My plant is stuck at about 6" after a month :(


Well-Known Member
you are? try living where i do where i have helicopters flying over my building every hour. and cops across the street at dunkin donuts all day, no joke.

but really, even at 250w i wouldnt worry at all. the heat sig that those lights can give off is nothing that would look out of the ordinary. read up on infared cameras and how they "see" and youll feel better.

and i forget the exact math but i think its about lumens per sq ft of growing space. not so much per plant. search around youll find some info on it easy.
I read a few articles on the infrared, I'm still paranoid =|
And we do have a heli here, it's flat black with a big ass gold star on it. And it's always buzzing around....I hate that fucking thing!


Well-Known Member
Is your fear of the cops starving your plant of fresh air as well? make sure you get a fan on it.
No, I keep a fan on it at all times.
And I take it outside a coupledays per week and let it get some real sun. It was outside all day today in the sun.

home grown 420

Active Member
I read a few articles on the infrared, I'm still paranoid =|
And we do have a heli here, it's flat black with a big ass gold star on it. And it's always buzzing around....I hate that fucking thing!
ok well let me ask again. what kind of setup do you have? is it in a closet? a cab? or what?


Well-Known Member
sounds to me like your fucking about with the plants too much , stop moving them , use proper light patterns , and fuck the police , they cant bust you with infrared using cfls , a computer would be hotter than an entire room of cfls. plus if your only got a few plants you should be fine ..


Well-Known Member
ok well let me ask again. what kind of setup do you have? is it in a closet? a cab? or what?
It's in an old marbled walled bathroom shower.
12 - 23w daylight CFL's
Fan blows lightly on the plants at all times.
18hours of light a day
Sometimes I take them out for real sunshine too


harvest time

Well-Known Member
Ok listen. You need to stop worrying and start listening. First off, no offence, but are you retarded? Your sitting here saying how worried you are about the cops, and you leave your plant outside a couple days of the week? Not to be mean... But also, keep everything consistant! Do not touch the pots the plants are in, don't move the plants. Water consistantly, feed consistantly, keep lights between 2-4" away. Your not going to get caught unless you put a sign in your yard saying "I grow weed in my bathroom!!!"
.... honestly, a few lights for 2 plants? Sheeesh... Goodluck with the grow, its more indica ...dont worry about height, give it some booster nutes.

home grown 420

Active Member
ok yeah, basically what harvest time said.....stop worrying so much, your plants can sense this shit.

and i was wondering myself....why the hell would you leave your plants outside when your so worried about cops? this doesnt quite make sense to me.

and you shouldnt be putting your plants outside and bringing them inside constantly. this can cause big problems like pests and other things. its either outdoors or indoors. growing seedlings inside to bring them outdoors for the rest of the cycle is fine but you shouldnt be bringing them in and out everyday.


Well-Known Member
bro u think u have heli... flying around, lol u aint got nothing.
we got 4 diiff helis around everyday damn near none stoped since we moved here. we got hps lights t5light. they need a warant to use infared anyways.
dont sweat it.
what kind of cfls do u have 6400k or what . also the lights should be about 4-8 inches away.
aslo the plats look a little droopy how much do u water them? & do u even check your ph?

u need to have your basic but necessary equipment to grow anything half ass right. home depot had soil ph meters


Well-Known Member
then stop fucking about with it!!!

also , serves your asses right for putting up with such a shit ass government with such ridiculous laws on drugs!!

did you know that there are more people behind bars for drugs in the usa , than there are for all crimes , in japan , germany , france and england!!......or somthing...


Active Member

First thoughts that came to my mind were:

It was topped
Lights close

too much water...thats what I did wrong alot at first...I mean the top of the soil looks like a desert, but under there its still holding moisture..I wasn't sticking my finger in deep enough (dont say it!)

Let the soil dry out tad, make em fret and shoot out some more roots


Well-Known Member
yea i hate heli. but hell i have more murders or shootings than grow/drug bust around me lol
but laws will change soon in the u.s so keep hope
but yea man i had sum lil bushes like that
they had the same similarities but i put mine under ferther light an they streched out
but like m.dew said u do look like your over watering
my first lady was in dirt (that was transplanted from a friends back yard)we watered mayb 2 to 3 time a week depending on heat an hum. an plant cunsumption
bigger plants more water
(but due to its time out side i got it round 2to3 feet tall an indoors it grew to bout 6 plus feet bout 3weeks when she was flowring the plant was stolen my first lady lol)


Well-Known Member
Guys the backyard is safe, nobody can see the back yard. It's the power company and infrared that bugs me. I keep thinking of that movie eraser with Arnold and the guns that can see through your walls :(

Yea I know, that's retarded..

And no I don't check the PH. I bought a PH meter from Kmart a few days ago but I don't think it worked, It said the soil was at like 7. But then I tried the tap water and it was also at "7". So then dish soap and coffee was also at 7. I took the thing back, I don't think ti was working =|


Well-Known Member
yea brah stay on top of your ph that can tell u alot an in dirt right now the easy way to tell if u need to water is by picking up your pot time to time to see how heavy it is i read on a post some where on here(website)


Vote 4 me 4 Prez in 2012
Guys the backyard is safe, nobody can see the back yard. It's the power company and infrared that bugs me. I keep thinking of that movie eraser with Arnold and the guns that can see through your walls :(

Yea I know, that's retarded..

And no I don't check the PH. I bought a PH meter from Kmart a few days ago but I don't think it worked, It said the soil was at like 7. But then I tried the tap water and it was also at "7". So then dish soap and coffee was also at 7. I took the thing back, I don't think ti was working =|
No, not retarded...just uneducated, but that is why you are here. Don't worry about them seeing through your walls...that is like worrying about death...once it is done there is nothing you can do anyway(and they cannot see through your walls...that is satellite technology :-) ).
Over watering is probably your biggest worry...more so than cops...
Your light company will not report you. When you start hooking up 3 1000 watt lights, etc...then worry a little.
You are fine with the lights.
Check your temp and keep it 70 to 79 if you can.
You can move your plants safely but less is better.
Fan good.
If you are giving a dark period, remember that it is a dark period...period.
Taller doesn't necessarily mean more bud...bushy is definitely good though.
I think you will get the hang of it...
Good luck!


Well-Known Member
yea brah stay on top of your ph that can tell u alot an in dirt right now the easy way to tell if u need to water is by picking up your pot time to time to see how heavy it is i read on a post some where on here(website)
They are planted in some heavy ass clay pots. I know I know, but that's all I had at the time >.<

No, not retarded...just uneducated, but that is why you are here. Don't worry about them seeing through your walls...that is like worrying about death...once it is done there is nothing you can do anyway(and they cannot see through your walls...that is satellite technology :-) ).
Over watering is probably your biggest worry...more so than cops...
Your light company will not report you. When you start hooking up 3 1000 watt lights, etc...then worry a little.
You are fine with the lights.
Check your temp and keep it 70 to 79 if you can.
You can move your plants safely but less is better.
Fan good.
If you are giving a dark period, remember that it is a dark period...period.
Taller doesn't necessarily mean more bud...bushy is definitely good though.
I think you will get the hang of it...
Good luck!
I need to get a temp gauge and a new PH gauge.

Here is a picture of the little guy too, I topped it off like 5 days ago and now it's growing 4 new sprouts =D