My Outdoor Garden-2010


I don't know anything about growing ganja and I'm new to the site, but you sure as hell seem to know what you're doing. Can't wait to see what you pull in this year! (btw, are your neighbors far from you? I'm just curious on how they don't notice your grow lolol) on' lov', cass


Well-Known Member
My neighbors are mostly retired law enforcement officers.

They all know I grow. They are aware we are legal under Prop. 215.

It has proven to be a pretty good situation, for the last decade.


Well-Known Member
I couldn't get my shots uploaded last night.

I'll try again.

Most of the pictured plants are baking seeds. Some shots reveal orange tags hanging from pollinated branches.

TW = Trainwreck
BB = Bubbleberry
WW = White Widow
MCR = Magic Carpet Ride(A pure Afghani derived from seeds collected in the '60s. Very potent and flavorful.)


Well-Known Member

Lovin the cat pictures! My cat is too anti-botany to be allowed near my plants. Dog helps out though
Glad you like the pix! We have four cats, at the moment.

Fuzzy(the blackish one) is eight years old and my best friend.

Peaches(the calico) is nine.

Squeekers(the fat one) is eleven, and was born in our closet.

Sylvester(siamese) is thirteen, and feeling his age. He's truly a civilized cat. Dogs don't enjoy coming in our yard when he's outside.


Active Member
I went to your thread to look at your set up, but don't want to wade through all of it, tonight.

Sorry to hear of your troubles.

A sexed plant with at least six leaf pairs, a foot tall is worth $25 where I live.

Hell, newly sprouted seedlings in peat pots bring $5+.

A plant two feet tall and sexed will bring $100 in May.

Regarding "hardening off" a description of your lights, etc. would help.

"Sunburn" occurs when a plant is started in weak lighting conditions and then moved into strong sunlight.

I move my plants into a greenhouse very young(read back in this thread). The light is bright in the greenhouse, and acts as a mid step in the hardening off process.

Put your babies under a tree where they'll get direct sunlight early and late and shaded from about 9AM to 4PM. Or get a greenhouse.

I hope things are going better for you.(And quit doing shit that gets you in trouble! Being a Grandfather forces me to say that shit.)

i completely agree with that method, as it heats up in the day u don't want ur plants getting burnt! I did this, but by accident D: and my plant is coming healthy:)


Active Member
awww man veggie gardener definitely liking all the shots....I like ur flower pics. orchids perrenials, natives? the herb looks lovely too. I do believe we got some growing beliefs in common......def gonna stay posted on ur garden....i wish I could do all that legal weed too. alas i cant and am stuck with keeping everything in check for the time being....I am a few weeks frrom a harvest so i have a great idea of the neighborhood im working in....I think i know I can go a bit bigger with my plants...jus gotta get creative with my stealth. smell will never be a problem as weed has generally wafted outta my yard 3 times a day for over 2 years. when neighbors come to fence line i still at least put the blunt down. I dont flaunt but nor do I hide who I am.....


Well-Known Member
Hey Veggie Gardener.... on the first page of this link, picture #4, what strain is that?
That pic is labeled "Group Shot", if I have the right one.

In front is a cross of Super Silver Haze x New York City Diesel.

Right rear is Herijuana.

In the upper left corner is a single bud visible of Purple Power x Arjan's Haze.

That shot is from '09.


Well-Known Member
awww man veggie gardener definitely liking all the shots....I like ur flower pics. orchids perrenials, natives? the herb looks lovely too. I do believe we got some growing beliefs in common......def gonna stay posted on ur garden....i wish I could do all that legal weed too. alas i cant and am stuck with keeping everything in check for the time being....I am a few weeks frrom a harvest so i have a great idea of the neighborhood im working in....I think i know I can go a bit bigger with my plants...jus gotta get creative with my stealth. smell will never be a problem as weed has generally wafted outta my yard 3 times a day for over 2 years. when neighbors come to fence line i still at least put the blunt down. I dont flaunt but nor do I hide who I am.....
Thanks for stopping by!

A large vegetable garden can hide a lot of weed, with a little forethought.


Well-Known Member
vaggie if your plants are outdoors why havent they started to revert back to veg???
Nearly all the plants have started revegging.

I cut most of the buds off, yesterday.

Because most are seeded, the buds are in paper bags and will hang for about a month.

Then I'll clean the buds for seeds. The cleaned bud will go into making kif, hash and edibles. Once they begin revegging, the resulting smokable is inferior to my regular stash.


Well-Known Member
how can you tell? as you know i sexed my plants and right now their outdoors they all have white hairs on them so should i pinch all the white hairs of each plant or would it know to revert by itself