Well-Known Member
Bub. Hey bub. Lmao

Bub. Hey bub. Lmao
Buddy everything I have I have because I started working on a farm when I turned 12. Started doing concrete construction at 15 and have been doing it ever since. I can assure you that I work longer and harder in 1 day than you do in a week. Go grab a box of tissues and cry somewhere else dude. Man the hell up and stop complaining and blaming everyone else.As a roofer, carpenter, general mexican labor-doer (the one who does the shit work no one else likes to do and you probably have not done yourself because you're in a privileged position), I resent the statement that I am a "spoiled little rich girl". Spoiled and rich my ass. I've been working since i was fucking old enough to. You shut the fuck up. And if i could get a girlfriend i'd have one by now. Girls just flip the L on their forehead at me or assume I have a small dick or say I'm ugly and shit. Why the fuck do you think I smoke weed you dusty old fossil. Because it's all about looks and i'm not good looking. You sound like a person who's really full of themselves and as such your perspective on crybaby millenials is both skewed and irrelevant. Fuck you dude.
"Buddy" i manned up a long time ago. Sadly manly behavior is not enough when it comes to sex or intrapersonal relationships. Bitches can't get past my height and my face. Again you sound like you assume you've had it harder than everyone else and you don't even know my story, but that's what everyone does is think their shit is the worst. I'll argue with you all night i don't give a fuck. I'm not ashamed of who I am and I don't apologize for shit.Buddy everything I have I have because I started working on a farm when I turned 12. Started doing concrete construction at 15 and have been doing it ever since. I can assure you that I work longer and harder in 1 day than you do in a week. Go grab a box of tissues and cry somewhere else dude. Man the hell up and stop complaining and blaming everyone else.
Well this took a dark turn.Thanks! I guess 27 is a "kid" yeah, if you're an old person
Idk about that, governor. You are correct about how I started it and I did put it out around the end of May, but there a lot of reasons I think you may be wrong. I want you to be wrong. I know better than to argue though. So let's assume for a minute it is. Is it fucking useless now as far as harvest goes? I don't give a fuck how much trimming I have to do. If it IS in fact re-vegging though, I take it i don't need to be giving it NPK until it flips back into flower for good. Assuming that's how it works. Fuck if i know.
If it's trash though i'm probably going to put a gun in my mouth. This plant is all I have to live for, because when you're 27, are the complete black sheep of the family, don't get laid, haven't finished college yet and are restrained to shit ass employment, blowing big blunts off an endless stash of homegrown and the occasional jerkoff session is really all you do have to live for. I don't think anyone will disagree with me here.
P.S. the small dick cocksucking Pigs got me for DWAI, fined me $900 and 6 month license revocation. Add this to list of reasons I will put a gun in my mouth. Unlike your friendly neighborhood law enforcement, I don't like dick in my mouth, I like blunts in my mouth. If I can't get a blunt in my mouth though for the next 6 months while I unfuck my life, unfortunately it will probably be a .45 i'm toking on.
Only have had a couple and yours doesn’t look bad at all. I know some monster growers that reveg on purpose.a "well known" member on
Well that's good then. I had given it one shot of NPK but if it's not going to continue flowering I guess i should stop and wait?
You don't have to tell me that. I still get shit on by people, usually grown men who get ass, and are just looking for someone to push around because they're fucking bitches and cowards and wanna look big in front of their girl. And I'll fight em. Tooth and nail. I get jacked around by them I just got jacked around by the police they manhandle me because i'm not a big guy. Probably they same reason i don't get bitches either. But i'm fucking 27 year olds and my fucking parents are gonna die then i'll have no one who loves me. I didn't get laid in college i just smoked and was alone and listened to people fuck next door. I dunno if i even wanna fucking go back to college and just deal with being left out of all that shit. Even tho i wanted to finish college so i don't have to do more of the same shit i've done which is every fucking shit scraping off the floor job in the book I don't give a fuck if boomers say i've never done a hard day's work they don't know JACK FUCKING SHIT about me. I just wanna fucking sink my cock into a pussy and fuck her to kingdom come. I'm a fucking angry person and i'm gonna be a violent person because i won't stand for the shit anymore. Bitches do not respect a guy who lets other guys shit on him and unfortunately when you don't take the shit anymore from people who are used to you taking it it gets violent. But good thoughts. I wish I was better looking bro. I think i'll go jerk off and think of all the girls who would just reject me or laugh at me and yeah i'm probably just gonna kill myself but maybe i'll wait until this thing harvests. May the force be with you too.Reality and the real world are tough.
