
The girls are now 2 weeks old. I was going to give them a drink today but the soil is still a bit damp. I decided that I'm going to leave them for now because I want their tap roots to shoot down and search for water. The bottom of the fabric pots feel damp as well, so I'm not really worried about the roots drying out. I'm going to check on them again in the morning and take it from there.

Temps, Rh, Vpd and lights are still the same. Seems like I got everything dialed in really good so far. Obviously as they grow things can change but right now I'm very happy with the way things are going! (It seems as if I actually know what im doing)

In the pictures from the 22nd you will notice I had a small crock pot in the corner of the tent. That was my way of adding a bit of moisture to the air. I decided to take it out as I didn't like the way it looked. I ended up getting a travel humidifier to use instead. It's doing a very good job and I feel more at ease sleeping at night knowing the crock pot is no longer in the tent. it also looks much better in pictures than a crockpot on marble.

Hope you all had an awesome weekend!

Here are some pictures.



Go Sox! Good to see you lit up and growing. Hope you're healing up. I know how that can go. Next time you hit the pnw send me a PM ahead of time and I'd be glad to donate some medicine. Dispensary weed, so sad.

Thanks brother, it's taking time but I'm at least slightly able to walk now. Learning how to walk again was the fun part. I just take things by day. I'm doing alot better than I was a few months ago. I am getting there though.

Thanks for the offer its appreciated very much. As soon as I'm back to work and out that way I will definitely PM you. I don't even care about the donation (not in a bad way). I just think it would be awesome to meet you and hang out while I'm out that way. Always cool to meet and hang out with like minded individuals & quality people!

I totally agree with you, dispensary weed is shit! Now I don't have to worry about that because of you. So thanks again!

Thanks for stopping by and checking in on me!
Hey man somehow I lost you post, I just found it, we'll catch up in a bit if you're around, I'm kind of on the run now ..and by the way you're never getting me in the ocean again ever since I started watching Shark Week and learned that the great whites are swimming right off the freaking shore here heading Maine & back, ain't going to happen! Lol :o I wish I knew about your problem getting decent weed at an affordable price I usually do mine for 140 or less / ounce

I can't get off on a tangent about the area dispensaries right now cuz as soon as I finish breakfast I have to head out but I think all these dispensaries that pose as Medical Care Providers are just another disguised government cash grab
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Hey man somehow I lost you post, I just found it, we'll catch up in a bit if you're around, I'm kind of on the run now ..and by the way you're never getting me in the ocean again ever since I started watching Shark Week and learned that the great whites are swimming right off the freaking shore here heading Maine & back, ain't going to happen! Lol :o I wish I knew about your problem getting decent weed at an affordable price I usually do mine for 140 or less / ounce

I can't get off on a tangent about the area dispensaries right now cuz as soon as I finish breakfast I have to head out but I think all these dispensaries that pose as Medical Care Providers are just another disguised government cash grab

I'll be around all day. Hahaha no reason to be afraid! Have some adventure and live on the edge! It is nerve racking to know those beautiful creatures are right on our shores. In the spring when the stripers were making their run, I was on plum island with my girlfriends brother and my cousin. We were fishing off my aunt & uncles deck and we saw two whites about 10 yards from shore. We didnt see them lunge above the water but you could see their first dorsal and their silhouette. They both looked the size of a silver line bus. Crazy knowing they were only 30 ft from shore. I was so happy that I was not able to walk yet. As we usually just stand right in the water while fishing. I really believe if I was not injured that we would have all been shark food that day. Summer of 17 I went cage diving out of sanfran when I finished a work trip out that way. That was a blast and even though I was in a cage, it was still nerve racking! They are just astonishing creatures. It really was an experience to say the least. Well until the orca' came along and frightened the white off lol. You think whites are scary haha orca' are up there as well. I've dived and snorkeled with sharks many times in my life. that was nothing compared to being
surrounded by whites attacking the cage.

I'll take you diving in a pool then we can go to a lake. Lake winnie in nh has some awesome dive spots. It's safe and there arnt any sharks. A few eels but they never bother you and quite a few species of fresh water fish. It's a great place to dive if you dont like the ocean. I like diving both but when I'm in the ocean I bring a speargun and a 13" knife that has an electrical charge in it. Never had to use either i wont dive unless they are with me.

I've not had any problems getting good pots around here. It's often when I'm on the west coast because I dont know any one out there, so I've had to use dispensaries there. I totally agree with you. They are not medical providers, they are crooks who prey and take advantage of people with medical needs!
I would definitely be interested in trying yours sometime though. One can never have to many options.

You have a good day brother! We will catch up soon.
"We were fishing off my aunt & uncles deck and we saw two whites about 10 yards from shore"

Thanks for making my point! LOL forget about it I love adventure but mine's going to be with two feet on the ground from now on believe me!

A late friend of mine's dad was kind of a local dive legend of sorts, he owned a dive shop and what have you for many decades around the Boston area, I had plenty of opportunity to go diving if I wanted, doesn't interest me but thanks again

My girl has a lake house on Winnipesaukee, I'm comfortable just sitting on the dock watching the river flow, sipping a beverage and waiting for the barbecue to finish up, believe me!
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"We were fishing off my aunt & uncles deck and we saw two whites about 10 yards from shore"

Thanks for making my point! LOL forget about it I love adventure but mine's going to be with two feet on the ground from now on believe me!

