My Friend the Car Dealer Says...

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Cash for Clunkers wasn't about helping the environment OR saving money. It was an attempt to raise automobile sales figures and save the auto makers/dealers from going out of business. I'd say it was pretty successful.
Mussolini would be proud of you.


New Member
RED hasn't an economic bone in his body.

Cash for Clunkers was a complete failure. It didn't help anyone. It compressed sales and drove auto part prices upwards....

Everything adds up.... the losses form this will ripple outwards.

This is just a tiny sampling of how stupid govt. stimulus packages are. They NEVER work. They have never worked.... ever.


Well-Known Member
You must have missed the part where I said "I'm not speaking in terms of cash for clunkers, just in general."

"Stereotypical female attitude"??

Dude, don't come at me like I'm some irresponsible airhead with a credit card. I've raised 2 kids, BY MYSELF, on less than $15,000 a year. I think I know how to stretch a buck.
and stretch my buck also. Don't forget my money is helping you too!!!


Well-Known Member
Your tax money doesn't pay my wages.
My tax money which goes to the government that has programs that do. Are you gonna tell me you get no governemnt aid? One person has trouble living on 14k a year. But somehow you can do it, as well as raise two kids on 14k a year all by yourself???? BS


Well-Known Member
My tax money which goes to the government that has programs that do. Are you gonna tell me you get no governemnt aid? One person has trouble living on 14k a year. But somehow you can do it, as well as raise two kids on 14k a year all by yourself???? BS

Nope, no government aid. I am not by myself anymore, and I make a comfortable wage now - combined with my fiancee's wage. We are by no means "wealthy", but we manage to get by without relying on credit cards - and we actually have some savings, unlike many people.

Yes, I have raised 2 kids on 14K by myself with no government aid. It's called "living within your means". More people should try it.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Fuck off, you old coot.
Personal attacks won't change our perspectives.

The underpinnings of most of my posts focus on people being able to live peacably and free. I advocate for more liberty and freedom of choice. I don't believe any person needs to control another.

Your posts strike me as advocating for more government intervention in people's lives and less freedom.

I'd be happy to "fuck off" if people like you would agree to run your own life and let others do the same.

As far as me being an old coot, that's amusing. I'm pretty happy with my healthcare plan. I'll go cut some wood
by hand, feed my chickens, and go for a hike enjoying my freedom. By the way my significant other and her girl friends think I'm kinda sexy for an old coot in a Grizzly Adams sort of way. ;-)


Well-Known Member
Personal attacks won't change our perspectives.

The underpinnings of most of my posts focus on people being able to live peacably and free. I advocate for more liberty and freedom of choice. I don't believe any person needs to control another.

Your posts strike me as advocating for more government intervention in people's lives and less freedom.

I'd be happy to "fuck off" if people like you would agree to run your own life and let others do the same.

As far as me being an old coot, that's amusing. I'm pretty happy with my healthcare plan. I'll go cut some wood
by hand, feed my chickens, and go for a hike enjoying my freedom. By the way my significant other and her girl friends think I'm kinda sexy for an old coot in a Grizzly Adams sort of way. ;-)

Your posts strike me as someone who can't understand plain English.

I don't care about changing your perspective, I just want you to fuck off.


Well-Known Member
Your posts strike me as someone who can't understand plain English.

I don't care about changing your perspective, I just want you to fuck off.
Pejoratively or literally? If literally, what does that actually involve, fucking off? Since your so keen on the meaning of words and all...:eyesmoke:

If pejoratively, you sure are a little cuss.


Well-Known Member
fuck off
verb (inf=to fuck off, fucks off, fucking off, fucked off, fucked off)
  1. (intransitive) To go to hell, to disappear, go away or to screw oneself.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
fuck off

verb (inf=to fuck off, fucks off, fucking off, fucked off, fucked off)
  1. (intransitive) To go to hell, to disappear, go away or to screw oneself.
I don't believe in hell.
Disappear? I'm not able to disappear, best I can do is live quietly on the edge of civilization hoping to stay out of the cross hairs of statists like you.

Go away? Nah, I don't want to.
Screw oneself? That might be hard for a man to do given the angles and stuff. Might be easier for a woman to accomplish. Please no need to provide any details of your exploits there though...I just ate. :o