My plants are dying, please help.

I think switching to coco is going to cause more problems. You know you need to feed and water way more frequently with coco and proper pH is a must?

Start by losing the miracle grow crap. Some chap on the interwebs says it's ok doesn't mean it is ideal. Sure you can use it and grow a plant but the end product won't be great. But you don't smoke so what's the point anyway..

All this advice is useless as no one even asked about your environment. First get the environment correct. That is the biggest factor of a successful grow. If you don't know what that is, that is the place to start learning.

Next like others stated get some good soil. Reusing soil fed with MG isn't what people are talking about when they are reusing and reamending soil. Throwing mg sulfate at the plant does nothing as you need a proper balance of Ca/Mg. Ca/mg issues are typically related to pH being off. Too much of 1 is going to cause problems.

Secure a proper growing environment
Get good soil
pH your inputs correctly
Find a successful grower to emulate
Smoke some weed ffs

If that sounds like too much work then just feed that sick plant you posted and just have fun. The main issues is starving the plant. A well rounded fertilizer will make life so much easier.
Can I ask why Dr. Bugabee is continually being referenced by you @MisterBlack ? I know who he is and fully respect his expertise on the subject, but from what I'm seeing you just need to get right back to basic growing techniques as a standard gardener. Diving in deep to what Bugabee says without the pre-requisite gardening knowledge is asking for a lot of trouble IMO. It would be like me taking in a new guitar student who hasn't learned basic open chord shapes and throwing Modes of the Major and Minor scales, drop 2 chords, and advanced harmonic theory at them.

Maybe start with Eu Claire de la Lune instead.


Good luck with your grow. Hope it works out.
I haven't read the entire thread.

If you want success in weed growing the first thing you have to do is keep it simple. Cannabis is the same as those beans kids grow at school. What you need to do is get a basic enriched soil mix, I believe Fox Farms is very popular. It will have enough nutrients to support a plant for about a month. Then get yourself a simple one part fertiliser, for a long time I used a product called Tomorite, a simple seaweed based plant food.

Learn how to water. When you pot them feel the dry weight of the pot, then water them in well, then feel the wet weight of the pot, aim to keep them halfway between the two weights.
I realize you did not read the entire thread, but I have no watering issues and I only used a one part fertilizer just as you said. That is all I ever did until they started looking sick, and only then did I add anything else.
Agree with these guys, keep it simple.. looks like overwater is your big issue to overcome. Lifting the pots to feel water weight is a good way to learn imo. Should feel significantly lighter before you want to water it.
No, the only time they were ever over watered is the one time I flushed them. No watering issues at all.
Agree with these guys, keep it simple.. looks like overwater is your big issue to overcome. Lifting the pots to feel water weight is a good way to learn imo. Should feel significantly lighter before you want to water it.
Never overwatered except the one time I flushed them. That flush was an attempt to help, not the cause.
I'd say ya got nute burn. You can check out YouTube ( some great examples that look like your plants) or just do query....." cannibis nute burn" , look under images.
Can I ask why Dr. Bugabee is continually being referenced by you @MisterBlack ? I know who he is and fully respect his expertise on the subject, but from what I'm seeing you just need to get right back to basic growing techniques as a standard gardener. Diving in deep to what Bugabee says without the pre-requisite gardening knowledge is asking for a lot of trouble IMO. It would be like me taking in a new guitar student who hasn't learned basic open chord shapes and throwing Modes of the Major and Minor scales, drop 2 chords, and advanced harmonic theory at them.

Maybe start with Eu Claire de la Lune instead.


Good luck with your grow. Hope it works out.
Referenced twice in an attempt to keep the trolls from criticizing the MG fert.
I have a simple analogy for you that I’ve had to learn over years - by fucking up a lot of grows and spending way too much of my money :-(

It’s very easy to “over-love” your plants. Even the best intentions can go awry if you create an imbalance of nutrients, or conditions that aren’t ideal. It’s easy to see someone else having success and want to copy what they do, because it’s simple human nature to imitate, copy, and “learn” from others. The thing that these videos and people don’t tell you is that they assume the viewer has a basic understanding of plant needs/horticulture practices or some experience. There are a bunch of other things being done that aren’t being discussed, because it’s assumed that it’s not necessary to clarify them. Growing your own plants without prior research, is like walking into a lecture hall on exam day to take the test, after not studying. Sure you can copy the homework of the dude next to you, but then you won’t actually understand what’s going on come test time.

