Well-Known Member
so over two months ago i mentioned to my girl that i was thinking of growing to save money in the long run...and she didn't condemn it, but wasn't supportive. So i went ahead and and am two weeks into veg, and i show her the plants and she flips out...she wants me to get rid of them...but my setup is stealth and quite legit....problem is she says that: once i'll have my own stash i'll smoke more, slang, and ruin my life...and she doesn't want me to go down this path...yet i want my own bud...and i've invested enough money in my setup that i'd like at least 1 yield. I don't want to break up with a girl over pot...but i don't want to ditch my plants...they are the closest thing to having a baby without being fucked for life. lol. A friend offered to take them off me...but i don't know...
i'm a sad panda.
i'm a sad panda.