My Outdoor Garden-2010


Hey VG, decided to ask more question here so the whole forum gets the benefit of your knowledge. In post #117 you talk about bacteria breaking down elements into useable form for plants. What do you know about the different water treatments municipal use to treat water and how this might effect bacteria. For example, I know that municipals used to use chlorine, which will evaporate if you leave the water out, but now they use something else like chlormimine, which doesn't dissipate.... wouldn't these treatments kill any good bacteria one would want for fixing nutrients in a useable form for plants. What do you use for water...right from the hose maybe? And do you treat your water in any way i.e.; PH up down?


Ha...... my moms a librarian as well. Whats your latest read? I just finished Zorba the Greek.... excellent book!! Way more going on in that book then a casual reader might think. Age old debates on mans intellectual mind conflicting with his primordial spirit. I really loved the way Kazantzakis used so much sybolism to pull the reader into looking at their own life and how one chooses to live.... in the moment, experiencing all life has to offer, allowing us to truely trust in our "spiritual selves" and how our mind and intellect often want to take over and make "sense" of this life we live. If you havent read it give it a go.


Well-Known Member
Ha...... my moms a librarian as well. Whats your latest read? I just finished Zorba the Greek.... excellent book!! Way more going on in that book then a casual reader might think. Age old debates on mans intellectual mind conflicting with his primordial spirit. I really loved the way Kazantzakis used so much sybolism to pull the reader into looking at their own life and how one chooses to live.... in the moment, experiencing all life has to offer, allowing us to truely trust in our "spiritual selves" and how our mind and intellect often want to take over and make "sense" of this life we live. If you havent read it give it a go.
I'll check it out!

I'm currently rereading the "Black Company" series by Glen Cook. High quality fantasy. Ten volumes. Forrest Gump and its sequel are on the agenda, as well.

My water is from a small municipal system. I can smell the chlorine when they treat the water. I've never had a problem with it.

I add Cytozyme products to my feedings. These stimulate bacterial activity.

If you can, mulch HEAVILY. Some years I put a foot of compost around my plants, throughout the garden. This keeps soil cool, which will help your heat problems, quite a bit.

If you don't have them naturally add a couple cups of red worms sold for bait.

Don't spread them out, but dump them in one spot. The encourages them to multiply. Spread thinly, they often die of old age, virgins. Cover them with compost. Feed coffee grounds for REALLY busy worms!


Well-Known Member
I use it instead of the round cages. The chain link cage is basically a gianT scrog. The "roof" is also 6" x 6" mesh as well. I run heavy twine at about four feet to insure no rain storms break the plants.

The more support the better, but look ahead to the size the plant WILL be at about the beginning of flowering.

In a few days I'll be putting up the remesh in my greenhouses. I'll try to take pix, showing my technique and what is required.


Well-Known Member
Morning VG..

I noticed you posted to doublejj's "Carport Greenhouse 2010" grow about using 6x6 remesh 4 foot off the ground.. Do you do this in addition to the round cages he was putting around his plants or instead of the round cages like a scrog?

Thanks for your sharing..


I use it instead of the round cages. The chain link cage is basically a gianr scrog. The "roof" is 6" x 6" mesh as well. I run heavy twine at about four feet, in a loose grid to insure no rain storms break the plants.

The more support the better, but look ahead to the size the plant WILL be at about the beginning of flowering.

In a few days I'll be putting up the remesh in my greenhouses. I'll try to take pix, showing my technique and what is required.


Well-Known Member
This is all good stuff VG, thanks for sharing!

Yeah, I want to see some pic's of the remesh. Did you see mine? I'm gonna put a remesh top on them.

Good luck bro


VG.... Looking forward to your remesh pics. As you know I dont have a green house and a few of my bushy girls are beginning to reach 4 feet. Am I understanding this process correctly... I can now set some Tbars in the ground around my grow and fit this remesh to each post, above my plants? I understand how the highest top will obviously grow through the remesh.... but what about the other lower pranches of the plant that are growing in more of an out will they reach UP to get into the remesh?? really interested in seeing how you accomplish this.


Well-Known Member

I know this will devastate you, but unless you really screw up, yor plants will be ten feet tall, and the tips of those lower branches will be above your head.

The four foot height won't be enough to keep the kholas off the ground after a big rain storm.

My cage in the picture below is about seven feet high, and I use EXTREME LST and Supercropping to keep the plants under nine feet.

Don't underestimate the power of the California sun.

I think some of my plants grew three inches today...

Here are a few pix showing how the remesh works in a greenhouse. Pix from '09.

.View attachment 966390View attachment 966393View attachment 966395View attachment 966398


Well-Known Member
I guess they average over a pound.

Occasionally I'll weigh out an exceptional specimen. The largest was a single plant, last fall that went 2kg. I tend to crowd things since I had a very large plant turn hermie on me after showing female in the spring. It was a monster and left a gaping hole in the cage in a year when there were only four plants in it. The other three produced extravagantly, but I never weighed their yield. At the time I guesstimated eight pounds, and nothing ever made me think of changing it.


Well-Known Member
I guess they average over a pound.

Occasionally I'll weigh out an exceptional specimen. The largest was a single plant, last fall that went 2kg. I tend to crowd things since I had a very large plant turn hermie on me after showing female in the spring. It was a monster and left a gaping hole in the cage in a year when there were only four plants in it. The other three produced extravagantly, but I never weighed their yield. At the time I guesstimated eight pounds, and nothing ever made me think of changing it.

That just makes my head spin! I can't wrap my brain around an 8 pound harvest. You are correct don't underestimate Cali sun.


Active Member
Thanks for the info on your screens.. Wow.. "struggling to keep them under 9 feet" sounds like a good problem to

Would you be interested in sharing your "EXTREME LST and Supercropping" methods? I understand the basics yet everyone seems to have little differences; 3 head, serpentine, 4 node, 5th node, pinching, wiring, cutting... etc.. makes my head spin..



BTW if you give your worms coffee to keep them busy do you give them larf at the end of the day to mellow them out? lol...