My Growitup Greenhouse Grow 2010

wow plants are looking lovely.

one question for you tho. What are you going to do about the smell?

My guess would be "enjoy it".

Damn, you guys with your security cameras got me feeling like a non-baller without that setup.............ordering some hot shit shortly, even though I'm building out a new grow room and currently have nothing in my garage to protect.

Still gotta keep up with the Smith's.
could always force flower (space). Its a lot easier with a greenhouse ;)....

oh and kinda sorry... I was on shrooms..... took me a LONG confused stare to figure out it was a grape... so it was a big deal.
Force flower? I dont know. That would mean covering it for a few hours a day sounds like a pain in the ass really.

Glad you got the grape thing figured out. Good thing it wasnt shit you mistook for a grape.

im very happy to see u invested in a camera setup bro. i got mine with my wholesale license out in LA for $400 cash. the setup u found is a great deal. i ended up paying more for the brandname and more memory on the DVR. i run mine 24/7 and let it record over itself. IMO i dont need to save last months records cuz obviously nuthin happened so it can be recorded over and over. i run it on the highest quality and my infared works great. thats also wat i paid for was the distance. my camera can see all the way across the street but like u said, nighttime is rough. id run one right outside ur greenhouse for sure tho. put up a 10'-15" support pole or watever and mount it there. i have two monitors in my house cuz u can split the video feed. so i can click my bedroom tv over and check my entire house front bak etc. anyways bro keep up the good work!

id also rec a "driveway chime" sensor as a motion detector. cheap and easy to setup/move whever and most peeps dont see it. put it aimed at the greenhouse and anybody gets close itll trip the sensor. u can have it loud so its chimes and scares of anyone or at least ull hear it to go bust sum heads haha. look up driveway sensors on ebay if ure interested. was like $30 w/ shipping

dis guy... haha

im just token readin up on ur journal (hints my multiple posts; sorry) but anyways i know u mentioned no sight of the mites? i just ordered sum predator mites; specifically the breed that best suites my growroom enviroment. (50-60% RH) idk how well these would work outdoors but with a greenhouse? mayeb theyd work? idk if u already tried them or considered them but the ladybugs dont work in my room as i found out like many others im sure. they dive bomb the fuk HIDs and commit suicide via lumen shock haha.

anyways heres a link to one wensite i came across.

Predator Mites

Hey Boomer, Yea, as I was looking at them I realised the better systems had more features. Sounds like you got a smokin deal on yours. This is more like what I want. Well, the price was anyway. I got 3 cams on the greenhouse and one on the side gate. It should work with a well with a bit more light the night clips.

Yea, I got a few meighborhood cats that would set off a door chime alarm too may times outside but inside I plan on having a motion sensor of some sort. Good idea.

The mite thing, yea, they are still there but I dont see any movement after using the foggers and I got 5 on order so Im gonna use that but I like the idea of predator mites. Let us know how they work for you.

flush and chop time bro. damm here is work work work.
Yep, you are the one who wanted perpetual harvest. One every month if I remember correctly. Enjoy bro.

fyi, guys-

they make infra red spotlights that will light up your yard like high noon for those cams, that are invisible to the naked eye.

those ir cams all have 'headlights' on them if you look closely..... if a man had a set of thermals, the cams would look like lighthouses.
the cam is just as capable of seeing the same distance at night, than at during the day, but only if theres enough ir reflected to the cam, and since the ir is supplied by the led's on the front of the cam, its easy to see how the light is weak. if you were standing in the same place as the cam at night time, and only had a few low power led's to light your way, you wouldnt see very far either, you would overcome that by getting a bigger light, correct...

same thing for the ir cams.... just put the ir light on a photocell.

Thats what I need for one cam cause its further away then the others.
You say I can get one light that will light up the whole area? what, split one of the power cables to a cam and power it with that?

wow plants are looking lovely.

one question for you tho. What are you going to do about the smell?

I guess I should do something. I am thinking of an air cleaner sealed up in the room run for 24/7 in flower. My bud has one he is gonna let me try out.

My guess would be "enjoy it".

Damn, you guys with your security cameras got me feeling like a non-baller without that setup.............ordering some hot shit shortly, even though I'm building out a new grow room and currently have nothing in my garage to protect.

