My first log. CFL Stealth Dresser Bagseed


Active Member
ok picture time

DAY 7 from sprouting

heres the ones ive been showing from the start

heres the 2nd one i started showing

and heres a picture of both tubs and how they sit in the dresser. notice the runts? the one on the bottom right is having some problems i dont know what. its still growing and green but the leaves feel dry and their sagging. oh and the things between the plants are some homemade spacers from a plastic garden fence. used em to seperate the roots and be able to remove them later when the males get picked out so whoevers next door gets some extra room


Well-Known Member
looking green.
I wouldn't be surprised about runts from bagseeds.

good luck :D
Ya very true my runt was half the size of the other 2 for about a month and now its starting to catch right up! She has the strongest stem out of all three now!

Those girls are looking good man, temps seem ok, im telling you now try and slap on a filter to the exhausts and find out what temps are like then! saves you when you get to that point, like me right now, trying to figure this problem out now :P
Keep the updates rollin in bro! peace!


Active Member
well i know the filter is gonna screw up the exhuast i have plans of adding another fan to it so not even worried. the temp went up to 90 today after i repositioned fans but the thermo was set above the lights. i put it down at soil level and its only 76 so again not worried plus the plants seem to be doing great except a couple runts.


Active Member
think i may have some purple genes in a couple unless theres some deficiency i didnt read about. seeing slight purpling on the edges of leaves of a couple plants. i dont think its from the cold cause its only a 2 or 3 of them out of the 12. getting excited now its getting to the fun part where i can literally see them change every day :) decided im gonna do a gradual decrease in light times and make it hit 12/12 around day 20-30 depending on how big they are. wanted to wait for preflowers but i dont think ill have room unless i dispose of half of them. dont really wanna do that though and end up tossin a possible female even if it is a runt


Active Member
good mornin peoples picture time. and the runs are finally starting to pick up. gonna start a 20/4 light tonight. theyve been on 24 hours but off for 4 hours every other day. then ill start 18/6 next week then 12/12 the week or 2 after that

DAY 8 from sprouting

first plant

other plant


Active Member
well i got bored and prepped the tubs with holes to tie down plants to. after that was done i decided hell i might as well tie down the plants to while im at it. so first lst session done. on a side note i found a damn bug >< looked it up and pretty sure its the fungus gnats so gonna stick up some sticky traps from the lights


Well-Known Member
well i got bored and prepped the tubs with holes to tie down plants to. after that was done i decided hell i might as well tie down the plants to while im at it. so first lst session done. on a side note i found a damn bug >< looked it up and pretty sure its the fungus gnats so gonna stick up some sticky traps from the lights
Damm bugs, find your own weed :P good stuff on the lst, post up a pic when you get a chance! i re did the chamber so hopefully it helps out my temp situation!
i'll drop by again and check out the grow!


Active Member
if i remember right you said you have intake fans. if you do take them off and leave it as a passive intake. thats what raised my temps was setting the fans over the intakes trying to get better air flow. must of screwed up the pressure whatever not sure on the specifics on ventilation. just know for sure its better for me with passive intakes


well i got bored and prepped the tubs with holes to tie down plants to. after that was done i decided hell i might as well tie down the plants to while im at it. so first lst session done. on a side note i found a damn bug >< looked it up and pretty sure its the fungus gnats so gonna stick up some sticky traps from the lights
i tried the traps they were fail, but i had a total infestation.
got me some nemetodes from a place and added them to all my house plants also. 2-3 weeks they were totaly gone!!. they dont do any major damage but they are irritating as hell!


Active Member
i only found 1 so far and i looked around alot for them after. i knew i shouldnt of brought in that damn plant from outside unless they came from the planting crap i got at the gardening store. the stick trap things i decided to setup a spiffy little thing to lay t hem scross the dirt without actually touching the dirt. it says on the package no chemicals or poisons but i still dont want anything seeping into my dirt


I got mine that way i put the girls out for some real sun for a few days and with the crappy soil i started with it atracted them. they feed on decomposing plant matter(Dead roots) you will know if it gets bad lol they will be all over the place but if u have few containers u may get mem under control killing on sight.
I have like 15 house plants and 10 or so other variouse container types.
so what happens is they lay larvae in the soil in the top 2 centemeters or so. oh yah almost forgot t o mention. let your soil dry between wattering keeps em away also.I should have done that at first sight as they would not have gotten out of control.
I think you will be ok and i gathered some ladybugs just for good measure but i think the spider living in there ate em lmao


Active Member
im only watering every 2-3 days so ya my soils not always sogging wet it dries on top and still goes atleast the day without water after that


Active Member
well i caught me 2 guard dogs (ladybugs) and threw them in the grow hopefully theyll kill the bugs for me ^^ i had 1 in there already from around the first day i thought it got out of died cause i havent seen it. it just popped out of nowhere from a plant while i was removing the sticky traps and putting the other ladybug in there so now he has a buddy. lights are going off in 2 hours and the begining of their 18/6 cycle for a week or 2. will post picture in about 8 hours after they sleep.


Active Member
edited nvm on the first lst most of them already went straight up after the lights were on a bit lol


Active Member
ok group photo time. didnt feel like taking the extra single pictures of the 2 plants today. but their the middle right and bottom left plants in the right side container. think im gonna top them in a few days whenever i can get a decent space between the top bode. their still really short and bushy but they all have their first 5 point leaves. ohh and i cracked off my light traps finally waiting to see what the temps go to now with some better intake. 1 more thing forgot lol when i opened the door after turning the lights back on i was welcomed by the pleasent stench of skunk so the stink is startin already ^^

DAY 10 from sprout


Well-Known Member
gotta love that fresh smell eh skervy!
Good to see things are coming along! what are you going to do when those babies get bigger? re pot?


Active Member
nah their stayin in them tubs depending how many end up female. im just gonna trim and train them into a big fluffy canopy untill they show sex. i was gonna flower early but changed my mind . oh temps are around 80 now where it was 86 after i took off the light traps. gonna have to think of a new idea for em but ill prolly just shortcut it and stuff some towels around the bottom of the dresser


Well-Known Member
Very nice bro ill go ahead and scribe if you dont mind though i need some followers as well. mine are on day 15veg, link is in my sig. Lemme know what you think.

Im also using about 300watts cfl.