My First Growbox w/cfls


Active Member
Nice box....similiar to what i going to build ..cept mines under the stairs...
So heres the question Ive been wondering. You have the fantastic filtered exhaust system on yours and Ive been curious about how

much odor four plants or so would make..I would like to bypass this part due to the noisy fans , i was thinking about a couple of quiet computer fans for in and out exhaust
what do you think? did the cfls work? im thinking about 4, 2 foot t5s
I really like working with the cfl, with the extension and splitters. I can position the light as close and exactly where i want them.
But exhausting is tricky, you want the right amount of cfm on your fan. But i can say mine is kinda noisy, but when the furnace runs and a/c runs or laudry you cant hear the box. The only reason i went with the inline fan is because i needed the power to pull and push through both filters. Not too sure if the small computor ones will do that.


Active Member
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The first 2 are looking good, but the bag seed isn't looking so good anymore. I trimmed off a couple leaves that were turnin.
pic 2 looks a bit yellow, just a soft white bulb back there. figured I would put one in the box just cause.


Active Member
DSC00439.jpg DSC00440.jpg <-- plant 1 DSC00442.jpg DSC00443.jpg DSC00441.jpg <-- plant 2

They are growing fast now, everyday theres something new. Didnt notice the yellowish color on plant 2 until i took the pics today.


Active Member
I water them every 2-3 days depending on the soil. Try to let it dry out a decent bit before rewatering.
Not feeding them that much, just a couple drops in the water every second weekish.
In total I have around, 450 actual watts = A Hella ton of equivalent


Active Member
I water them every 2-3 days depending on the soil. Try to let it dry out a decent bit before rewatering.
Not feeding them that much, just a couple drops in the water every second weekish.
In total I have around, 450 actual watts = A Hella ton of equivalent
Damn nice lighting, you going vertical the whole way?


Active Member
yep, decided for my first grow im going vertical the enitire way.
Next time im going to lst the shit out of em lol


Well-Known Member
Yes...I agree 5-6 weeks should be good....don't be like me and veg for 9 and end up with 2 48" out of control MONSTERS ;) won't do that


Well-Known Member
hey, just wondering how long you guys veg for?
lookin' good on those 2. the proper answer to length of veg is.......when the stem and roots can support all that bud we're going to get. some say thumb thickness, but my middle finger seems a good size. al that said, properly grown.......5-6 weeks. longer with training. 3 100W equivalents would veg them fine. here are my veg bulbs, from Walmart. i like to fly under the radar as much as possible and use cash.


Active Member
Something happened today, when i went to move my lights up the I bolt came off my lights fell, stopping before crushing my plant but it did hit it pretty good.
Then a light broke. I vacuumed the first layer of dirt off 1/2 inch or so most of the glass of it went on the side and most of it was still together. hope this isnt bad.


Active Member
sounds like with the cleanup you did its nothing to worry about
Mercury evaporates quite quickly and there apparently isnt very much in one light
the fact the light was still mostly intack that 100% of it didnt even escape
thankfully your plants didnt get crushed
good save my friend!


Active Member
I know, that god my co2 pipe coming into my box is about 2" or so from the top of my plant and its Iron pipe.
It stopped it from crushing it, If it werent there my plant would of been done. But its also that same thing that broke my lightbulb.
So as much as I hate it for breakin my light I love it for saving my plant lol
A bit of love hate was going on this morning