My First Real Grow Thread! Socal Style!


Well-Known Member
Finally cooled off down here and its 3 am. Burnt out and brain needs a break haha! Going to have to go hit radio shack for the scope if my G 13 is done soon i can take it out maybe get some new girls goin for a winter harvest!

The bud worms hit one of the seed plants hard! Hoping the green house will keep them out. Happy sleepy time for me! Keep it cool!


Well-Known Member
wow the worm stories suck you guys:-(. hate to hear that for sure. I've been spraying for a month and a half at least,don't have much budding at the moment. I caught a few on em when they were smaller but nothing lately. I'll be spraying weekly BT :leaf: and spinosad from here on out. Seen alot of those little orange butterflies lately too.

I moved a bucket out of the ground and wasn't sure where I wanted to put it yet,so I left it out yesterday on cement, watered all of them and went to work. Well it was pretty frickin pissed off when I got home. :o(yours looked better off then mine Bongs) Worst drooping I've had on a bokelly move. I moved the plant cause it was sandwiched in between two others and was looking pretty sweet so I wanted to give it a good shake at maxium sun and more room and instead I F%$^$ it up. :wall:

I do think having your buckets in the ground and wet soil around them helps in this extreme heat. I'm not saying leaving it on the cement helped any. im dumbass :-P

Gonna be hotter today boys and girls ! with a chance of T-Showers.

Hey I'm germing some autos. 3 onyx regs a critcal fem and a northen lights fem. Been in the cup since Thursday. just something to mess around with this fall and see if I can make some more auto seeds. I got my seeds and shirts from the Tude. Waiting for my Iranian autos from the Doc.:weed:

I better get iut and water for the first time today. :weed:

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
i was told it takes ys of breeding to make an auto sed?is yhis true? i was burned on some seeds bout yr ago by someone here.they were to be auto seeds the guy had just made.1st try at it to! i was impressed.but after talking about it on my thread some folks came thru and told me i shouldve known he was a fraud cuz it takes like 5 yrs of breeding to get auto seeds.i wouldnt know to be honest! i have short rider fem love to make more!!!!!! how do you do it tws?


Well-Known Member
You know I'm not really sure and I would be the last one to give any advice on that. I don't see why you can't pollinate a male auto with a female auto. Yes the strain of each or one won't be as dominate until crossed several more times. I think 5 times I've read. I can't see where a 5 year window comes in as you can cross seed pretty fast under lights. But as a far as getting some seeds with auto flower genes the first time I don't see why not. I'm not concerned over making a new strain or whatever I just want to try to get some seeds cause they are expensive and autos can fill the fall/winter time blues. The onyx to onynx should produce the same seed ? Some of these guys growing that Iranian short flower are making seeds I believe ? :joint: I will all so try to clone the Iranian "short flower" as it is not a true auto but a short flower. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Hey tws i headed towards redlands to chill with andrew and joshkins! Would be cool if we could all chill
i cant believe how hot it was at 9am this morning! i walked out of my room to check my girls..and i dripped sweat almost walking 20 feet.
i moved all my girls to my driveway in the shade because im worried they will wilt again even though i watered yesterday. feedin the big ones today.

cant wait to see that light over here in room all lit up with the 3 autos under. cant wait! should be tiiight.
i met 2 new people last night who i turned onto growing and we just talked for 3 hours about it all. gona help her set up her grow soon. her and her friend couldnt believe how easy it is to do it legally lol... niice helped another fellow stoner.

might go down to the go kart track in san bernardino today go for a few races. she gave me some coupons for cheap races. might be fun.

workin on my car now but the heat is hampering it!

my greenhouse sucks right now in this triple digit heat. so winter only for now i guess. at least for the one i have now.

try to stay cool everyone, its hard for me cuz i only have a swamp cooler lol..

peace all


Well-Known Member
Yo tws were gona be chillen smoken send me a text if you wanna chill or are bored. Some new stuff came in! Gona be a fun day haha!


Well-Known Member
I got an Idea.. All you guys come to my house and trim my Alien Og for me ? lol .. im ordering the fight .. you knnow you wanna :)