My first grow!!


Active Member
looks nice and green... from your previous post she's now 6 days into flower...

if so you could thread some of your branches through your trellis to set yourself up with an more even canopy..

from reading i think peeps say its ok to train them maybe ten day into flower... others may way in whether i am correct?

but then again if you have the height you don't necessarily have to worry too much..

good luck man and keep us posted on developments...
I was gunna pull branches more so I would have more canopy just worried of breaking it off should it be ok? And I will keep posting!! Thank you for all the help fellow rollitupers!!!
I think she is doing great 19 days in now how do you guys think she is going :weed:bongsmilie
Have a couple questions though, pistils are still very short , but the smell is amazing how long are pistils supposed to be?
And any other fellow blueberry growers here?



She looks great man, I wouldn't worry about pistils.

Just out of stoned curiosity though, how short is short? The longest pistils on my week 5 ww auto are between 1/4 and 1/2 inch (I just peeked at em).

Reckon we might see "size matters" jokes following lol...


Active Member
looking good maine,

has she stopped stretching yet?

What nutes are you giving her in flower, in flower more pk and less n will ready her to fruit...


Well-Known Member
I bought the Agromax xl tent I have a big kahuna reflector carbon filter 600watt digital, have 3 floor fans 1 inline exhaust fan a dehumidifier and only 1 plant :(, however I started with 7 I lost 6 of them due to inexperience, thought they were ruined with mold, learned I an treat it before I threw the last one away, it is now 5 days into flowering after a very long veg stage (April 25th) till 5 days ago doing pretty good i think but I'm afraid I'm over watering, I water with nute rich water everyday about half gallon, from what I have read on some of theses post Is they say water 1 time a week?!? another rookie question I have is how important is it that I ph my water? I'm new to this page this is my 1st post I hope you experienced persons can help thank you very much!!! Love this page
Water every 5 days and use ferts every 14 days, wet dry wet dry feed dry water dry feed dry water etc