It’s important to understand the basics, and “learn to crawl and then walk, before trying to flat out sprint”. Your process wasn’t well documented, and it’s nearly impossible for users to guess exactly what you did, and how to go about remedying the multitude of issues. The best advice has already been given : “do your homework” and get ready to attempt this again, more prepared and more ready. It would be easier and more beneficial for you to begin anew, than it would be for you to fix this grow and get a harvest that will satisfy you. Goodluck dude, and don’t sweat it. We all make mistakes and have to learn from them. You’ll get this eventually. Keep it simple to start, and add more stuff later, once you’ve got your method fine-tuned and dialed in. If not, you’ll just overcomplicate things. Ask me how I know, lol.
I think switching to coco is going to cause more problems. You know you need to feed and water way more frequently with coco and proper pH is a must?

Start by losing the miracle grow crap. Some chap on the interwebs says it's ok doesn't mean it is ideal. Sure you can use it and grow a plant but the end product won't be great. But you don't smoke so what's the point anyway..

All this advice is useless as no one even asked about your environment. First get the environment correct. That is the biggest factor of a successful grow. If you don't know what that is, that is the place to start learning.

Next like others stated get some good soil. Reusing soil fed with MG isn't what people are talking about when they are reusing and reamending soil. Throwing mg sulfate at the plant does nothing as you need a proper balance of Ca/Mg. Ca/mg issues are typically related to pH being off. Too much of 1 is going to cause problems.

Secure a proper growing environment
Get good soil
pH your inputs correctly
Find a successful grower to emulate
Smoke some weed ffs

If that sounds like too much work then just feed that sick plant you posted and just have fun. The main issues is starving the plant. A well rounded fertilizer will make life so much easier.
Not disagreeing with you, but I have grown lots of great plants and I am just having an issue with this grow. Dozens of plants with no issues until now. Hundreds if you count my vegetable garden, also grown in the same pots and same soil. But it's likely a soil issue. Will see what happens with the coco. My buddy grows in it and I know how he does it, but I preferred soil until now. Going to check the pH of the city water later to see if it changed. Also someone mentioned making a slurry of the old soil to check the disolved solids and / or pH, but did not say how to do it to get accurate results. IDN. I don't like smoking it, I make extractions and use it for sleep / pain but give a lot of it away.
I have a simple analogy for you that I’ve had to learn over years - by fucking up a lot of grows and spending way too much of my money :-(

It’s very easy to “over-love” your plants. Even the best intentions can go awry if you create an imbalance of nutrients, or conditions that aren’t ideal. It’s easy to see someone else having success and want to copy what they do, because it’s simple human nature to imitate, copy, and “learn” from others. The thing that these videos and people don’t tell you is that they assume the viewer has a basic understanding of plant needs/horticulture practices or some experience. There are a bunch of other things being done that aren’t being discussed, because it’s assumed that it’s not necessary to clarify them. Growing your own plants without prior research, is like walking into a lecture hall on exam day to take the test, after not studying. Sure you can copy the homework of the dude next to you, but then you won’t actually understand what’s going on come test time.

It’s important to understand the basics, and “learn to crawl and then walk, before trying to flat out sprint”. Your process wasn’t well documented, and it’s nearly impossible for users to guess exactly what you did, and how to go about remedying the multitude of issues. The best advice has already been given : “do your homework” and get ready to attempt this again, more prepared and more ready. It would be easier and more beneficial for you to begin anew, than it would be for you to fix this grow and get a harvest that will satisfy you. Goodluck dude, and don’t sweat it. We all make mistakes and have to learn from them. You’ll get this eventually. Keep it simple to start, and add more stuff later, once you’ve got your method fine-tuned and dialed in. If not, you’ll just overcomplicate things. Ask me how I know, lol.
Thank you. And I still have nightmares about going for exams without having studied. I always studied, so I don't know why.
I still have those dreams too, and I’m almost 40 ! Keep your chin up and just keep reading. I have been devouring old threads here for months and have picked up a lot of good FREE info. I just made the big jump to organic amendments after using synthetics for years, and am currently working through the first project with that style. There are many ways to skin a cat, as they say - so find out which methods appeal to you for whatever reason, whether it’s : cost, simplicity, limited materials/fertilizers. Consider the amount of space you have, your end goals, and put together a plan of action. Post in the grow room setup forum and have someone experienced take a look at everything, and see if you have any issues up front. Proper planning prevents piss poor pWEED :-)
Referenced twice in an attempt to keep the trolls from criticizing the MG fert.

Criticizing MG does not make one a troll. MG is cheap radioactive garbage fertilizer geared towards people who hobby grow flowers and vegetables. You are growing cannabis to be taken into the lungs which makes inputs far more critical. The digestive system can process things, lungs just absorb things.

A bottle of Botanicare is cheap and mostly organic, made with pharmaceutical ingredients. I only mention Botanicare as you can grow tops shelf cannabis using just grow and bloom with proper pH and promix or the like. It does not get easier than that to grow clean safe flowers.
I agree, it's just that I hardly gave them any.

