My First Hydro Grow - Master Kush


Well-Known Member
thats to bad i wish i would have seen this thread before you topped them, your not supposed to do that in flower especially 2 weeks in, im curious to see how the results turn out... good luck
r u cloning if not instead of just cutting to make it shorter ur cuttin 4 clones and on top of that u dont need to buy more seeds u can keep cloning ur fem kush
they would take a while under veg lights to readjust out from flowering and in to veg but it beats just burning ur plants and wastin money but other than that they look good


Well-Known Member
Haven't updated for a while, so here's what's crackin':

The good

It's been about four weeks of flowering and my eight girls are budding like crazy. They're all about four feet tall.

The bad
My lesson learned here is that I simply vegged too long. If I had shaved a week off they would have ended up about a foot shorter, which is what I was originally shooting for. Although they're four feet tall, only the top 2.5 feet are actually productive. It was a thick mess down there with virtually no bud growth, so I removed all the dead and dying leaves and basically cleaned up the entire first 18 inches.

As I said, I'll know better next time.

My temps are about what they were the last time I updated. The range is 70-86 degrees. The AC is on for a good 18 hours per day. I turn it off when the light goes out and I don't turn restart it until the box reaches 85.

For the past week I have been feeding them Sensi Bloom, Super Plant Tonic and one tablespoon per gallon(x30) of molasses. PPM is approximately 1000-1200 and pH is between 5.5-6. The rez is topped off about every three days with fresh RO water. I expect to chop them in about four weeks. I might wait a little longer if I'm not happy with the amount of red hairs.

Sorry for the shitty pics, but closeups simply aren't possible with this thing. Getting a new camera for the next grow will be a top priority as I tweak my system for better results.


Well-Known Member
:eyesmoke:maybe im just stoned. What size is yur light? i am waiting for a 4 by 4 tents for my 400 hps and am hoping it ends up looking as good as yurs. I am subscribed.:eyesmoke: also what size is yur tent? and i s ry im sure i missed did yu veg under metal halide? size?


Well-Known Member
:eyesmoke:maybe im just stoned. What size is yur light? i am waiting for a 4 by 4 tents for my 400 hps and am hoping it ends up looking as good as yurs. I am subscribed.:eyesmoke: also what size is yur tent? and i s ry im sure i missed did yu veg under metal halide? size?
All of that info is on the first page, but to recap:

The tent is 3.3ft x 3.3ft x 6.5ft

I'm using a 600W Lumatek, MH conversion bulb for veg, HPS for bloom.


Well-Known Member
shit maestro.... i think the moral of this thread isnt dont lettem veg too long..... more acurately it sould be dont let them veg too long if u only have minimal space...... a grower like me has an 8 foot space.... therfore i can veg up too 1 and a half months....member my girl grew 4 feet in that time.....and when i started flower.... she never grew talller.... they look good tho....cant wait to see them soon....


Well-Known Member
Christ, this was a bad week. Seems one of my feeding lines got kinked and three plants were killed. Five remain and look to be doing very well. I'm pretty bummed, but shit happens. Yet another lesson learned. If anything I look forward to improving on these challengers for my next grow. I should be harvesting my remaining girls in 3-4 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Penultimate update, sans pics. I kind of lost interest in blogging about my grow, due to the fact that it was just making the time pass too slowly. Mainly, though, because my fucking camera just can't handle that HPS light anymore.

Here's what I've been up to:

I mostly used Advanced Nutrients' Sensi Bloom A+B, in addition to Super Plant Tonic and molasses. I also threw a bottle of Blue Mountain Organics' Flower Power in weeks 6 and 7 of flowering. For the final week I flushed with PH'd RO water for two days and for the next three days I flushed with Clearex. I stopped feeding them yesterday, and I decided to leave them in the dark for a full 48 hours prior to harvest. I'll be chopping them tomorrow morning.

Out of my five plants, I had to chop one a couple of days early because it was starting to dry out. I didn't think it could handle another day of light. The weather was ridiculously hot this week(102!). I harvested a good amount of tasty-looking nugz. They've been drying since yesterday. I placed them in a bowl that is now sitting in the grow box. They should be good to go in a few days, at that time I'll weigh them. I don't want to torture myself by seeing my wet weight shrink to 25%. I'm hoping to get something close to two ounces from the first one. We'll see how the others go. I'll be sure to post a few pics of the harvest now that I can use some regular lighting that my shit camera might be able to function under. I won't be doing another grow journal until I'm able to get a decent camera.

By the way, about a month ago I had three plants die on me. I ended up harvesting about a half ounce of dry bud. My guess is that it was only half as strong as the final product will be. Some of the buds were fat with orange hairs but they just weren't resined up at all. What I learned from that micro-harvest is that the benefits of slow drying and curing aren't the least bit exaggerated. They dried in about 4-5 days, but the extra two weeks of curing helped tremendously. Not only did the smoke get smoother, but better tasting and even better smelling. That certainly helped because the buds were loaded with fertilizer. I've had much worse, though and I really started to enjoy the shit after a while. The stone kept getting better and better like a green banana that's left alone to ripen.

I want to try and wait as long as possible before I start smoking my harvest. I'm sure that I'll be able get a nice cure for at least a few ounces. I predict that I'll be smoking some of the early harvest by Wednesday. My will is strong, but the flesh is weak. :joint:


Well-Known Member
I shot a couple of pics of the final harvest. Actually, I shot a bunch, but these were the only decent ones.

Here's one of the nicer stems:

And the final haul:

The bowl in the top left has been drying for a couple of days. I probably won't do any weighing until toward the end of the week. Can't wait to start hitting that shit.


Well-Known Member
Amazing grow. Clean set up, simple, great strain, great harvest. Just how every grow should be. Now enjoy the reward :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
hey craze nice too see you got some good nugs..... i lost mine to an infestation.... but i still got some harvest out of one.... good shit man....


Well-Known Member
hey craze nice too see you got some good nugs..... i lost mine to an infestation.... but i still got some harvest out of one.... good shit man....
Sorry to hear about your troubles, brother. Glad you were still able to get some smoke out of the crop. So what's up next for you? I was thinking about trying an auto-flowering strain next. I'd like to get started in November.


New Member
infestation damb bug bombs u can get organic spray good up 2 a day or 2 from harvest if u have 2 kush is my fav


Well-Known Member
i got three clones about a month in flower....... i got the spray..... but sometimes its too late to save a tree after the flies take ova....... im gonna just keep em inside from now on..... but you did good cr8z