Lost all ambition in my life

I wouldn't say 40k is a lot, It's taken over 3-4 years to make this. While I've been living at my parents. Ideally I want to move out by the time I'm 19. Another 4 months.

Once I start paying bills, furniture + everything else i'm sure all of that will deteriorate almost instantly lol

Guy, you're doing very well. It won't deteriorate if you set your business up right. It will grow. Get a job to pay the bills you won't be eating into that. Use that to reinvest and make more. Cannabis is a smart investment currently. But if you're wary of the law keep it in mind, you are risking a lot. I'd do it but I can only speak for myself.
Second puberty is a bitch. That nice loving time between the age of 18-24 where most people are going to school, working 40+ hours a week, and selling weed. Society doesn't really prepare us for this time in our lives. We're on the same boat, dude.

Second puberty, that's the perfect way to put it! Most people go to college here, but nothing becomes of it. No one really progresses from it. It's just extra free schooling time. Studying a course that interests you. By the end of it you get a certificate to show you can do this or that. It's complete non-sense;

I 100% agree, I wasn't expecting life to be like this. School and everything before that while you're treated like a child for example having to ask to use the restroom. And putting your hand up to answer a question. Bunch of bullshit.
Second puberty, that's the perfect way to put it! Most people go to college here, but nothing becomes of it. No one really progresses from it. It's just extra free schooling time. Studying a course that interests you. By the end of it you get a certificate to show you can do this or that. It's complete non-sense;

I 100% agree, I wasn't expecting life to be like this. School and everything before that while you're treated like a child for example having to ask to use the restroom. And putting your hand up to answer a question. Bunch of bullshit.

Yup. The best way to ensure kids act like adults is to treat them like adults. No one does that though. That's the same reason I refuse to use "baby speak" when talking to a little kid.
I don't know where else to post this, but a lot of people on here have been great for help and advice. Let me start off by saying I'm only 18 years old. Ever since I was 16 I've had a black cloud above me stopping me from progressing. I finished school with GCSE's that aren't up to par - D's in English and maths. Everything else I've achieved a C or higher. But most of the good jobs & apprenticeships require you to have at-least C's in English and especially maths to qualify for a position. So money has been an issue, and I've just been working online making about 7k/yr max. I don't want to work in a dead end job for the rest of my life.

I was happy for most of last year, I went to the gym constantly with a good friend from school he's roughly 5"5, and I'm 6"3. He's roughly half the size of me, so when it comes to the gym it's almost impossible for us to lift the same weights etc. We haven't been hitting the gym as often and we have hardly been for the last 8-10 months. I went from 180lbs to 210lbs. Not ripped, but slightly toned. With a less slender, more "bulky" look. That gave me a boost in confidence. I've lost most of the muscle I put on now. He had a great outlook on life, boosted my confidence ALOT. But he's in a relationship now, and we haven't spoke since. He was the 1 truly good friend I could rely on just for a few hours each day to get out and enjoy life. Even if it was at the gym for an hour or two each day. I haven't seen most of the friends I had in school since we graduated. They haven't bothered to contact me at all. I have to wait until September before I can go back to college to re-take my GCSE's. Then once I finish my GCSE's I have no idea what I want to do.

I keep putting myself down, and I get into a state of mental depression. Thinking I should just end it all.. I get anxiety also, I've never been in a relationship. I've never got close with a girl. That makes me feel even more worthless. I had an amazing childhood upto this point, out most days in town causing trouble with groups of friends. Riding our BMX's for miles and miles each day and coming back late. I loved life, and I didn't know how great it was, now everything is different. I don't know where I'm headed, but at the moment to make money I've reverted to growing weed to get by. I have no idea what else I should do, it's my only option at the moment. I never knew the world could be this cruel. I've came to the realization that life isn't all fun and games at some point you grow up and everything changes and it's never the same.

I just want to know if someone else has been in the same situation as me and can relate, and if they ever managed to get out of this cycle. Because I feel like I'm turning psychotic and I can't deal with this anymore.
Best thing my dad ever told me if u ever feel down just pop in ur favorite porno and let off some steam!!
You have 40k in the bank n you are bored basically? Use the money to train in a career (plumber, HGV etc etc) you are actually GOING TO ENJOY, then use the rest to cure the boredom........holidays/cars/motorbikes/women/go travelling etc etc etc

No way on earth I would be permanently bored with even 1/10th of that in my account lol
You have 40k in the bank n you are bored basically? Use the money to train in a career (plumber, HGV etc etc) you are actually GOING TO ENJOY, then use the rest to cure the boredom........holidays/cars/motorbikes/women/go travelling etc etc etc

No way on earth I would be permanently bored with even 1/10th of that in my account lol

I don't have the full amount. Alot of it is in bitcoins, and the rest is in blue-chip stocks. Money shouldn't be a factor anyway. Last night I wasn't my usual self. I had some sort of mental breakdown, over-thinking everything.
Mostly how life primarily is, you make money to live. then you die. then what? what have I accomplished? I'm just another drop in the swimming pool just like everyone else. and to earn a name for yourself you have to be extremely lucky or be talented.

