Active Member
Well, I started from seed. My plant sprouted up nice and visible April 17th and I started flowering it June 3rd. Just depends on how big you want it or how big your grow area is!
My plan at this point is to veg until they are about 12",
I did want to add a Note regarding the Lucas Mix that I am using.
I made a couple of Gallons of RO Water yesterday, and let it sit overnight with the top off.
When I mix the Lucas ratio's my PH ends up on the VERY LOW Side - PH 5.2 -- I am just wondering if anyone that might read this thread, and is familiar with the Lucas Mix, might know if this is normal?? And this being the Case, should I PH my water UP a bit before mixing the nutes??
What do you think ??
I've used the GH Flora nova grow but not the bloom or micro, and it needed a little up for soil. But many nute lines push the ph down, like botanicare, and FF and so on, so your condition doesn't surprise me.
You can pour a little straight water over your transplants tomorrow if you want, but it's really not necessary the perlite will wick water to the roots, and I think they root faster after after transplant if you let them wick out the first full rez before watering again. You will notice after transplant that growth above ground will seem slower for a while and thats because they are putting their energy into setting roots, once the roots hit bottom you'll know by the growth spurt.
I would water them daily at first since they were newly transplanted.
Before you RO the water is it high in pH? I am assuming it is or you wouldn't be RO'ing it. If I were you I would mix a little non RO'd water in with your RO water and check the pH before and after adding nutrients to get the pH up where you want it.
I have 2 wells. One is pH 5.4, the other 6.8
When I mix for heavy nutes, I use 1 part each of my wells. The result is 6.2-6.3. After I add the nutes it drops to 6.0
When I mix light for seedlings, I use 1 part 6.8 to 3 parts 5.4 since I am using less fertilizer the pH will not dip.
If you mix your water(s), you will not have to buy pH up or down and once you find your sweet spot you can mark your container and not have to check it every time. I used to check mine quite often until I got it dialed in. Now that my jugs and containers are marked I am good to go. Every now and then I drop the meter in just to be sure nothing has changed on me.
Also if you mix a little non RO back in, you will get some calcium and magnesium back in there that the plants will need anyway. Good luck.
Your plants are looking very nice !
Regarding my Attitude order.. I apparently am not getting the 10% discount they said I would, cause I used the 420 code that anyone can use and got 10% off, so they are considering that my 10% discount.. Basically they were going to give me a 10% discount that anyone can get anyway.. CHEESY!!
I will probably try HERBIES next time.