My First Harvest Afghan 54 days


Active Member
Hi all, I am so excited to actually be harvesting. What a long haul it's been and I have learned so much and having lots of fun learning about these amazing plants.

I was reading up on the best way to determine when to harvest and basically came to the conclusing that it's all in the high. So I took a small bud and quick dried it using the toaster / tin foil method (works great) and wow, what a fantastic spacy headrush kind of high. I was high for over 4 hours and it was amazing. So I figure I want to get some now and I'll continue to grow the remaining 3 plants that I have so that I can see the difference and have two different kinds of weed, one that is social day time use and the other a sleeping night time type.

Here are some pictures of my first harvest. I have to hang it in the attic, there is proper ventalation and it does stay pretty cool at night and in the morning but it gets pretty warm in the late afternoon, oh well not much I can do about that. Humidity is about 20% so mold shouldn't be a problem.

I trimmed the fan leaves so now I guess I'll just wait until it's dry and go from there. I flushed it with a shitload of water a few days ago and the taste was pretty good considering I quick dried it. I think it will taste amazing after I cure it.

Let me know what you think.



Active Member
they look good dude! So did they turn a purplish color? From the looks of the last pic it seems that way. probably get a nice ass high off the ones you let grow longer.. man i am so tempted to cut one of mine down! ha


Well-Known Member
To be honest those don't look ready at all. They are still covered in white hairs, when they should be covered in red/orange hairs


Active Member
well, I only have a magnifying glass but I can see that they are mostly clear looking, no amber at all. In fact, the pistals are just starting to turn brown on the tips.


Well-Known Member
They look good but it seems the newb anxiousness got to ya. Way to waste 54 days.

J/K man Good job , youd be happier if you waited


Well-Known Member
Yeah I agree they don't look ready, but the high was incredible and isn't that what it's all about?
kind of, see in the final weeks the buds get much fatter and heavier. if you gave it another 2-3 weeks you could have almost doubled the amount of your harvest. so yeah it is about the effect, but it is also about how many times you can smoke. i hate to break it to you. but hey, it looks crystally and does the trick, so dont feel bad or regret pulling so early. just enjoy the fruits of your labor, and chalk it up to experience. nice one.

dj crane

Well-Known Member
Probably, since I'm a noobie and my first grow I figure this is the time for me to experiment and learn. I still have 3 plants left that I will let mature. Thanks everyone for all the input.

Your right, that is whats it's all about, now you know when to harvest, good work on letting them go at different times to see for youeself, +rep


Well-Known Member
yeah, I would have made a horrible doctor, no patience heheh.

I do enjoy thinking outside the box and learning. peace all :leaf:

here is a pic after I trimmed.

Hey man as long as it did the trick for you that's all that matters! Doesn't it feel good to smoke something you grew yourself :weed:


Well-Known Member
Dont worry we all have done it. :) If you would have waited 2-3 wks. You would have Been DROOLING. it would have put on weight
Probably, since I'm a noobie and my first grow I figure this is the time for me to experiment and learn. I still have 3 plants left that I will let mature. Thanks everyone for all the input.