I apologize to anyone that had to read this crap, I hope it doesn't change your view of me. But my head wasn't right last night. I'm sorry. Not to mention I was up until about 7am. I've seen some of the stuff I've written and I keep thinking to myself how much of a tw@ I look.
I don't have the full amount. Alot of it is in bitcoins, and the rest is in blue-chip stocks. Money shouldn't be a factor anyway. Last night I wasn't my usual self. I had some sort of mental breakdown, over-thinking everything.
Mostly how life primarily is, you make money to live. then you die. then what? what have I accomplished? I'm just another drop in the swimming pool just like everyone else. and to earn a name for yourself you have to be extremely lucky or be talented.

I apologize to anyone that had to read this crap, I hope it doesn't change your view of me. But my head wasn't right last night. I'm sorry. Not to mention I was up until about 7am. I've seen some of the stuff I've written and I keep thinking to myself how much of a tw@ I look.

In the nicest possible way what are you even doing fucking around with stocks n shit at your age? you should be getting scraped drunk off the pavement/off some bird by your mates everynight an having a laugh etc, plenty of time to make money when you are older lol

Also, have a read of this, kinda sheds some light on why we do the things we do etc

In the nicest possible way what are you even doing fucking around with stocks n shit at your age? you should be getting scraped drunk off the pavement/off some bird by your mates everynight an having a laugh etc, plenty of time to make money when you are older lol

Also, have a read of this, kinda sheds some light on why we do the things we do etc


Honestly? It's down to parenting, my dad was an avid investor and he's passed it down to me (His knowledge of it). He gave me a bit of money to start investing when I was 16 and ever since I've carried on with it.

Most people I know aren't up for going out everything weekend and getting smashed, and it sucks. I've got some boring friends, and I can't just go out by myself..... Can I?
Honestly? It's down to parenting, my dad was an avid investor and he's passed it down to me (His knowledge of it). He gave me a bit of money to start investing when I was 16 and ever since I've carried on with it.

Most people I know aren't up for going out everything weekend and getting smashed, and it sucks. I've got some boring friends, and I can't just go out by myself..... Can I?

All depends................on you mainly...............

i.e. I would happily go out on my own, with no friends, knowing that wherever I go, providing i have money ill have a decent night out, all down to how confident you are etc in talking to complete strangers tbh

Either that or just get new friends lol
I don't have the full amount. Alot of it is in bitcoins, and the rest is in blue-chip stocks. Money shouldn't be a factor anyway. Last night I wasn't my usual self. I had some sort of mental breakdown, over-thinking everything.
Mostly how life primarily is, you make money to live. then you die. then what? what have I accomplished? I'm just another drop in the swimming pool just like everyone else. and to earn a name for yourself you have to be extremely lucky or be talented.

I apologize to anyone that had to read this crap, I hope it doesn't change your view of me. But my head wasn't right last night. I'm sorry. Not to mention I was up until about 7am. I've seen some of the stuff I've written and I keep thinking to myself how much of a tw@ I look.
Next time you're feeling down, get on YouTube and watch some D4NNY vids. They are the best. Like this one for example:
At your age, you don't need to worry about your earnings having 40k in savings, so get a part-time job in a bar a couple nights a week. Great place to make friends; most people go out for drinks at the end of the shift. In the summer, enroll in a college course and work towards getting a trade/degree.

pm me if you need extra storage for some of your bitcoins. :lol:
I don't know where else to post this, but a lot of people on here have been great for help and advice. Let me start off by saying I'm only 18 years old. Ever since I was 16 I've had a black cloud above me stopping me from progressing. I finished school with GCSE's that aren't up to par - D's in English and maths. Everything else I've achieved a C or higher. But most of the good jobs & apprenticeships require you to have at-least C's in English and especially maths to qualify for a position. So money has been an issue, and I've just been working online making about 7k/yr max. I don't want to work in a dead end job for the rest of my life.

