Lost all ambition in my life

If you are looking for something or someone to make you happy, it ain't gonna happen. True happiness is not euphoric; it is peaceful and comes from balance.
First tip: Be nice to yourself. That inner self talk is brutal. I call it "bad caddy". What would you you do if you had a golf caddy who said nothing but negative shit every time you tried to hit a shot? "You'll probably hit it in the water. You always do. You suck at everything."
You'd fire that fucker right? And/or punch him in the face!
But people do this to themselves and embrace their bad caddy because he is familiar.
Fire that fucker! He's an asshole!!!
Sounds like you've had the worst of it, that's a shitty thing of your buddy to do, a few people I've known throughout school have committed suicide too and that messed me up pretty bad, one hung himself and this girl jumped off a cliff.
I wish the best for you in the future man
Yeah life is a bitch at 14 my best friend in school killed himself him and his step father are the reason I started growing weed his step dad had a bunch of pictures told us all about growing weed and they let us steal weed I wish that kid was still around his step dad was awesome dude had that Roadkill Skunk everyone is looking for today. Dude was a old school grower 14 years old I was growing weed outdoors.

I always figured from that day on I don't give a fuck if the police kill me I'm going to get that money life is short my dad died at 40 from cancer his brother fell off a building iron working in his 30's fuck working a shit job pay check to pay check chances are you won't make it to retirement. I love growing weed I give the best prices around because it don't cost me shit and I don't even consider it work except for trimming I fucking hate trimming. :bigjoint:
Dude you have 40k in the bank at 18 and you consider yourself a failure? Fuck all that shit go buy a gold grill for the top and bottom and let all them fuckboys know they fuckboys and buy some coke stop wasting away your fortune in a bank.
Find something that your passionate about. For me it was growing.. I love growing and like a lot of people on this site it is therapeutic relaxing. After a few messed up plants.ha ha ha.. I went through shit load of stuff as a kid ,teenager,adult, I still made it through with. A outlook on life a lot different from when I was younger I have 2 kids now one is almost ready to meet the world. And a family things do change I was a pretty unhappy person for a long time but I was also making choices that sucked. Was addicted to pills for 6 years of my life started with every drug I good get ahold of. Long story short I was a Fucking idiot and I wonder why life sucked and I felt like shit.. CHANGE is a welcomed friend to me don't do the same shit everyday try new thing ur only 18 live life don't waist it
Dude you have never been in a relationship? That's where you are fucking up. You got to get out chase tail brah. Even if you get rejected, keep trying. You'll learn how not to get rejected eventually.

Now after you find a girl that's a different story altogether. Lol