My First Real Grow Thread! Socal Style!

been better actually :) they keep growing bud. the seeds are doing just fine there. im going to feed everything tomorrow except the seeds.. very weak solution indeed tho. very very weak. maybe half strength not so weak haha.


Well-Known Member
I just woke up long night with the girls out last night! haha! Went and saw the new rising apes movie or what ever it is. It was ok not the best movie i ever seen or the worst. Its been 110 down here. Everything still soo green although i can barley stand outside to water them haha. Me and the heat dont work together.

Hey alotta i know you got stuff goin on. Just when i ever you can but i looked at the menu of the clones and I will take two of each please. Let me know whats goin on and whats neeeded. Since two of mine here are ending towards their cylce i wana veg some clones for a few weeks pop them off in the green house with the seeds : )

Thanks everyone Stay cool!!! Pics soon to come!
huge tragedy struck almost! its so hot outside! over 100 it feels. i checked my plants this morning, just fine, perfect lush green..then just now i checked again and the best plant was so wilted! it was pretty wet this morning!

i cried when i saw this:

but its come back already only a few leaves died..but shit its so hot! every day i guess it needs water..i hope i didnt stress it cuz its budding full force. :( everything else is fine but i watered it all.


Well-Known Member
This was at 3 pm or so when I went outside to make sure the dogs water didnt evaporate lol.. its fucking BLAZING .. Tomorrow is a high of 104 with thunderstorms and rain .. Really ?


Well-Known Member
Fuuuuuck that's hot. glad I'm up here on the mountain, it only hit 90 yesterday. Still to cold to kill off all the PM on this fucking mountain! At least you won't ever have to worry about mold with those temps. Keep them in some partial shade on days like that, the heat is just too much stress for the plant. If they are only getting 5 hours of direct sunlight you are fine, it's better than the poor girls wilting. But I'm glad she made a come back. I'm about to go out back and start wrapping my pots with white plastic. Heat didn't affect the pots temperature much until the other day, they got fire hot! My poor roots! I have leaves yellowing already, and I know it's because their poor roots are turning brown and red!
purple kush is 15 inches exactly and the sour grapes is 13 inches exactly..cuz i fimed the SG. 3 times the bud. i killed off one of my plants. it just was attracting unwanted attention from critters and bugs so i yanked her. it was all crispy i let my dog chew on it lol...5 of 7 left :( once the tent is here then no more of this bull shit weak growing non sense. back to growing nice plants. i cant wait!

even just vegging the autos inside for a month then flower outside will work better than now. coming together slowly rob, niiice are you excited like i am? lol hope so! we got some ways to go to be at alotta status but we can maybe make it! just time and experience! and help from great folks on here! i mean seriously, this site and the people on here know so much and have nothing but great things to talk about and great advice and help. where else would we get all this wonderful and useful info? from the local nursery?! ya right!!! just so thankful to all the help from everyone. i don't know much but i can help with the knowledge i do have. :)