I was happy for most of last year, I went to the gym constantly with a good friend from school he's roughly 5"5, and I'm 6"3. He's roughly half the size of me, so when it comes to the gym it's almost impossible for us to lift the same weights etc. We haven't been hitting the gym as often and we have hardly been for the last 8-10 months. I went from 180lbs to 210lbs. Not ripped, but slightly toned. With a less slender, more "bulky" look. That gave me a boost in confidence. I've lost most of the muscle I put on now. He had a great outlook on life, boosted my confidence ALOT. But he's in a relationship now, and we haven't spoke since. He was the 1 truly good friend I could rely on just for a few hours each day to get out and enjoy life. Even if it was at the gym for an hour or two each day. I haven't seen most of the friends I had in school since we graduated. They haven't bothered to contact me at all. I have to wait until September before I can go back to college to re-take my GCSE's. Then once I finish my GCSE's I have no idea what I want to do.

I keep putting myself down, and I get into a state of mental depression. Thinking I should just end it all.. I get anxiety also, I've never been in a relationship. I've never got close with a girl. That makes me feel even more worthless. I had an amazing childhood upto this point, out most days in town causing trouble with groups of friends. Riding our BMX's for miles and miles each day and coming back late. I loved life, and I didn't know how great it was, now everything is different. I don't know where I'm headed, but at the moment to make money I've reverted to growing weed to get by. I have no idea what else I should do, it's my only option at the moment. I never knew the world could be this cruel. I've came to the realization that life isn't all fun and games at some point you grow up and everything changes and it's never the same.

I just want to know if someone else has been in the same situation as me and can relate, and if they ever managed to get out of this cycle. Because I feel like I'm turning psychotic and I can't deal with this anymore.

I never did homework, I gave zero effort in school from first grade til I got kicked out of high school.. I got C or D's in just about everything.. I hated school, I hated most of the teachers, It was just something I had to do so I gave zero effort . I worked concrete construction @ 17 by 19 I was a pipefitter apprentice.. The building trades don't care if you got a D in biology or algebra..the pay is good, the work is good.. Apply to every apprenticeship program there is, go get a job working with your hands. If I were you I'd save your back some abuse n aim for the electrician or elevator union.
I never did homework, I gave zero effort in school from first grade til I got kicked out of high school.. I got C or D's in just about everything.. I hated school, I hated most of the teachers, It was just something I had to do so I gave zero effort . I worked concrete construction @ 17 by 19 I was a pipefitter apprentice.. The building trades don't care if you got a D in biology or algebra..the pay is good, the work is good.. Apply to every apprenticeship program there is, go get a job working with your hands. If I were you I'd save your back some abuse n aim for the electrician or elevator union.
Yes! Don't become a union drywall lather(metalstud framer) like i did. My back is fucked :-(
Don't be such a bitch damn near my best friend tried to get me on tape fucking cocksucker turned informant over 3 years!! I never had long term relationship with a woman until I was 22 now my wife. I got kicked out of school at 15 years old sold drugs most my life many friends committed suicide my dad died when I was 16 and a few friends dead of overdoses. But now I own my own home, have a wife and daughter and make a lot more money than every teacher who told me I'd be living in a crack house working at McDonald's. Be a man not a bitch things will be just fine friends come and go I don't trust a single one but my wife.
Stop using drugs, including (maybe especially) pot if you do so on a regular basis. You can't establish a baseline for your life, especially as young as you are, without knowing what your brain is like without mind-altering substances.
Don't be such a bitch damn near my best friend tried to get me on tape fucking cocksucker turned informant over 3 years!! I never had long term relationship with a woman until I was 22 now my wife. I got kicked out of school at 15 years old sold drugs most my life many friends committed suicide my dad died when I was 16 and a few friends dead of overdoses. But now I own my own home, have a wife and daughter and make a lot more money than every teacher who told me I'd be living in a crack house working at McDonald's. Be a man not a bitch things will be just fine friends come and go I don't trust a single one but my wife.

Sounds like you've had the worst of it, that's a shitty thing of your buddy to do, a few people I've known throughout school have committed suicide too and that messed me up pretty bad, one hung himself and this girl jumped off a cliff.
I wish the best for you in the future man
If I have one regret in my life, it's that I got into drugs (doing them and selling them in quantity) at a very young age, and while I am happy with where I am now, I missed countless opportunities in my life as a result of that. I also gained a wealth of life experience and knowledge about people that I would not have had otherwise, but just saying -- let your brain develop man. You're way too young to feel like giving up.
If I have one regret in my life, it's that I got into drugs (doing them and selling them in quantity) at a very young age, and while I am happy with where I am now, I missed countless opportunities in my life as a result of that.

It's society that does it to us, and the people we hang around with. Changes need to be made for sure!