My First Growbox w/cfls


Active Member
lmao yes it is good feeling, going to lake early tomorrow. Going to have gong show in celebration of a new job that I have not yet found.
Its going to be a beautiful weekend and i hope my plants enjoy it too.


Well-Known Member
sucks about your job lilrich that really hurry and get out there and enjoy it while it lasts :) Wish I was at home to put my bubble babies in the sun!


Active Member
Hey guys, Just enjoyin the days off. Ill post some pics as soon as my camera is charged.
The little lady buds are startin to get there first red hairs. Cant wait til there done, the one is lookin pretty bad at this point.
Everything is going yellow, I believe its because the light fell on her a couple weeks ago. But the my other lady is nice and healthy lady buds are lookin fine.
Maybe I been giving to much co2 now that i know its possible lol.


Well-Known Member
Lookin good man! Mine are becoming a nightmare! I'm ready to get this grow under my belt so I can get on with gettin on!


Active Member
Lookin good man! Mine are becoming a nightmare! I'm ready to get this grow under my belt so I can get on with gettin on!
I Cant agree more, I want to finish this one right and get to the next grow asap.
Getting excited though, buds are starting to look real nice. Going to stay high and let this one ride out.
Round 2 is a different story.


Well-Known Member
They are coming along just fine lilrich, better than fine ;)
Have you tested your ph or anything on the plant that's yellowing?


Active Member
that plants kinda f'ed its starting to lean at the weak spot in the stem. The part that got burnt is really skinny now.
I don't know if its going to make it, lts not lookin good.
I did check the ph, it was alright