My life is fuk'd but don't worry im not b*tching i want help from the ppl of RIU!


Well-Known Member
Ok I pissed away most of my high school years ended up dropping out. going back. graduated with a diploma (not a GED) a year later than i was supposed to after being out of school 2 yrs (not bad trading 2 years for 1)

After i graduated I didnt know what to do so I worked a couple minimum wage jobs then got a job in the MMJ field. its not that great in terms of job security and the pay isnt consistent however i do enjoy it none-the-less.

Im in my early 20s and im honestly thinking of going back to school as much as i hate it. Im not sure what to go for/study. I don't have many interests in programs offered except for a few random ones that would pull me in very different directions academically.

They are:
Addition Studies/Addiction Counseling
Broadcast Communication

I like the concept of addiction studies/counseling because i could potentially help people kick bad addictions, alcohol, gambling, drugs, etc.

Broadcast communication is appealing because (i know its only a small part of the field) but i love sports and it would be a dream to get paid to call games or other events even if its not sports related

horticulture is appealing because well...look what forum im on. granted my horticulture knowledge doesnt go very far beyond cannabis growing but still its a foot in the door at this point.

im also kind of interested in learning about cars (ie. mechanic) because thats could translate into me working for myself even in the worst economy by being able to pick up lots of side jobs on craigslist or potentially buying fixer uppers to fix and flip.

to me $ is an issue. i dont wanna be broke or struggle in my life.

im even open to hearing anyone's advice in fields i havent listed. i just need a way out before i start getting desperate and take unnecessary chances.

to further complicate things i think (fingers crossed as i wouldnt wanna jinx myself) i finally found what im looking for in a woman but ive been stuck in a "relationship" of sorts that i dont wanna be in but i can't get out of given my current circumstances (living situation and current job situation is all tied to this person)
Ok I pissed away most of my high school years ended up dropping out. going back. graduated with a diploma (not a GED) a year later than i was supposed to after being out of school 2 yrs (not bad trading 2 years for 1)

After i graduated I didnt know what to do so I worked a couple minimum wage jobs then got a job in the MMJ field. its not that great in terms of job security and the pay isnt consistent however i do enjoy it none-the-less.

Im in my early 20s and im honestly thinking of going back to school as much as i hate it. Im not sure what to go for/study. I don't have many interests in programs offered except for a few random ones that would pull me in very different directions academically.

They are:
Addition Studies/Addiction Counseling
Broadcast Communication

I like the concept of addiction studies/counseling because i could potentially help people kick bad addictions, alcohol, gambling, drugs, etc.

Broadcast communication is appealing because (i know its only a small part of the field) but i love sports and it would be a dream to get paid to call games or other events even if its not sports related

horticulture is appealing because well...look what forum im on. granted my horticulture knowledge doesnt go very far beyond cannabis growing but still its a foot in the door at this point.

im also kind of interested in learning about cars (ie. mechanic) because thats could translate into me working for myself even in the worst economy by being able to pick up lots of side jobs on craigslist or potentially buying fixer uppers to fix and flip.

to me $ is an issue. i dont wanna be broke or struggle in my life.

im even open to hearing anyone's advice in fields i havent listed. i just need a way out before i start getting desperate and take unnecessary chances.

to further complicate things i think (fingers crossed as i wouldnt wanna jinx myself) i finally found what im looking for in a woman but ive been stuck in a "relationship" of sorts that i dont wanna be in but i can't get out of given my current circumstances (living situation and current job situation is all tied to this person)

i don't have any advice but i wish you the best. also your screen name is ironic.
I'll give you a pointer for Addition Studies. Add the numbers in a line over the numbers you're adding. It should add up right.
do it up im back in school i was out of school (dropped out of highschool) 6 years ago. but ive always wanted to be a hairstylist. so i took a test at the college and got in. its alot of hardwork but you can do it!@
Get a trade in construction,brick layer,plumber,carpenter,plasterer/dry liner,electrician etc..well worth doing a apprenticeship it will pay off mate and you'll never be out of work ;)
I got my GED when I was 36, for no other reason than to back up my yelling at my kids about their grades. My oldest is 20 and about in your shoes. He did a year of JC before dropping out, hes been working in a bagel shop, shitty hours for over a year now. Last semester he decided this wasnt all as fun as he had planned so he went back to school. He's going for music production, I hope he can do something with it. Its hard being a parent and not being able to get inside your kids head to motivate them. I am hopeful though!

Whatever you decide, remember you're still young enough to pull it off as long as you want it and put 100% into whatever you pursue!
hey good luck manwiththeplan, it's tough out there, when i think about the professions we can't live without, plumbers, electrician, hvac, and mechanics come to mind. i'm an engineer irl people can live without me and my skills. my dad always said do something you love and you will never "work" a day in your life. i find that to be very true :peace:
i don't have any advice but i wish you the best. also your screen name is ironic.

Well i always have a plan to grow buds but when it comes to where i am in life im out of options short of robbing a bank (bad idea), planting field of plants outdoors next year and hoping for the best (not practical for where i live), or being a ripper (goes against my morals...i couldnt jack another persons hard earned crops)

i want something legit as i hope to have a family and don't want to be working a mmj gig when for all know the feds could swoop in and arrest us all even if im not the club owner upper management. For now that kind of gig is fine with me as i only have myself to worry about.

