My Lil Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
I read it, your doing good.

Mared, will give you good advice.

I bet that lanky plant is O.G. Kush, the top looks like mine, got the clones from Choice.


Well-Known Member
Super small www world. Crazy, I haven't been able to find clones anywhere. And I rarely go to choice even tho its close to my pad. I dont like the quality, nor the after price tax. But if they have clones, I will check them out soon. Any other clubs had clones lately? Anywho, keep in touch, thanks for checkin in. I am checkin yours periodically. Just a lil busy with my hectic life. Holla back.


Well-Known Member
I can't find clones anywhere else, I like the Hottie at Choice, I just get grams to sample the strain, aways looking for a new one. Horti had some purple napalese, very good, can't find seeds though.
don't worry about posting, I know how it is,bro.
I'm not going anywhere.


Well-Known Member
How are those clones anyway? Have you finished any? And are they clean? Cuz I run a tight ship, and will be damned if I willingly bring in pests. LMAO!! What do they cost over there? I've seen them at helping hands a few times, and horti, but rarely these days, and if they got them they look shitty at least at HH. Never seen them at choice, even tho I've only been there a good handful of times. But I will cruise thru and check the hottie you speak of. lol.

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
HEY Z remember you was telling me about that purple erkul.. that must be the same STRAIN that T.H.C. was saying that about that purple napalese..or close..
da plantDOC


Well-Known Member
They were clean, small, but had nice roots, pest free, I dipped them anyway(ortho) SHHH.
$15 O.G.Kush, the plants I keep dis'n in my journal.

The bugs get in your f@cked, you know

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
OH YA them little fuckers suck.. a few year's ago i has some bug's i never seen!!! They ate my girl's root's..i lost it all but that all about being a home grower... i clean my hole grow room every 2 day wif bleace.. fuck them little bastard's you can eat off my grow room floor now!!!
da plantDOC


Well-Known Member
Just a lil bud porn for you folks. Hope you enjoy!


da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
wow Z them little fucker's are doing very well.. they got huge from last week's pic's.. wow still cant beleave how good thare doing...thare going to be just in time for the 4/5 week with the overdrive that i sent you + the bigbud.. sorry to hear about the fire... peace bro and keep in touch..
da plantDOC

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Very nice buds!!! Starting to get really juicy now. I haven't used bigbud but that Overdrive doc sent you is the shit!


Well-Known Member
Thanks a bunch, yes they are looking quite marvelous IMO. I am just thrilled with the way things are looking, I would have never anticipated this much good fortune. But I have been good to my girls, very good. lol. Yeah, doc got me set up wit a bunch of good shit. So, I am thoroughly looking forward to their arrival. I picked up some carbo load, and a couple other additives for flowering. Looking forward to a magnificent harvest. This damn fire out here is killing me, got us on a state of emergency. So, I'm packin my shit up, power keeps going out, so gotta go folks.


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to show a lil close up of the crystal formation. It is coming along very nicely. I am hella juiced! lol. Any feedback is more than welcome. :joint:


Well-Known Member
Here ya go.



Well-Known Member
Thank you very much. I agree, and I am still shocked how well its going. They must be loving the nute regimen I've got them on. Cuz they are pushing out tons of frost everyday! It's crazy, to see this big of a transformation just three weeks into flower. Hey, thanks again. Stay tuned...


Well-Known Member
Oh, I almost forgot to mention. My humidity is pretty high in my grow area, any ideas to lower get it down. Short of buying a dehumidifier????


Active Member
I dont own a big light like that but from what I have seen at the local stores all of that heat in that little space is probly not a good idea, I would go for the closet... I only use fluros im running 6 4 foot 40 watt tubes at 6500k for veg and will be useing 6 4 foot 40 watt tubes at 3000k for flowering This is my second grow and I am about a week in I like the florescents because of the cheap electric bill low heat and near zero heat signature for infared carring cops. your crop looks good right now my fear for you is that you will run out of space.


Well-Known Member
It's not too bad to be honest. It's actually been quite primo for the ladies liking. The seem to perk up in the low 80's, and I let them have it. Got plenty of air moving around in there so I think they are in heaven. Also, I don't think the cops are worried about my lil 5 plant garden for medical use, with proper paperwork. So, I don't really have that worry. But thanks for stoppin by, stay tuned I think I'll have a beautiful harvest. Peace


Active Member
beautiful girls you got there zeke..Im learning as i go and your journal (and everyone elses) really helps us newbs...
looking forward to seeing more pics