My poor liver....


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a bitch who can't take pain. Shit.

Ice pack that thing and sleep it off for two days.

I got my wisdom teeth removed and took ONE vicoden then slept for damn near two days.

Drank water, New gauze, Ice pack, sleep.

You aren't supposed to take the gauze out.
Had mine pulled at 15 cuz they were coming in under my back molars, I got Motrin for mine and I was out riding my YZ 125 the same day (mouth packed w/gauze)


I just did a quick search in this thread, doesn't appear this has been mentioned.

The max "recommended" for a healthy individual whose hepatic system is unimpaired is 4,000 mg of acetaminophen (a day). If you can't get something without the APAP, or at least with less like the ones with 325 mg, you can do a simple "cold water extraction" on the tablets. Crush the tablets, mix into a small volume of ice cold water, strain with a coffee filter or siphon off the liquid layer. Hydrocodone is far more soluble in cold water than acetaminophen is.

Cimetidine or Tagamet is an OTC stomach acid reducer. It also inhibits enzymes within Cytochrome P450, including those in particular which are involved in the metabolism of compounds like hydrocodone. Taking between 2-4 tablets about a half hour to 45 minutes before ingesting the opioid should increase plasma levels and duration. I have had plenty of personal experience with this. Real grapefruit juice is supposed to have a similar affect on CYP enzymes.

You might also order yourself boxes upon boxes of whippets.


Well-Known Member
DO NOT SMOKE AFTER WISDOM TEETH TERRIBLE TERRIBLE MISTAKE! i did it and it was the stupidest thing i did wait longer than they suggest too. im so serios. you do not want to smoke.

as for the lortabs god damn its says every 8 hours, or "as needed" is not a misnomer for suck em down. lmao. dude just go buy some more pills, on the streets if you have to, or go to sleep as much as possible, its only pain. and trust me, some people know about pain other just dont know shit, and thats okay you really dont want to experience that kind of pain, but wisdom teeth is just a minor nuisance really in comparison to the pain that exists out there.
Your liver is pretty hardy , one go around on the pony wont kill it off. Smoking was the no no . I have taken milk thisitle for yrs. Have my labs done for annual physcial and my liver is always A ok. Alot of patients in my hospital abuse acetaminophen/opiods for yrs with no ill affects , its the super heavy hard liquor drinkers who dont take care of themselves who I see the most problems with . Good luck


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a bitch who can't take pain. Shit.

Ice pack that thing and sleep it off for two days.

I got my wisdom teeth removed and took ONE vicoden then slept for damn near two days.

Drank water, New gauze, Ice pack, sleep.

You aren't supposed to take the gauze out.

Sounds like a bitch who got 4 impacted wisdom teeth, and an extra 13th molar taken out. They had to cut into nerves directly connected to my sinuses to take my 13th molar out.

Just because my doctor isn't a heartless cunt doesn't make me a bitch. Yeh, I could have toughed it out. It also would have hurt a lot more, and been completely pointless. And for what? To prove I'm a man? Fuck that, I just had my gums sliced and diced. I'll take my western medicine and treat the pain.

It isn't like I went to a pain clinic in Florida over non-existent pain to get pills to get high...This is exactly why I don't ever abuse opiates unless I need them...So they will work when I need them.

And just so you know, for a 240 pound male, 4,000 mg of Acetaminophen is a drop in the bucket. It is the daily limit, only because that is the hepatoxicity for a baby.

200 mg/kg is the point of acute hepatoxicity, which would be 21,000 mg for me. I'm not arguing with you, I know that I took WAY too much Acetaminophen, and I don't plan on doing it much more. Hence the title of the thread, "My poor liver".


Well-Known Member
DO NOT SMOKE AFTER WISDOM TEETH TERRIBLE TERRIBLE MISTAKE! i did it and it was the stupidest thing i did wait longer than they suggest too. im so serios. you do not want to smoke.

as for the lortabs god damn its says every 8 hours, or "as needed" is not a misnomer for suck em down. lmao. dude just go buy some more pills, on the streets if you have to, or go to sleep as much as possible, its only pain. and trust me, some people know about pain other just dont know shit, and thats okay you really dont want to experience that kind of pain, but wisdom teeth is just a minor nuisance really in comparison to the pain that exists out there.
Dude, I've had an appendectomy. Don't tell me I don't know what real pain is. Try having 6 of your abs sliced open, peeled apart like a two slabs of meat, and then an organ cut out with a pair of scissors. Yeh I have nothing to judge pain on.

Uncle Pirate

Active Member
Dude, I've had an appendectomy. Don't tell me I don't know what real pain is. Try having 6 of your abs sliced open, peeled apart like a two slabs of meat, and then an organ cut out with a pair of scissors. Yeh I have nothing to judge pain on.
You did all that while conscious?


Well-Known Member
I really appreciate you guys advice...You've really put things into perspective for me. Even the people who are being assholes, you are doing it for a good reason. I get equally pissed when I see people abuse opiates, especially considering our country is in the middle of an opiate epidemic.

I'll only be taking half a lortab this morning, and saving the rest for just in case. Thanks to those who had kind things to say, and for those who understand.

Off to drink some Orange Juice, Guayusa tea, and a shit load of water.

Oh, and I think I'm in the clear for a dry socket. The pain is getting a lot itchier rather than painful, and the swelling is slowly getting better!!


Well-Known Member
You did all that while conscious?
What a stupid ass question...Just so you know, when you are put under for surgery, when you wake up, you regain conciousness. Not only that, but your nerve cells are also fully functionable. Not only that, but most pain related to surgery comes AFTER surgery, once your body's natural adrenaline wears off, and the swelling and healing takes place. This all might come as a surprise to you judging by your idiotic comment.

Uncle Pirate

Active Member
Oh, because you described it as if you took it without anesthesia. I've had major surgery before, just as many others. You're not the only one, idiot.


Well-Known Member
Oh, because you described it as if you took it without anesthesia. I've had major surgery before, just as many others. You're not the only one, idiot.

  • Dude, I've had an appendectomy. Don't tell me I don't know what real pain is. Try having 6 of your abs sliced open, peeled apart like a two slabs of meat, and then an organ cut out with a pair of scissors. Yeh I have nothing to judge pain on.​

That is a direct quote. Why I would need to mention that I was put under anesthesia to have an internal organ removed? That's common sense. I don't think I described it as if I wasn't put under, I described the procedure that I went through that caused the severe pain that I suffered. And I definitely never said I'm the only person that has had major surgery. And I won't stoop to calling you an idiot, just calling your comment idiotic, once again.


Well-Known Member
You're even a bigger idiot if you thought my question was serious.
No, I knew you were being a facetious dick. It's a common theme on this website. That's why I'm going to like all of your comments and give you as much +Rep as possible. Because you deserve it!


Well-Known Member
I understand what this feels like firsthand, had 4 pulled myself a few days ago - high CBD is the key young padawan, especially when you make a salve to rub on the jaw section of the face that smells like mandarin oranges or some other crazy shit... hahahaha - sorry, bit "in my own world" at this point but it works, truly.


Well-Known Member
First soothing the pain- do not use commercial table salt, use sea salt, Himalayan is best, AND don'r over do the mix of salt- it will burn

Colloidal Silver would be helpful, too

Rebounding from antibiotics (another medical scourge) mega does on SOIL based probiotics. See my UN, Pet Flora was a life saver for me. It is sold via pet product company (Vitality Science) but it is human grade. Been taking it for years, haven't barked or bitten anyone yet. Everyone should take it daily

Liver cleanse

google Dr Hulda Clarke Liver cleanse- I've done about 20 of them over the last 10 years