My first log. CFL Stealth Dresser Bagseed


Well-Known Member
be sure to post some pics of your lst and anti bushing methods when you get a chance... they way mine are growing.. you still have a couple of weeks before the info is useful to me fucking shitty soil...


Active Member
here they are after being butchered. like i said before im very unfriendly with my plants lol. theres 1 that i couldnt tie over cause the stalk is so short. when i transplanted i buried it up to the first oval leaves. not its short as shit as has a stem as thick as a cigarette so it wont bend. also when i was bending i noticed on the stem where the dirt pushed up their rooting of the stem up top so thats good. i should have a nice growth burst once they all get established



Well-Known Member
looks good homie.. cant wait to see how they grow... i am guessing that is just round 1 out of multiple rounds of training rite?


Active Member
ya im gonna try to work them around their own little square to keep them short till they sex. then about another week of veg if possible after i weave out the males and have more free space in neighboring squares for the females. basically hoping to see preflowers and start 12/12 by new years lol. sucks its not gonna be ready till atleast march prolly. cant keep smokin this bullshit so ill be snagging buds off them as they flower


Well-Known Member
i'm not planning on smoking my current till 4-20-2010... curing time and all.. if i harvest in march, that would be perfect for me...


Active Member
shit dude mine will be gone by then even if i end up with a qp which im hoping for atleast that. should get it with the training unless i end up with like 1 female lol.


Well-Known Member
i'm gonna cure this round for a good long while... i think that 4-20 will be a good day to smoke this last round was the first time to smoke my own grown... i think 4-20 will be the next best that gives me suffecient time for everything... also, i will be able to get good nutes and shit like that when these are done.. i got some legends ultimate indica by dj short seeds i am really ready to get going... not rushing this one for it though... i am using this round as a test run in the bigger box... hopefully by that time i will have the parts i need for my micro box as well... that will prolly be my sexxing chamber for clones... i mean, i know it will flower so why not.. i mite do a shot glass sog in the micro case one day with clones... lol.. that would be wild...


Well-Known Member
i dont know where i got my date of when mine became sprouts, but i just checked pic info and the shoed their first set of leaves 11-13... so mine are only a lil over 2 weeks old... dont know why i posted that here.. imma go post it in my thread...


Active Member
lights coming on in about 20 minutes will put up a couple pictures then. should be something goin on i havent looked at them since the tying last night


Well-Known Member
damn skerv they comin along nicely. My topped girl i think is going to have 4 tops. dont know how i did it. ill put some pics up in a few. wish i had room for 4-6 like you do.


Active Member
so i was watering them and looking around noticed a spot where the water washed up some soil. there was a huge ass root growing out of the stem by the top of the dirt sticking out. anywho heres some pictures of a few



Active Member
started trimming again and cut the rest of the tops off. i dont think the possible fim worked lol. 1 or 2 of them have new growth from it but the rest dont so i topped them. got a little carried away with the trimming damn near all of the original leaves are gone lol


Active Member
little late lol. the big one ive been posting pictures of from the start only has 2 of its original leaves left. i cut the rest off and the bottom is bushing up nice. theres still a few that are slacking behind i think i topped them to early but eh well. 1 of the fims went right though it has a bunch of shit coming out of it like i seen in a picture online. 1 out of 12 was right haha pretty bad cutting. anywho dont know when i can get pictures up again so by the time i get the cord back they should have recovered


Active Member
well everythings still going great so far. the bottoms are shooting up nice and starting to stink pretty good. gonna get the filter started today or tommorow so i can see if i need another exhaust fan or not. trying to get pictures up but its not lookin to likely unless my cousin brings me back the camera wire. the one i have is being junk when i hook it up it just says unknown device even it theres nothing hooked up to the wire


Well-Known Member
sounds like the plants are doing good. wish you had that camera going. i started lst ing my girl yesterday and shes coming along nicely. take a look. get that camera working.


Active Member
well i ghetto rigged a filter up somewhat like i planned to have it but shortcutted. it killed the smell but looks like it killed my exhaust to lol. waiting to see what happens to the temps but im about positive i need another fan