whats up roll it up.. its been forever since i even seen a pot plant. I started growing again this fall im about a week in on three afgan seedlings. i have had them on the 4 ft floressents and today set up the 400 Mh. i have started a new room and have moved out of the shed and into the house since i last grew. so far my clone chamber is the only thing set up with the 400 Mh. i have found an hydro store about two hrs from me and i picked up some fox farm ferts with alot of other goodies. just as soon as i get dailed in on how ima set everything up ill be runnin two 400 Mh and a ten bucket dwc system. ill have two mothers and 8 on a every two week harvest every two weeks ill cut two down. i realize with only 8 plants on rotation i don't need two mothers but one will be my experiment. i would like to look into a light mover to cut down on my electric bill. but that's later when i get the mothers up and running. pics will be up with there is more to see its kinda boring atm. any questions or comments is open