My first Indoor Grow [pleeze comment]


Well-Known Member
im using crappy bag seeds so they probably are a very crappy strain so thats prob. why they are so small compared to others, i dont care how much i get out of them im planning on setting up a DIY carbon filter of some sort and im going to prove yall wrong and get at least a lil goodness from my plant, and i am taking the advise ppl are giving me i added 2 more bulbs so i now have a total of 4 CFL's that will surely be enough to grow one plant i know it doesnt compare to other setups but eventually i will get something outta it. I really dont care if it doesnt flower at all its a pleasure to watch it grow and its fun to tend to.
It sounds like you've done some reading and picked up on some of the buzz words. Believe it or not i'm trying to help you. Ask more questions we know you have them.



Active Member
ya man like i said this is what i do for relaxation after work and school, i get high and read forums and tend to my plants, my main concern right now is getting this carbon filter setup, im gunna go buy two pc fans and i am lookin around were i can get activated carbon however there arent any fish stores around my area so that might take awhile.


Well-Known Member
ya man like i said this is what i do for relaxation after work and school, i get high and read forums and tend to my plants, my main concern right now is getting this carbon filter setup, im gunna go buy two pc fans and i am lookin around were i can get activated carbon however there arent any fish stores around my area so that might take awhile.
no petco, or petsmart? You live in the sticks??? I forget, are they smelling already... they shouldn't start stinking for a while now. Mine are into their 4th week in flower and they barely smell, and they are half Skunk.

and yes, i am following you, haha.


Active Member
haha naw we dont have petco or ne of that i have a walmart thats it haha i live in a small ass town haha but ya my oldest plant doesnt smell enough to smell from a distance but when i get within a few inches i smell it, so im working on the carbon filter before ne thing else