Now they may have to cut your socket to get it to bleed so that it will fill back up with blood. Smoking severely slows down healing, and the suction when you pull on the joint, pipe, cigarette, can dislodge the blood clot as well. You're fucked, definitely, definitely.


So yeh, I definitely just threw up, all my fuckin' dinner and everything!! I guess that's exactly what I get for being a fucking dumbass, and overloading my liver with shit that it can't/doesn't want to process. Damn I'm loving life right now...
Wasn't your liver that made you sick, its the codeine in your system. Old Chinese proverb say, too much pills make you throw out...


Well-Known Member
Would highly recommend at least 100oz of coffee, and a shitload of water to flush the liver and kidneys both - you'll piss every 5 minutes after you pound that down, but your body will thank you for it later.


Seriously tho, the reason you are experiencing so much pain after you spit out the blood clot is because with the clot gone any air you breath is sucked over that hole and past your exposed jaw bone. That is why they tell you all the DON"T things to do. Some of the worse pain you will hopefully ever experience thats for sure.


Well-Known Member
Try cranberry juice it's a natural cleanser, I like the cran apple and peach, it's good with


Well-Known Member
Try cranberry juice it's a natural cleanser, I like the cran apple and peach, it's good with
Agreed on this too, if you don't want coffee/water... hammer down liquids that have plenty of antioxidants - will definitely help.


Well-Known Member
NO MORE FUCKING LORTABS! A single overdose of Tylenol/acetaminiphen has toxic effects on the liver. Do not subject yourself to possibly needing a liver transplant. You enterd toxi territory the first day you consumed half those bitches in 2 days. If you think I'm exagerrating call Poison Control and ask. Call your phamracist and ask.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Sounds like a bitch who can't take pain. Shit.

Ice pack that thing and sleep it off for two days.

I got my wisdom teeth removed and took ONE vicoden then slept for damn near two days.

Drank water, New gauze, Ice pack, sleep.

You aren't supposed to take the gauze out.