My marijuana plants are dying please help!


Well-Known Member
Did you PH?

Can you just detail your feeding process, how often, how much, what brand nutes, what additives, etc.

Lets make sure this doesn't happen again.


Well-Known Member
Okay. No you didn't say you were amazing. I sarcastically said 'aren't you amazing because of your 'look at me, I've not had any issues' post. People posting in a thread like this don't need to hear that, they've asked for help potentially because they couldn't find what they want through the searches... If you're sick and tired of reading stuff like this, why don't you piss off and go and visit '' and stop surfing 'problem posts' from noobs looking for helpful advice. Why are you even here? This is what the forums are for, for ppl to gain help from those more experienced.

Not sure why you would say 'rant these nuts in our mouth nig nog', partly because I'm a white guy from the uk, partly because clearly only someone uneducated would resort to racial abuse in order to explain themselves. But mostly because you didn't even notice the abuse was mistakenly aimed at yourself as you forgot the 'y' off 'your'.

I'm sure most will agree with me here.

You're a useless arrogant prick.

Sensitive arnt we.....Oh just broke forum rules by calling me a name...oh what should I do....



Well-Known Member
Sensitive arnt we.....Oh just broke forum rules by calling me a name...oh what should I do....
Nah not really sensitive at all... just don't get why you're even here. Dig the dancing legless dude though. lol


Well-Known Member
You should right up everything you did on this grow SO we can make a thread of what not to do..
I feel for you but this is the worst grow I have by far ever seen.
Start over.


Well-Known Member
Had the same problem here when the weather started heating up. My plants looked just like your pix. Solution -- flush them to leach out the built-up nutes in the soil.

I usually increase the amount of water I give every day with the nute-water I use on my veggers and flowering plants. I must have over-nuted my gals while trying to keep them hydrated in our sultry weather.

I'm pretty sure I've solved my problem while watering with pure H2O during the warm times.

Good luck, BigSteve.