My First Growbox w/cfls


Well-Known Member
Hey, I have a stupid question to ask. Dont feel like reading a shit load of stuff to find the answers. At least not today.^^
Im starting my next plants, when you drop your germinated seeds into the soil taproot first, AFTER all that
What light schedual do you use? At this point do you put it into 18/6. I got a jiffy peat pellots and the little dome.
Last time I just waited till they germed and then i drop them into 18/6 in some soil less mix. They worked but im just wondering if that was right or is there a better way.??!
i like 24/0 more. its faster.


Well-Known Member
I hear 24/0 caused more males.
the internets known for lots of these myths, people have told me if i used foliar spray in flower my weed would have no trichs but most of those people probably have never had a harvest. sex is predetermined.


Well-Known Member
Yes it is ;) What are you doing tonight?

I kinda figured that but I wanted to run it through the wash if you will..


Well-Known Member
Yes it is ;) What are you doing tonight?

I kinda figured that but I wanted to run it through the wash if you will..
just smoking, watching adult swim. the usual.
and i know what you mean, more opinions the better. the best experience is hands on, and ive been doing this for years without a difference in male:female ratio when starting under 18/6 or 24/0, only difference is that the ones under 24/0 grew faster. theres an article about how mj doesnt need sleep but a dark period does have its benefits, id only keep it dark for 2-4 hours just so the lights dont get too hot.


Well-Known Member
Hey, I have a stupid question to ask. Dont feel like reading a shit load of stuff to find the answers. At least not today.^^
Im starting my next plants, when you drop your germinated seeds into the soil taproot first, AFTER all that
What light schedual do you use? At this point do you put it into 18/6. I got a jiffy peat pellots and the little dome.
Last time I just waited till they germed and then i drop them into 18/6 in some soil less mix. They worked but im just wondering if that was right or is there a better way.??!
I NEVER germ'd any of my seeds and have had 100% of them take. Especially with those jiffy peat pellets. They friggen rock....I put all 5 of my bubble baby seeds in there "pointy end down" with just a fluffing of the peat on top, and 2 days later all popped. I kept them warm with no light until they sprouted :) Good luck lilrich!!!


Active Member
Well 1 poped out of the pellet today, hopefully the other 2 will soon.
Got the Afghan Kush, Papaya and Afghan kush w/blackdomina ALL FEM'd this grow is going to be interesting.
Thanks for the advice Catt, wish I heard that yesterday lol


Well-Known Member
Well 1 poped out of the pellet today, hopefully the other 2 will soon.
Got the Afghan Kush, Papaya and Afghan kush w/blackdomina ALL FEM'd this grow is going to be interesting.
Thanks for the advice Catt, wish I heard that yesterday lol
ah papaya, thats an excellent strain. will be checkin this shit out a lot.


Well-Known Member
Well 1 poped out of the pellet today, hopefully the other 2 will soon.
Got the Afghan Kush, Papaya and Afghan kush w/blackdomina ALL FEM'd this grow is going to be interesting.
Thanks for the advice Catt, wish I heard that yesterday lol
lol!!! Your lineup sounds delicious :) The black domina looks like a real nice strain from what I've seen from Kush's closet ;)
Hope they all pop for ya!


Active Member
Just put my dog of 17 years down today. Its going to be a hard week.
dang bro.. that totally sucks! ill smoke one for you.. my girl just got outa heat 3 weeks ago and i guess she developed a infection in her uterus so the only thing to do is an emergency spay because that will remove the organ.. shes only 9 months shes at the vet right now..


Well-Known Member
dang bro.. that totally sucks! ill smoke one for you.. my girl just got outa heat 3 weeks ago and i guess she developed a infection in her uterus so the only thing to do is an emergency spay because that will remove the organ.. shes only 9 months shes at the vet right now..
poor baby :( Glad they can "fix" her though, I hope she recovers nicely :)


Active Member
Just picked up a box of blood n bone meal, some dolomite lime and some fruit tree spikes for my apple tree outside.
Cant wait to to mix up this batch of soil less mix. How much dolomite lime and meal should i use to what amount of soil.
The bag said use 20kg to 110 Meters sqaured of soil lol
going to use like 10 gallon pots or bigger this time. I want a monster baby lol.

BTW: Just put my 2 little girls into bigger pots, they just out grew the jiffy pellets. Got 2 more in pellets still.