My new set up!


Well-Known Member
Ok, It hasn't been a week yet and the babies are ready to be transplanted....but my damn pots have not arrived

Another small problem, I went in too hard with miracle grow fertilizer and got some brown edges on a few of my leaves and had to flush my plants with lots of H2O. Thank god this weed is resilent , I NEED THOSE POTS LIKE YESTERDAY!!!!

Another adjustment will be to use less perilite when I get my new pots...The draining helps if you over fertilize but I am having to water every day now... Maybe I will invest in one of those auto drip watering systems before my vacation comes up..... Any advice on my perilte to soil ratio???? I used 40/60 perilite/soil.



Well-Known Member
what soil are you using? if its a MG soil you shouldnt need to fertilize for another month especially once you transplant. My advice. dont add any extra fertilizers until they are about a week into flower thenstart on the bloom nutrients.

as far as the ratio goes i woould keep it the same. Once they get into bigger pots you wont have to water every day and Mj loves to dry out because it allows good O2 to get to the roots. if your concerned with them drying out over vacation there are cheaper DIY ways to setup a drip system.

A 5 gallon bucket with a hole in the bottom and some 1/2 inch aquariem tubing will work good, just take a pin and put holes in the tubing in the appropriate spots, gravity will do the rest, just make sure you put the bucket up on a table or stand so it sits higher than the tubing.


Well-Known Member
Ok, It hasn't been a week yet and the babies are ready to be transplanted....but my damn pots have not arrived

Another small problem, I went in too hard with miracle grow fertilizer and got some brown edges on a few of my leaves and had to flush my plants with lots of H2O. Thank god this weed is resilent , I NEED THOSE POTS LIKE YESTERDAY!!!!

Another adjustment will be to use less perilite when I get my new pots...The draining helps if you over fertilize but I am having to water every day now... Maybe I will invest in one of those auto drip watering systems before my vacation comes up..... Any advice on my perilte to soil ratio???? I used 40/60 perilite/soil.
i take a red 18 oz cup and put 4 cups soil to 1 cup of perlite.. idk what the ratio is but i do that..


Well-Known Member
what soil are you using? if its a MG soil you shouldnt need to fertilize for another month especially once you transplant. My advice. dont add any extra fertilizers until they are about a week into flower thenstart on the bloom nutrients.

as far as the ratio goes i woould keep it the same. Once they get into bigger pots you wont have to water every day and Mj loves to dry out because it allows good O2 to get to the roots. if your concerned with them drying out over vacation there are cheaper DIY ways to setup a drip system.

A 5 gallon bucket with a hole in the bottom and some 1/2 inch aquariem tubing will work good, just take a pin and put holes in the tubing in the appropriate spots, gravity will do the rest, just make sure you put the bucket up on a table or stand so it sits higher than the tubing.
Yeah, you are right the the plants seem to love the air to the roots and a growing super fast. Plus when I over ferted it was helluva easy to leach the soil. I will watch the nutes.

On a side not I do remember a person on here saying that MG soil was good for a couple of weeks then you needed nutes. I will research that.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you are right the the plants seem to love the air to the roots and a growing super fast. Plus when I over ferted it was helluva easy to leach the soil. I will watch the nutes.

On a side not I do remember a person on here saying that MG soil was good for a couple of weeks then you needed nutes. I will research that.
months, not weeks.


Well-Known Member
Ok...My pots arrived...They fit perfectly in my garden.

The sad part about the day is that I had to garbage disposal 2 inferior plants... Had a shot of rum to there skunky departure as the were ground up!\

My 60/40 soil/perilte mix has produced outstanding roots.

I will continue the veg until they reach about 12 inches , then clone 2 cutltlings per plant . I figure that 3 will be male and I will see the best plants to clone like this and have harvestable bud every month.

My second tent is on the way as well as an upgraded fan to help with a veg tent and an carbon filter....

Dudes I am soooooo fucking excited even though I am about 80 days away from a harvest!!!



Well-Known Member
what soil are you using? if its a MG soil you shouldnt need to fertilize for another month especially once you transplant. My advice. dont add any extra fertilizers until they are about a week into flower thenstart on the bloom nutrients.

as far as the ratio goes i woould keep it the same. Once they get into bigger pots you wont have to water every day and Mj loves to dry out because it allows good O2 to get to the roots. if your concerned with them drying out over vacation there are cheaper DIY ways to setup a drip system.

A 5 gallon bucket with a hole in the bottom and some 1/2 inch aquariem tubing will work good, just take a pin and put holes in the tubing in the appropriate spots, gravity will do the rest, just make sure you put the bucket up on a table or stand so it sits higher than the tubing.

Hey is there a thread about auto water ...I am a month away from my vacay but like to have things lined up.


Well-Known Member
dont know of one off the top of my head but just transplant them into some nice big pots and water them really good before you leave. they should be fine, some of my plants dont get watered but every 7-10 days


Well-Known Member
dont know of one off the top of my head but just transplant them into some nice big pots and water them really good before you leave. they should be fine, some of my plants dont get watered but every 7-10 days
Yeah, they are transferred into some cool airy pots ...the pics are on here.


Well-Known Member
Well this has been a succesful 2 weeks.... Right now I am waiting on delivery of my veg tent so I can start assembly of that as well.


Active Member
U keep letting yer cat in there...ONE HUNDRED read 100% you gonna get spider mites AND aphids AND it will never stop..........really have fun with that.

doby mick

Active Member
I agree 100% with what rich says about the mites have had issues with the wife bringing her Pussy into my grow room, it was only when i told her that i like less furry, now no issues with any sort of pest


Active Member
Looks decent, good luck with your grow. I agree on the pet's in the grow room issue.. they simply don't belong there. The property owner where my grow is was letting his cat into the garden until I found cat shit in a couple of my buckets and one sprout tossed on the ground. Told him if the cat EVER got into my garden again I'd kill it.... same goes for his dog. Now the pet's are OUT of my garden for ever.



Active Member
Looks decent, good luck with your grow. I agree on the pet's in the grow room issue.. they simply don't belong there. The property owner where my grow is was letting his cat into the garden until I found cat shit in a couple of my buckets and one sprout tossed on the ground. Told him if the cat EVER got into my garden again I'd kill it.... same goes for his dog. Now the pet's are OUT of my garden for ever.

I would have put saddles on them and rode them around. Or attach them to carts and work them like donkeys. Death to kitty seems extreme. Forced labor always works.