wow, its all so clear now.Sometimes in order to save money, you first have to SPEND IT.
Say I buy a supersized jar of peanut butter that's 10x larger than a normal jar. It costs 6x as much as a normal jar, but it will last me ten times longer than a normal jar. I had to spend 6x the money I normally would have for the small jar - instead of spending 10x the cost to buy 10 normal sized jars.
1 jar = $1 10 jars = $10
jumbo jar = $6
So I'm actually saving $4, over time, by buying the larger jar even though I had to shell out $6 at once.
Anyway, the CARS program was basically a stimulus for the auto industry. The main point was not to save money on gas, but to stimulate the dealerships by bringing in a lot of sales in a relatively short period of time.
Red, Their is a big difference between government investment in the economy and government take over of a public corporation like GM. GM should of been forced into chapter 11 and had their union contracts broken. The cash that was given to them should of only been used to bolster their pension funds so that the workers, active or retired would not loose what they had worked for. After about a year or so, GM would of reamerged lean and mean and ready to compete in the open market place. Their legacey costs would have finally peaked and would start to go down as the older retirees started to pass away. But Obama thought GM was "too big to fail"no i don't work for the government, i am not a member of academia, yet...
as for the whole UAW and all that nonsense, leave the conspiracy theories at home, let's talk facts...
And if you don't think Obama is a Marxist all you have to do is look at the people he has surrounded himself with nearly his entire career. Radical activists, revolutionaries and die hard socialists.
not too long ago there was a lil guy called McArthy, that started calling everyone communists because of the people they hung out with, even if none of those people had any sort of connection to communism, it was just fear-mongering... this mentality has already proved to to be not only flawed, but extremely ignorant. be careful what you say, you don't want to seem ignorant, do you?
as for free markets and supply-demand economics, don't forget that there has always been government investment in private industry to spur economy, from WWII, to the NEW DEAL, government investment in private industry helps the economy, this is not something that was found out recently.
so stop with the socialist manifesto, marxist agenda, and communist take-over mentality. it's antiquated and erroneous.
Damn, I hit the wrong button and it posted before I could proof read it and spell check it. I guess i am ignorant.![]()
Sometimes in order to save money, you first have to SPEND IT.
WRONG!! The only way you can save money is by NOT spending it. Saving money means that you have more money than before, I guarantee if you buy a $1,000,0000 huge jar of peanut butter and only spend $10 on it, you now have $10 less to spend on anything else. The $10 is not a reduction in expenditure or cost. Doob you need to get out of that "Shopping Sale" mode, My GF also exclaims how much money she saved when those new jeans went on sale. I scold her and say she has saved nothing, but instead has actually spent. She doesn't care, she still sees it as saving money.
If you save money, you will have more each time you save, not less.
they are not in a land fill. they were recycled. melted down for the metal. to make new cars, toasters ect.I agree. They were perfectly good vehicles with years of use left on them. So, they are "rated" at less MPG - big deal! Doesn't mean you throw them away. Talk about wasteful. Not to mention that those 700,000 crushed vehicles have to go somewhere. They don't just disappear. Instead of being driven by people who could have benefited from their use, they're sitting in a landfill or junkyard somewhere.
HaHa ... Everytime I go to the market and use my "membership" card, the checker tells me how much money I've saved. I always retort with: "Hey great, please give me the money I've saved here so I can go put it into the bank!"WRONG!! The only way you can save money is by NOT spending it. Saving money means that you have more money than before, I guarantee if you buy a $1,000,0000 huge jar of peanut butter and only spend $10 on it, you now have $10 less to spend on anything else. The $10 is not a reduction in expenditure or cost. Doob you need to get out of that "Shopping Sale" mode, My GF also exclaims how much money she saved when those new jeans went on sale. I scold her and say she has saved nothing, but instead has actually spent. She doesn't care, she still sees it as saving money.
If you save money, you will have more each time you save, not less.
You must have missed the part where I said "I'm not speaking in terms of cash for clunkers, just in general."Do you have more money left over after you purchase the car? If not then its not saving. You didn't save anything, you just spent less. Stereotypical female attitude.