Still gotta keep up with the Smith's.

Hey Bob, well, ya start thinking about how much it sucks to lose a harvest and now the cost of these things are down, why not. Better to be prepared. Besides it fun to tweek with.
i ordered some from here plues some lady bugs, i was wondering about those predator mites. from here
I forgot, check out these papers I found. I have seen other large ones but these are as thin as zig zags and burn great.


[/INDENT]Guess I should clean that ash tray.

Those are the best papers ever!!! the dude at my shop was like " Heyyy mannn.... Try theessee.... therrrrree uhh pretty goood.." lol but he was right they burn so perfect and smooth.
the predator mites should be here soon but i dont have mites and havent had any issues in my rooms YET... lol im all about preventative so im honestly hoping to never have to report on spider mites in my rooms but ill keep u informed.

the sensor chime actually doesnt go off for cats/med dogs. my old pad had 3 cats and never any issues. but either way i think u got it covered with the cameras. def sick. dont wanna make mine sound like anything special. urs are great bro id rather pay that price any day lol
i ordered some from here plues some lady bugs, i was wondering about those predator mites. from here
Link dont work bro. I couldnt find it. Whats up with disabling copy on this site? Im sure I have done it before.

Those are the best papers ever!!! the dude at my shop was like " Heyyy mannn.... Try theessee.... therrrrree uhh pretty goood.." lol but he was right they burn so perfect and smooth.
I think they are great. One doob lasts all day.

the predator mites should be here soon but i dont have mites and havent had any issues in my rooms YET... lol im all about preventative so im honestly hoping to never have to report on spider mites in my rooms but ill keep u informed.

the sensor chime actually doesnt go off for cats/med dogs. my old pad had 3 cats and never any issues. but either way i think u got it covered with the cameras. def sick. dont wanna make mine sound like anything special. urs are great bro id rather pay that price any day lol
Yea, I hear ya, Price was a major concern. It brings the total cost of the op to about $1800 woops forgot the dog $2200

I checked out the link and saw the cost for 1000 live mites was about $52
We were talking about this last week and genuity posted this link: LINK
Looks like they sell the same amount but of the eggs for $21.99 but you would have to hatch them.
I set off a dr doom fogger last night. I was designed for a larger area so I left the vents on the bottom open. I lost a few leaves but I bet I killed any mites in there.




Not too bad really. I just cut them off.

Took Max to the vets today for an exam and shots. He took it like a man. I am proud of that boy. I promise I wont fill this journal with videos of him but I thought you may get a kick out of this. Its his first time on a lawn.


lol fuckin hilarious! puppy's are amazing when your stoned ,free entertainment for hours! One day your not going to be able to fit in the greenhouse anymore lol !
lol fuckin hilarious! puppy's are amazing when your stoned ,free entertainment for hours! One day your not going to be able to fit in the greenhouse anymore lol !

Yea even when your not stoned they are pretty funny. but then again, thats not very often for me. The day I cant fit in the greenhouse is getting closer, I cut off a bunch of lower branches so I can always crawl through.

Hey Cruzer, nice grow. Max will bring you years of love and friendship, luck with the mite problem..

Thanks a lot man. After boomer told me about your grow I have been watching. I am amazed at the size and even more so the shape of your girls. I can tell by looking at them you know your shit man. I wish you well.
well she hacked now. I dont think ill be doing any more lemon sk. got plenty, one turned purple, with pistal that are solid. thick too
Good info man, I was thinking about growing that strain. You got a purple pheno huh? awesome.
Now I know your experiences I will not mix it with others. When I do grow it, it will be all lemon skunk.
yea no mixing bro. just to much work. all or not ya know. iv been trimming all morning. its hot damit,
I got a bit of a growth spurt out of the girls the last couple days.
Hopefully they are going through there final stretch before flower.
Here are a few shots from a little higher up.




My neighbors use there yards in the afternoons, I would cover it with a tarp to force flower like dragon sugguested but I am afraid it will draw too much attention. Shouldnt be too long now.
The Giant green house with pot growing in it isn't obvious enough? Lol, you can see the plants through the top part of the green house, like at eye level.