Show her the FACTS. My mom wasn't completely against pot when I first started smoking, but she def. didn't think it was good for me. Once I showed her all the truth about marijuana, and the actual statistics, and the actual facts hidden everything changed.. any INTELLIGENT person once given the facts will see marijuana is completely safe and smoking it will not turn you into a worthless member of society..the variety of people on this board proves that...yeah drew, that's what i've tried, but she makes it very difficult. i mean, i spend half my time angry at her for some derogatory generalization about potheads she's made. top her, we're all stupid and are simmply killing rain cells. she honsetly believes that being high is merely the shutting down of the brain....
So.. you're already lying to her.. why suddenly do you care what she thinks? Esp about you just smoking... weed is apparently a big part of your life, so why would you even get involved with someone so anti-"you"...I'm a dealer tho, and she doesn't know that, so.
Don't lie to yourself or her to try and spare her feelings-- there will be more pain in the end that way. Being honest with yourself and her is the least "cold" thing you could do. And you can't take responsibility for any of her reactions if you do dump her...idk, i get caught up with girls like this...... and it's hard to tell her it's over when i know it's gonna be easy. I feel so cold... i don't wanna feel cold like that, u kno?
I dumped her once and she went all crazy and shit. we got back together, but now she's paranoid I'll do it again.
<shakes head> The exact reason the situation in any prolonged state was a mistake.. lol.. my ex JOKED about turning me in (before I even started growing) I ran for the hills. LOL..i am out of weed, but patience is right behind.... i suppose you're right. (suppose, of course you are, I'm just an idiot) . i guess it comes down to the fact that I'll have to tell her the truth . o ne thing you may not know tho. SHE is SERIOUSLY planning on going into the FBI... now.. that... that's where it's a serious sore spot
HAHA holy shit that was funny. Almost shit my pants, but I had time to get my girl over and shit all over her. It was quite steamytake a dump on her chest, that will chill her out for a couple of days
LMFAOOOHAHA holy shit that was funny. Almost shit my pants, but I had time to get my girl over and shit all over her. It was quite steamy
yeah... gonna work for em...............
so over two months ago i mentioned to my girl that i was thinking of growing to save money in the long run...and she didn't condemn it, but wasn't supportive. So i went ahead and and am two weeks into veg, and i show her the plants and she flips out...she wants me to get rid of them...but my setup is stealth and quite legit....problem is she says that: once i'll have my own stash i'll smoke more, slang, and ruin my life...and she doesn't want me to go down this path...yet i want my own bud...and i've invested enough money in my setup that i'd like at least 1 yield. I don't want to break up with a girl over pot...but i don't want to ditch my plants...they are the closest thing to having a baby without being fucked for life. lol. A friend offered to take them off me...but i don't know...
i'm a sad panda.![]()
Lmfao... if he can pull one hot chic he can pull another...Post a pic of your girl and I will let you know if you should keep the plants or her![]()