My first Indoor Grow [pleeze comment]


Active Member
This is my second grow however this is my first indoor grow, I am using [2] 18 inch CFL's plant and Aquarium bulbs, each putting out 510 lumens 90k along with Miracle grow potting soil and Miracle grow Organic Choice plant food concentrate. I water my plants with straight seltzer water or roughly once a week i water them with a diluted Plant foot mix of the above and seltzer water. My plant is roughly 3 weeks old i had 5 plants altogether and the lights are on a timer however I had to take a trip and left my brother the responsibility of watering them which he proved he was an idiot at and killed off 4 of the 5 so hopefully its a female. I currently have 3 others seeds that are sprouting up as im typing this any suggestions would be mint, thnx and enjoy this noobies operation



New Member
streching ;( u should get some screw in cfl there much better instted of ur long ones

or put the long ones on the side and cfl scre ins on top


Well-Known Member
i suggest you read up more on growing
Get yourself a good indoor grow book(s)George Van Patten (The Indoor Gardener's Bible) and Ed Rozenthal (Ed's o.k. and has several books, make sure you get the latest version) are just a couple reputable author's. Don't rely on the internet or other peoples sole advise. Growing is something you have to figure out on your own thru trial and error. You already have a head start cuz you've done this outside Pretty soon you'll have buds like this going on.

Good Luck,



Well-Known Member
yer, get the lights closer!
i have 425 watts less than an inch from the top of my plants and have no stretch at all,

good luck bro,



Well-Known Member
I read for around 2 months before I started my first indoor grow.

Honestly I wish I would have read for one more month before starting.

A book is a good suggestion, but it is possible to use the internet as your only source, you just need a lot of patience and be good at using google.

Still, great results come from great research (plus money and attention). Either that or years and years of trial and error (but my guess is you don't want to wait 10 years for good smoke).

So yeah, we could answer you question, but if you actually want a good grow worth your time, effort, and funds you need to do serious research.

pics are my closet 50 days in my first grow.

good luck



Active Member
i agree that reading up and getting the knowledge before growing is the best i plan on ordering a few books but i am limited to a small space where i can only fit 2 full size plants and also i cannot install an air filtration unit or anything like that so i rely on just the lights and im ordering some gel stuff that eliminates odors, other than that i cant have a big indoor grow room i live with the parents still


Well-Known Member
i agree that reading up and getting the knowledge before growing is the best i plan on ordering a few books but i am limited to a small space where i can only fit 2 full size plants and also i cannot install an air filtration unit or anything like that so i rely on just the lights and im ordering some gel stuff that eliminates odors, other than that i cant have a big indoor grow room i live with the parents still
crank call! Crank call!


Active Member
Today i Added another 18 inch. CFL tube so now there are 3 total which no doubt will be plenty of light and i also cleaned out the box and taped white computer paper everywhere hoping that will help reflect light more. Ill post pics in a lil bit, my 3 sprouts are about an inch tall now and the big plant that survived from the first batch is still growing like a champ just gotta cross my fingers and hope its a female, also i picked up some liquid Iron that has some other essential minerals in it to give the plants a boost with the foliage growth.


Active Member
So here are some new pics of my Ph test and the new liquid iron with other minerals i bout i mix right into my seltzer water. From what i could tell my Ph was between 6.5 and 6.0 so i figured it looked like 6.3. An also if anyone could enlighten me with some knowledge of why the first two leaves that unfold from the seed which are the leaves at the bottom of the plant are turning yellow? I bout the liquid iron cuz it says it restores green foliage in the case that leaves are turning yellow due to the lack of certain minerals and vitamins.



Well-Known Member
if you are growing in your parents house and relying on gel stuff to kill the odor you are sadly mistaken at how much they are going to smell.

If you don't get proper odor filtration, your parents and neighbors are both going to get together to start a search party to find where the smell is coming from.

Also, I didn't know if you knew, but there is an entire industry built around nutrients for mj plants. (not involving miricle grow, or liquid iron)

there are many threads on here dedicated to telling you why your leaves are doing what they are doing. READ, it will help.


Active Member
i dont plan on letting them get to big tho i just want to keep cloning and flowering them once they get a bout a foot and a helf tall and i have a ton of air fresheners and such other than that i dont think it should be to big of a problem since i dont live in the main house i live seperate from it and i no one really goes in my part of the house so i think i will be fine plus im growing flowers in my room also so i think that will thro anyone off if they happen to somehow get in my abode, any other comments would be mint thnx guys


Well-Known Member
i dont plan on letting them get to big tho i just want to keep cloning and flowering them once they get a bout a foot and a helf tall and i have a ton of air fresheners and such other than that i dont think it should be to big of a problem since i dont live in the main house i live seperate from it and i no one really goes in my part of the house so i think i will be fine plus im growing flowers in my room also so i think that will thro anyone off if they happen to somehow get in my abode, any other comments would be mint thnx guys
Crank call, crank call!!

just kidding. good luck your gonna need it. you are asking advise, people give it and you don't listen. you are doomed. do the whole mj movement a favor and quit. guys like you give us a bad name. seriously good luck. haha...



Active Member
`Shouldnt grow at all if you cant support it dude, wait till later when you get your own place... you aint barely gunna get shit out of em for 3 weeks they suck like shit mine are about 30x bigger. wtf.


Active Member
DH thats harsh i mainly am growing because its a stress reliever for me right now and im using crappy bag seeds so they probably are a very crappy strain so thats prob. why they are so small compared to others, i dont care how much i get out of them im planning on setting up a DIY carbon filter of some sort and im going to prove yall wrong and get at least a lil goodness from my plant, and i am taking the advise ppl are giving me i added 2 more bulbs so i now have a total of 4 CFL's that will surely be enough to grow one plant i know it doesnt compare to other setups but eventually i will get something outta it. I really dont care if it doesnt flower at all its a pleasure to watch it grow and its fun to tend to.


Well-Known Member
I really dont care if it doesnt flower at all its a pleasure to watch it grow and its fun to tend to.
Different people have different goals, and I think you have a wonderful attitude and outlook. Watching the plants you care for grow is very enjoyable and satisfying.