A late friend of mine's dad was kind of a local dive legend of sorts, he owned a dive shop and what have you for many decades around the Boston area, I had plenty of opportunity to go diving if I wanted, doesn't interest me but thanks again

My girl has a lake house on Winnipesaukee, I'm comfortable just sitting on the dock watching the river flow, sipping a beverage and waiting for the barbecue to finish up, believe me!

Lol ok, ok no diving for you! Winnipesaukee is a beautiful place. That whole region is just awesome with lots to do and awesome people. It's a whole other world up there.

That's really cool about your friends dad. There are alot of very well known divers up in your area. When I grow up, I hope to be on their level.

I do like the idea of sitting on the dock with some alcohol and waiting on the grill. They way you said it, you sound like you're in your 80' lol..

Ive got to get going now, need to go and figure out wtf is wrong with my plant. Everything was fine till I checked on the BBK this morning. I've been reading and reading and looking at pictures but none of the pictures I've seen really look like what's going on. Although from what I've been reading it seems like it's a ca/mg issue or I need to add some nitrogen. It's just baffling as everything was on point till this a.m.

Well my friend, you have a great rest of your day.
Lol ok, ok no diving for you! Winnipesaukee is a beautiful place. That whole region is just awesome with lots to do and awesome people. It's a whole other world up there.

That's really cool about your friends dad. There are alot of very well known divers up in your area. When I grow up, I hope to be on their level.

I do like the idea of sitting on the dock with some alcohol and waiting on the grill. They way you said it, you sound like you're in your 80' lol..

Ive got to get going now, need to go and figure out wtf is wrong with my plant. Everything was fine till I checked on the BBK this morning. I've been reading and reading and looking at pictures but none of the pictures I've seen really look like what's going on. Although from what I've been reading it seems like it's a ca/mg issue or I need to add some nitrogen. It's just baffling as everything was on point till this a.m.

Well my friend, you have a great rest of your day.

LOL not far from the 80s sadly :sad: if you stay out the water with those sharks you might get to my age one day?! LOL

Yes it's nice up north up, until half a dozen years ago we had 20 acres up in Southern NH, now I'm back around the way :/

Dude what's up with your plant let me read up I can maybe help you with it, I'll be back sometime after 8 and I'll try to catch up on the thread

..are you kidding me! :shock:
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I'm having some issues with my Blackberry kush. She will be 3 weeks from sprout this coming Monday. I've been searching around to see if I could find out what is going on, on my own but to no avail. I've looked at tons of pictures and just as many articles and can not seem to find anything that remotely looks like what is going on. From pictures any ways. I'm thinking i might need to add some calmag or more nitrogen but I'm really not sure and dont want to screw anything else up. Everything in my tent has been the same in regard to light hight and wattage. Also, temps, rh, vpd and air exchange have all been the same.

As a semi new grower and complete noob to autoflower I really have no clue. Like I said I'm thinking it could be either i need calmag or more nitrogen but I'm not too sure and dont want to mix something up if it's not right.

I was trying to stay away and figure it out for my self but I really am puzzled. Especially when everything has been going so well.

I've not added any nutrients to my grow as of yet (everything I've read seems to indicate that for the first 4 weeks to stay away from nutrients) I did add a tiny bit of root growth enhancer at the beginning of week two. I dont see how that could have harmed anything as it's all good fungi & bacteria.

I'm also thinking it could be the roots finally went through the seed starting mix into the roots soil and are getting burned. Or it's when I got a bit of soil on the leaf in the first week. Or I'm just nukin futs and I'm over thinking things and driving my self insane lol either way something is wrong and I have no clue as to what.







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LOL not far from the 80s sadly :sad: if you stay out the water with those sharks you might get to my age one day?! LOL

Yes it's nice up north up, until half a dozen years ago we had 20 acres up in Southern NH, now I'm back around the way :/

Dude what's up with your plant let me read up I can maybe help you with it, I'll be back sometime after 8 and I'll try to catch up on the thread

O wow good for you! I want saying it to be a dick, so I hope you didnt take it as such.

I'll never get out of the water haha it's my home!

Thanks Brother, I appreciate you taking the time to help me out. I'm going to go my self and finally get out of the house.( I've been in all week) I'll be around in a bit, I've got to go buy my nephew a Birthday Present.
No dude I am old, lol and this is the time of year I start to feel it believe me, you'll understand someday you have no idea how much I love to just sit and chill these days!

What is that Medium? What are you feeding, what's your pH & ppm ?
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LOL not far from the 80s sadly :sad: if you stay out the water with those sharks you might get to my age one day?! LOL

Yes it's nice up north up, until half a dozen years ago we had 20 acres up in Southern NH, now I'm back around the way :/

Dude what's up with your plant let me read up I can maybe help you with it, I'll be back sometime after 8 and I'll try to catch up on the thread

..are you kidding me! :shock:

Haha that video is awesome! I want to hop on him and go for a spin!
No dude I am old, lol and this is the time of year I start to feel it believe me understand someday you have no idea how much I love to just sit and chill these days!

What is that Medium? What are you feeding, what's your pH & ppm ?

I have both plants in 5gal fabric pots. I'm using roots organics original. I did put seed starting mix in the middle of the pot with the roots soil. Around 2"d×2"w I forgot the name of the seed mix but it is organic as well and the npk is 0.6-1.00-0.6