Same thing has happened to me ( and I'm super cautious with the nutrients ! ) . My plants turned from beautiful into a f'ing mess , looked like your crop.Luckily I was in veg mode. I stayed in veg mode much longer than normal until symptoms disappeared ( luckily).Lost many leaves on lower sections , however as plant grew the upper section, where buds would form flourished . That's when I went to flowering. I got lucky ! Must be burn wasn't bad enough to kill them. I swear I went very light with nutes.....maybe I was stoned out of my mind and fucked up....very possible. That's a fing heart breaker when your plants " shit the bed " . So sorry stoner dude , don't let it discourage you. We all have had bad experiences over the years, ya just gotta crack on. Growing dope is much like all hobbies/passions.....things can go " sideways".
I agree, it's just that I hardly gave them any.
Remember all that re-used soil, guess what it was full of?

For anyone interested, I repotted in the coco and pearlite my friend uses. The roots looked ok to me. I did not send the soil for analysis, but it looks, feels and smells fine. It was loose and airy and moist. no compaction, no obvious salts build up. I guess I will see if it recovers in the coco. I don't really care too much about any of these plants per se, as I have more than I could ever use and I give it away. In fact my friend tried to make me bring more home tonight, but I want to know what is wrong in my grow room so they will be healthy. I do have some plants I want to grow from seed and I want this problem identified and resolved before I start them.

There's part of your problem you think you can see built up salts. You need to check your assumptions at the door and listen to the plants and keep everything as simple as you can. The one plant I looked at was badly burnt.

Now that you're in coco you must pH your nutrients religiously, you want your reservoir at 5.8-6.3 and allow for that swing. You need to make sure your plants do not stand in water. I see you have a fabric pot in a 5 gallon bucket that will hold the standing water and is a very quick and efficient way to kill plants.

You don't seem very open to assistance. I still wish you well finishing your grow. Luckily cannabis is a weed and can take a ton of abuse. So if you simplify before trying advanced advanced concepts it might work out. All the best.
Criticizing MG does not make one a troll. MG is cheap radioactive garbage fertilizer geared towards people who hobby grow flowers and vegetables. You are growing cannabis to be taken into the lungs which makes inputs far more critical. The digestive system can process things, lungs just absorb things.

A bottle of Botanicare is cheap and mostly organic, made with pharmaceutical ingredients. I only mention Botanicare as you can grow tops shelf cannabis using just grow and bloom with proper pH and promix or the like. It does not get easier than that to grow clean safe flowers.
It makes them trolls if they use it to distract from the issue at hand. I have grown a lot of great plants with MG, and only now am experiencing an issue, so there is no reason to blame the quality of MG except to troll. Trolls also post irrelevant pictures and make claims and assumptions that are incorrect. Just trying to nip them in the bud. As mentioned, I have grown a lot of great plants and until now have not had any major issues, so implying that it's my first grow or that I have no knowledge or that I am following a youtuber or copying some else is just another troll distraction. I spend more time defending myself here than anything else. There have been people with good intentions but most don't read what I write or don't comprehend it. It's not productive and frankly it is frustrating having to repeat myself. One person basically accused me of lying. Why would I do that?
Same thing has happened to me ( and I'm super cautious with the nutrients ! ) . My plants turned from beautiful into a f'ing mess , looked like your crop.Luckily I was in veg mode. I stayed in veg mode much longer than normal until symptoms disappeared ( luckily).Lost many leaves on lower sections , however as plant grew the upper section, where buds would form flourished . That's when I went to flowering. I got lucky ! Must be burn wasn't bad enough to kill them. I swear I went very light with nutes.....maybe I was stoned out of my mind and fucked up....very possible. That's a fing heart breaker when your plants " shit the bed " . So sorry stoner dude , don't let it discourage you. We all have had bad experiences over the years, ya just gotta crack on. Growing dope is much like all hobbies/passions.....things can go " sideways".
Yeah, I think somehow I burned them, but my fertilizing was pretty light (unless I screwwed up without realizing it), and I am considering that there might be build up in the soil from previous grows. I used more fert on my outside plants and maybe there was a lot in the soil when I reused it inside this time. I didn't really do anything different this time that I can think of. I will probably just start with new soil. I don't know what else it could be but something in the soil. Thank you for your positive and supportive post, I appreciate it.
Well you asked for advice and are the one needing help. If you have grown so many plants and have such experience fix the problem yourself. I tried. Best of luck for your grow and Happy Holidays!!
I asked for advice but not for people to make things up or say that I said something that I did not or post pictures of someone else's plants or just be douchy.