Back to the matter at hand. Thanks yeah it doesn't look too bad if i do say so myself. So what can i expect. The pre-flowering budlets will stop for awhile and then come back later in fall? And something about a monster crop? Yea idc if i have to sit there for a week just trimming i'm not letting any of it go to waste. I need to smoke weed or else i make very bad decisions usually motivated by anger and desire to make people who make me suffer equally suffer. I also self medicate bipolar with weed. I will never ingest another big pharma pill in this lifetime.Only have had a couple and yours doesn’t look bad at all. I know some monster growers that reveg on purpose.
Relax man, your life is what YOU make it. I apologize for the harsh words my dude I got heated and I mean you no disrespect. We have all struggled my friend when I was your age I was hopelessly addicted to drugs and booze with no possibility of escape… or so I thought. That plant is gonna yield bro just be patient.You don't have to tell me that. I still get shit on by people, usually grown men who get ass, and are just looking for someone to push around because they're fucking bitches and cowards. And I'll fight em. Tooth and nail. I get jacked around by them I just got jacked around by the police they manhandle me because i'm not a big guy. Probably they same reason i don't get bitches either. But i'm fucking 27 year olds and my fucking parents are gonna die then i'll have no one who loves me. I didn't get laid in college i just smoked and was alone and listened to people fuck next door. I dunno if i even wanna fucking go back to college and just deal with being left out of all that shit. Even tho i wanted to finish college so i don't have to do more of the same shit i've done which is every fucking shit scraping off the floor job in the book I don't give a fuck if boomers say i've never done a hard day's work they don't know JACK FUCKING SHIT about me. I just wanna fucking sink my cock into a pussy and fuck her to kingdom come. I'm a fucking angry person and i'm gonna be a violent person because i won't stand for the shit anymore. Bitches do not respect a guy who lets other guys shit on him and unfortunately when you don't take the shit anymore from people who are used to you taking it it gets violent. But good thoughts. I wish I was better looking bro. I think i'll go jerk off and think of all the girls who would just reject me or laugh at me and yeah i'm probably just gonna kill myself but maybe i'll wait until this thing harvests. May the force be with you too.
However, you probably got laid, and since the age of 17. That's one area of my life I will never forgive myself for. I smoke because it's a demon in my mind whenever i see a hot young thing with a guy holding hands and feeling that sad soul sucking feeling of how fucking alone I am and how many of these hoes would never even give me a chance. And even if and when i finally ever get to that point, having to explain to her why i am almost 30 and have had less sex than a 17 year old. Heaven forbid i drank. I don't drink. It would make it all worse.We have all struggled my friend when I was your age I was hopelessly addicted to drugs and booze with no possibility of escape
Gettin laid isn’t everything bro, baby steps. Move up here,I can get you a job tomorrow. Hardest work you can do but our laborers start at $30/hrHowever, you probably got laid, and since the age of 17. That's one area of my life I will never forgive myself for. I smoke because it's a demon in my mind whenever i see a hot young thing with a guy holding hands and feeling that sad soul sucking feeling of how fucking alone I am and how many of these hoes would never even give me a chance. Heaven forbid i drank. I don't drink. It would make it all worse.
Actually repressed sexuality is at the root of all my problems. 0 affection, all work, no play, testosterone with nowhere to go, except of course the solo route, which is a shit substitute.
This is getting weird dudeBut what the fuck am i talking about, i have a 6.25 inch cock, girls don't want a 6.25 inch cock. Guys and girls alike, younger than me, make the small dick or loser sign at me when they pass me on the highway, giggling to themselves in glee of how clever they think they are. You see, every single one of these guys has at least an 8 inch cock. Females these days accept nothing less.
Now i'm on my manic shit and i want to go out and fight someone or tell a girl i'd love to taste her pussy or something similar
I'm just responding to stimuli from the environment I find myself in. I want to get it hard as fuck and get a second opinion from a bitch on whether it's small or not. Either i have a micropenis or most people have no clue what the fuck they are talking about. If i'm too small then i will never get laid. Girls can have whatever dick size they want thanks to hookup apps. If she said it was too small though i would take great pride in calling her a cunt and completely verbally ripping her apart on every single insecurity she could possibly possess.This is getting weird dude
So do guys who sell weed (i hear), all i know is i've never met a girl who was one-on-one with a drug dealer at his place and didn't fuck himBartenders have good hours and get more ass than a toilet seat.
Thats def a misconception dude.So do guys who sell weed (i hear), all i know is i've never met a girl who was one-on-one with a drug dealer at his place and didn't fuck him