
Active Member
Use 20/4 indoors, and outdoors here now is about 16/8. Not short enough for flowering suppossedly. And they grew for weeks vegetively. That reminds me to go flip on a light now thanks!


Well-Known Member
Yeah 20/4 might have been part of your problem. Most people seem to say that 18/6 is good but lots of people like to got 17 or even 16 hours. I went 17 and still used a flood light on timer for a few weeks going on at 4 AM.


i have three texas and 1 ohio 3 months old doin same thing dont know why eaither first grow


Active Member
I posted a picture of mine at the beginning of thread. I was asking ninja if he was sure they were preflowers on his plants, because thats normal as Griz said.

Brick Top

New Member
What could make them bud when days are getting longer? And almost as long as they get all year? Thought it was 100% based on photoperiod.
Preflowers are not flowers, they do not require a photoperiod change to grow. When plants are allowed to grow in a vegetative state long enough preflowers will develop well before any radical change in numbers of hours of light and darkness.

It is not odd or unusual. This is not a funky cold medina year. Pixies did not throw pixie dust on people's plants. Aliens did not shine some outer-space light on the plants advancing their growth by months or altering plant genetics to flower before the plants should. Nothing out of the ordinary has happened so there is no need to panic ..... everyone remain calm.

The problem is many people hold little plant knowledge and unfortunately they are taught by others who do not known any more than they do, though many believe they do, and they pass on all the half-facts and misinformation and myth and growing urban legend and the next thing you know people are all baffled and discombobulated over a 100% normal plant function that would do the exact very same thing 100% of the time if grown as plants 'believe' they are supposed to grow.

c cinco

my two clones are doing that right now as well i think its just because its a clone but they are still growing taller and stronger


Active Member
Brick Top did you look at the picture at the start of this thread? Those are not preflowers. That is a cola forming. I knew someone was going to get confused. In the post just above yours I tried to clarify. Some dude ninja said "i am in socal, just checked my outdoor girls and noticed some preflowering. weird :/" And I said- are they preflowers or colas forming like mine. And Grizz said preflowers are normal. And I agree, preflowers are fkin normal. But these are not-


Active Member
Autoflower strains will flower whenever they are ready. Sounds like you got a couple. Andddd...I've heard it's never too late to reveg. Just saw a thread where a plant was flowering for 8 weeks and revegged within thirty days!


Active Member
These are not autos, grown these twice before. But I take my clones from clones, and a few weeks into flower. Its happening on another plant now I got from a different grower. Ive grown this pheno out too before, not auto. We are talking white widow, super skunk, and now la confidential.


Well-Known Member
yea bro im betting that with the genetics gettn a bit screwy, and cloning while in flower they just never made the chemical change to re vegg. when i budded out my plant that was doing this it had twice the amount of bud of any plant iv grown.


Active Member
I think it musta been just the going from my 20 indoor days to 16 hours or so outdoor. Wouldnt have thought thatd happen but.... Only thing that makes sense


Active Member
Thats gotta be a myth tho, what does clones from clones do? Your just making a stem grow a root, why would it change. Makes more sense that the plant had a sudden change of photoperiod that triggered flowering. Took a week or two so the plants did get some vegging going, but thats normal. Kinda wierd that this one plant I still have out is still trying to do it. I put her on 24 hours light again by bringing in at night in a lit room. Then I decided to go like 19 hours light and put it on a timer so it wasnt on all night. She started flowering a little again. So now we back to 24.