My Growitup Greenhouse Grow 2010


Well-Known Member
LOL. Ya got me there.
I guess I meant any more attention.
My original plan was to flower before it reached the clear section but I guess we are past that.


Well-Known Member
I got a bit of a growth spurt out of the girls the last couple days.
Hopefully they are going through there final stretch before flower.
Here are a few shots from a little higher up.

My neighbors use there yards in the afternoons, I would cover it with a tarp to force flower like dragon sugguested but I am afraid it will draw too much attention. Shouldnt be too long now.
Where is George of that Jungle. He's gotta be hiding in there somewhere. Thats nuts how full that room has gotten. Gonna be a rediculous harvest. Goow work Cruze, I am truly impressed. You put all of that Time and effort into it and it is really paying off. Cant wait to see these girls flower.


Well-Known Member
damn, your gana have nugs touching the damn ceiling, lol hopefully your neighbors are very un-aware of there surroundings, if i saw it i would be like wow!! but i also would know what to look for, which most people that dont smoke would just think your little green house is very full and a herd of skunks must have takin up residence in the neighborhood


Well-Known Member
I scanned through to see what this was all about, and it's just my style sir. I admire yor greenhouse and think you've done a great job. I will be looking in to see this one out. -Howzer


Active Member
Wow man... looking great! Early on I was thinking of suggesting that you setup a hammock in the greenhouse to smoke and chill in, never thought it'd be THIS full. Amazing.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, Nothing like having experienced growers guide me through this.
Sure I got several indoor grows behind me but growing under the sun is different.

Looks like a couple new members have joined the thread, I just wanted to welcome Gunball, Audi and Howzer, Thanks for your comments. Yea Audi, lets hope they are un-aware of there surroundings, herd of skunks, lol I hope it dont get that bad.

Today I decided to start flower nutes. I added the same amount but got a higher ppm rating. A cup of veg nutes brought it to about 800 ppm the flower nutes brought it to 1100ppm. Adjusted the ph to 6.5 I think I am going to keep it there unless I see the tips burning then I will back off a bit but I am hoping this will help jump start the girls that are not quite there yet.

Thats about it, The cuttings I took last week still havent rooted.
Seems to take longer in that daisy cloner then rapid rooter cubes but you dont need a dome. Its the only way to go if you are growing in air but seems like I can pick up an extra week of veg with the cubes.


Well-Known Member
I set off a dr doom fogger last night. I was designed for a larger area so I left the vents on the bottom open. I lost a few leaves but I bet I killed any mites in there.

Not too bad really. I just cut them off.

Took Max to the vets today for an exam and shots. He took it like a man. I am proud of that boy. I promise I wont fill this journal with videos of him but I thought you may get a kick out of this. Its his first time on a lawn.


loven the puppy video, and the girls all look great, those outside pics lookn in are nutz!!! you can barely see in there.


Active Member
holy shite! sups cruz? been a busy summer I can tell ;) I've been checking up on yer grow, just not one of those who puts down a comment cuz I have to, and I must say it's fkn lovely. Where'z the Mazar...lulz can't see it, In my language we have a saying "can't see the woods for all the trees" =) Bout to harvest 7 plants Headband in few weeks, bet I get as much bud as U get offa 1 of those monsters!!!! lol

//keep it real


Well-Known Member
Looking great Cruzer! Can't wait till Sept. thats it i'm a moving to Cali! you all need some more tax payers right?
Hi Jorge, Sure cali could use more taxpayers dollars. In my opinion Cali could use more politicians that know how to run a business and are not just worried about keeping there ass in office by catering to these special intrest groups.

holy shite! sups cruz? been a busy summer I can tell ;) I've been checking up on yer grow, just not one of those who puts down a comment cuz I have to, and I must say it's fkn lovely. Where'z the Mazar...lulz can't see it, In my language we have a saying "can't see the woods for all the trees" =) Bout to harvest 7 plants Headband in few weeks, bet I get as much bud as U get offa 1 of those monsters!!!! lol

//keep it real
Sup PANGcake, Your Mazar started flowering a long time ago and didnt go back to veg so I had to remove her. I got about 1/2 oz off her. Same deal with the afghan widow. "Cant see the forest through the trees" Is the saying on this side of the pond. Congrats on your headband harvest. Im sure you will have plenty.


Well-Known Member
Hi Jorge, Sure cali could use more taxpayers dollars. In my opinion Cali could use more politicians that know how to run a business and are not just worried about keeping there ass in office by catering to these special intrest groups.
^ ^ spot on Cruzer.
Idk if you saw what happened to those politicians in Bell, CA last week but we need to have them all tossed out like they did there. youtube some videos if you dont know what Im talking about, its pretty priceless and needs to happen all over the state. hell, all over the country actually.

any signs of mites after using that fogger though?


Well-Known Member
Hi Jorge, Sure cali could use more taxpayers dollars. In my opinion Cali could use more politicians that know how to run a business and are not just worried about keeping there ass in office by catering to these special intrest groups.
a-fukn-men bro


Well-Known Member
^ ^ spot on Cruzer.
Idk if you saw what happened to those politicians in Bell, CA last week but we need to have them all tossed out like they did there. youtube some videos if you dont know what Im talking about, its pretty priceless and needs to happen all over the state. hell, all over the country actually.

any signs of mites after using that fogger though?
Actually no, I missed it. Although I don’t find it hard to believe politicians would do that.
(For peeps who don’t want to Google it)

California law limits the amount of money that public servants may be paid, its based on the per capita income of the average resident, the City of Bell voted to operate under a charter which exempts it from this provision. The city manager initially started out at a modest $72,000 a year. Now he receives roughly 800,000.00 a year.

They got away with it cause like 90% of the city of Bell is Hispanic and only 35% have a high school education. I think a lot of them do not really understand what it is they are voting on but trust the guys in charge.

There is so much greed in people. Its really sad.
People who run for office, even if they have good intentions, once elected soon find out they play the game or they are out. Some system we got here. We vote for people thinking they are going to do what they say but they cant even if they wanted to. Thing is, we know it and there isn’t a fucking thing we can do about it besides smoke pot and forget about it.

Grrr, ok enough of that, I don’t want to turn this journal into a political discussion.

No, I have not seen any but I know they are ready to hatch so I been keeping my eye out for them.

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Well-Known Member
So like day before yesterday I made some hash oil for my doobies with a honeybee extractor. Check it out.

At first I used a pryex pan, then a cup.
The cup contains the oil better then the pan but harder to scrape with a blade. I found a knife works good though.

Now this shit is powerfull. 2 tokes and I was done for hours.
I used those large papers, Im still smokin on this monster 2 days later.