I'll give you a pointer for Addition Studies. Add the numbers in a line over the numbers you're adding. It should add up right.

add what numbers? idk wtf ur talking about dude.

do it up im back in school i was out of school (dropped out of highschool) 6 years ago. but ive always wanted to be a hairstylist. so i took a test at the college and got in. its alot of hardwork but you can do it!@

I know its hardwork. Its gonna be harder especially because i havent been in a classroom setting since i was 15 and i know i have a terrible attention span so its gonna be a challenge.

Get a trade in construction,brick layer,plumber,carpenter,plasterer/dry liner,electrician etc..well worth doing a apprenticeship it will pay off mate and you'll never be out of work ;)

well when the economy is down construction is one of the worst fields to be in aside from real estate or new car sales.

I got my GED when I was 36, for no other reason than to back up my yelling at my kids about their grades. My oldest is 20 and about in your shoes. He did a year of JC before dropping out, hes been working in a bagel shop, shitty hours for over a year now. Last semester he decided this wasnt all as fun as he had planned so he went back to school. He's going for music production, I hope he can do something with it. Its hard being a parent and not being able to get inside your kids head to motivate them. I am hopeful though!

Whatever you decide, remember you're still young enough to pull it off as long as you want it and put 100% into whatever you pursue!

Thanks for the kind words. while im no parent i see where you're coming from as i had the same battle w/ my parents. when you hear advice from your own parents its hard to take as fact as kids always think they know something their parents don't. at least thats how i was. they stressed the importance of college and things of that nature but i always had good back up plan, etc. it has worked as im in my mid/early 20s and haven't had to work a legit "9-5" more than 1 1/2 yrs of my life but still pay for everything i need, food, clothes, rent, car, insurance, etc. however as i get older the fast life appeal has kind of lost its glitz and glamour.

My biggest challenge is gonna be finding something im interested in NOW as well as by the time comes when i graduate.

Get some booty shorts and walk the strip. Get money and get some at the same time!

um a dude...
If you really enjoy growing Id say horticulture.

i do but what types of careers are to be had in horticulture? what type of salary? id like to say salary doesnt matter but it does. I don't ever want to not be able to give my future wife/kids what they want/need. you know?
well yeah ive been out for 6 years ..its hard but youll get back into the swing of things. if you really wanna do something or accomplish something its going to be hardest thing youll have to do.
i do but what types of careers are to be had in horticulture? what type of salary? id like to say salary doesnt matter but it does. I don't ever want to not be able to give my future wife/kids what they want/need. you know?
Go to a major fish landing port & walk the docks pressing the flesh.
Many young men in this area are pulling down 100k plus by busting their asses on the boats.
Its really hard work with shit hours, but the $$ is out there.
I wish you well my friend.
Go to a major fish landing port & walk the docks pressing the flesh.
Many young men in this area are pulling down 100k plus by busting their asses on the boats.
Its really hard work with shit hours, but the $$ is out there.
I wish you well my friend.

care to explain? im no stranger to hard work or shitty hours (both ive done to support myself in recent years for crap pay so for good pay im in lol)
many of u dont know what it takes to be a (real produce) farmer hell i dont.. i live in a huge agricultural community, and talk about stress mother nature is a beast and can bankrupt you faster than a charlie sheen coke habit , its not your average joe schmoe grow, you have hundreds of workers to pay and acres upon acres of farmland to till, irrigate,transplant then how do you irrigate it? drill a well $70,000 for a well my bro just drilled last week lmao , and farmers pay that outta pocket to water a fielda o cauliflower or strawberries or grapes, your not outside with a garden ho soakin up some sun your tryin to unstick your truck from 3 ft of mudd(fun not everyday) while its raining and you got other shit to finish before it kills your crop... get a operators licence, or certification of some sort then even then your still not "job secure" the best thing i can say, i make YOU/ YOURSELF an valuable asset to whomever/ wherever you are
add what numbers? idk wtf ur talking about dude.

um a dude...

I know you're a dude. Heed my advice and get some and make money at the same time!

Also to your other comment, you said you were majoring in Addition Studies or were thinking of it. I just gave you some tried and true advice my Math teacher taught me ages ago. Jeez don't hold me down cos I'm trying to help you in your education!
many of u dont know what it takes to be a (real produce) farmer hell i dont.. i live in a huge agricultural community, and talk about stress mother nature is a beast and can bankrupt you faster than a charlie sheen coke habit , its not your average joe schmoe grow, you have hundreds of workers to pay and acres upon acres of farmland to till, irrigate,transplant then how do you irrigate it? drill a well $70,000 for a well my bro just drilled last week lmao , and farmers pay that outta pocket to water a fielda o cauliflower or strawberries or grapes, your not outside with a garden ho soakin up some sun your tryin to unstick your truck from 3 ft of mudd(fun not everyday) while its raining and you got other shit to finish before it kills your crop... get a operators licence, or certification of some sort then even then your still not "job secure" the best thing i can say, i make YOU/ YOURSELF an valuable asset to whomever/ wherever you are

f*k horticulture i need to be the one doing the drilling lol 70K? damn.

i live in a pretty urban area though.
I think crack sales have been uneffected by the economic recession. why did you quit the MMJ business? Did the gubenment shut it down??