My marijuana plants are dying please help!


New Member
okay so my plants are over 4 months old now, they were doing very well for the first few months of growing. but after I started giving them different nutrients, the leaves started turning yellow and curling up and dying. I ignored it for a while because it wasn't that bad, but it's gotten to the point where almost every single leaf is yellow and curled up. also the leaves around the buds are turning brown and curling up. I thought it might be nute burn, or over watering, so I started watering less and giving less nutrients. also they were in much smaller pots but I just recently transmitted them over to these new pots but I feel like they might need even bigger pots. I don't know what to do, please help! :(



New Member
I also thought it might be a ph problem so I bought a ph meter but the thing barely works. I tried multiple ph kits but I can't get an accurate reading. but the ph meter I bought worked for a second and said 6.6. is that too high? I haven't flushed them because I don't want to risk hurting them. I can upload more pictures if needed


Well-Known Member
damn man looks like you fried them.
That plant in the pic is/was 4 months old? what the hell are you using ? nutes from a hardware store?
I run hydro and I keep my ph around 5.8 to 6.2 and that works great for me.
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Well-Known Member
4 months old and looking like that you need to do a lot of stuff different.
this plant veged for 4 weeks and its in week 6 of flowering. I would give the nutes your using to someone I don't like and start over.. good luck


Well-Known Member
Christ...ok erm so

What are you feeding them and how much??
Soil I assume?
You need to flush the nutes out of the soil.
Your lighting must be horrendous to grow plants like that. What are you using? CFL I expect..?
Is that mirrors I see? they won't do jack shit.


Well-Known Member
Don't feel bad... You're not the only one who's failing here... My first couple of grows were fine but now I've tried autos, I'm screwing it all up... My current grow is an epic fail too. There's a lot of us learning here... Just wanted you to know you weren't alone!


Well-Known Member
''I haven't flushed them because I don't want to risk hurting them''

dont worry you couldn't possibly hurt them anymore than you have, there is no saving them plants now you would be much better of doing this vvvvvvvvv

and starting again.
In all fairness.....there's not much more hurtin' those can take buddy! Epsom salt water and nothin' but ph's good water if and i do mean if there's anyway in hell to bring back what lil ya got dere!


Well-Known Member
4 months old and looking like that you need to do a lot of stuff different.
this plant veged for 4 weeks and its in week 6 of flowering. I would give the nutes your using to someone I don't like and start over.. good luck
Hey whats this strain?


Well-Known Member
I dont not saying im the best because im far from it..but I havent grown in 16 yrs....and I am 5 weeks into flower and doing is it that you guys fuck up...I work my ass of, with family and still grow decent ..gotsta do some leave pickin..ive been slackin

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Well-Known Member
I dont not saying im the best because im far from it..but I havent grown in 16 yrs....and I am 5 weeks into flower and doing is it that you guys fuck up...I work my ass of, with family and still grow decent ..gotsta do some leave pickin..ive been slackin

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Well aren't you amazing... Thought everyone was here to help each other and share ideas. Some of us are in different countries with different climates... Some of us are trying different things with different strains or trying autos instead of photos... Some of us are noobs starting out and some of us are just plain unlucky or getting bad advice when we start. It's great you've not had any problems but do you have to be so condescending about it? So this guy fucked up and started a thread too late... I guess what I'm saying is.... If you haven't got anything useful to say or support the guy, why bother saying anything? Rant over.


Well-Known Member
you need to read up and educate yourself
Like my friend said read up, educate yourself, and try again. Don't give your plants nutes every time and don't be afraid to flush your plants. I try to get about 1/3 run off every other feeding with pure water. Keep notes of when you feed and when you just water. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
I can simplify this for you so easily, Get coco, perlite (both are available online) mix 50/50 in a 3 gallon bucket(1$ at walmart in the autowash section), For your nutes Espoma Bulb Tone and Cal/mag(coco needs suplemental Cal and mag unless you have really really thick tap water) 1/8 tsp nute per gallon of water every other feeding with 5ml of calmag, ph down to 5.5-5.8 and youll be rolling in herb in notime. If your leaves get to dark of green then add a second watering in between. Its really not a complicated hobby unless you make it so


Well-Known Member
Every time someone says to me im throwing my plants out i tell them no you'll still get something nice but this is the 1st time i will say this...... throw them bitches out and start again.
Whatever nutes you use to start them with use the same brand flower nutes by the looks of yours they have gone into toxic shock and never recovered. I have had problems similar to this but i flushed them earlier and they have recovered