My First grow


Well-Known Member
clones are mature plants once they have roots again, so the grow time is drastically reduced.... for instance, AFTER they root, my clones get zero veg time. right now. they spend a week or so getting roots and then they go right under the ScrOG and i start weaving them through the screen as they grow.

course, with how well my cloning method worked for you so far, you might want to do anything but what i suggest ;)

i need to still experiment with topping under flower.

my first clone under this method is flowering nicely and filling out the screen adequately though, so if i cant top/fim i wont cry.


Well-Known Member
What works for one dosent always work for all.......but i'm down for trying anything...

I had actually thrown around the idea of.......Cutting all the heads from mama trying to root them all and putting them all in solo cups and throwing them all right into 12/12 as soon as they root.....Dunno if i would gain anything doing this really though.

That was only an idea, its just hell waiting around for mama after i stressed her so damn much :( then seeing a few of you guys harvesting and i'm not even into flower and been trying for damn near 2months. That sucks.

My luck sucks lol.


Well-Known Member
we make our own luck.

about 8-6-08 my first clone using just that method should be harvested... i will let you know how the yield compares to the original plant that got just over 2 weeks veg after sprouting. ;)

things are almost running like clock work here and frankly, my setup is a lot more ghetto than yours. so once you do get things dialed in you should get some decent results. keep on plugging and you will get there. :D


Well-Known Member
does anybody know if jobes plant food spikes are any good for growing the nutrients are 13-4-5
they are not, they cause nute burn

since you are growing the plant quickly the spikes usually dont release properly

weird place to post this question


Well-Known Member
Just gotta get into the swing of things.....get a daily regiment, etc. I i thought i was......after 1m.....oh well.....Its sad :( But hope to have a good day when all is said and done.

And yes wrong place for a plant spikes to be asked....wouldn't be too bad if i was asking or questioning something about them, but thats extreemly random and not the least bit pertinent to the grow thread.

Those spikes are no good really for cannabis, the are highly concentrated at the initial spiking spot, as well as the burn like monkee mentioned, from the high concentration.......For furs etc, plant spikes are good, they grow slow, cannabis grows extreemly fast, extreemly fast, it takes those spikes a little while to break down, and by the time the're getting close to breaking down your already into flowering....if not close to harvest.

But thats does belong in general Q. Sorry if i sound like an ass.


Well-Known Member
Just gonna update a little, mama's still striving on hairs, i gotta figure out what to do with her.....none showing yet. :(

Baby clone is looking very nice, hasn't started vertical very much yet, though a few 3leaf sets are coming in at the top, same few hair showing, though the darkening of the stems/branches are lightening up again, i dunno if this is good or not.

I'm really at a loss as to what to do honestly, keep mama and try to finish her, which seems to never turn over, or move her out for the baby to take her place, and restart with a moderately clean slate.....if i had it my way i would keep her and finish, and have the baby going as well, space is an issue for that plan though, case mama is gonna get larger i know. And baby i want to be larger for proper veg time to fill the screen properly before flower.

I fear putting her outside she'll get eaten.


Well-Known Member
Thats really what i had figured, 2months lost :(, very shameful.....But hell i'll take 6 or 10 clones from her before i trash her, or throw her outside, so if anything i can have a little SOG going instead of a scrog.......Hmm. Solocup buds....:D

Other good clone i think is sick.....showing some burns around upper leaf edges.

Heres a pic of "Leggy", i got her in with the Basil/Marjoram/Catnip(for my cat) to veg for a few days under 2 23w daylight CFL's like i had to begin. I'm still unsure what to do with mama though.....but i imagine i have a few weeks to decide, i can top her and do some minor training on her until she's ready to be put under the screen, i'll keep her in veg and just fill the whole screen, Top her then pull the 4-6 arms similar to how i have now, under the screen and much lower, to allow a full screen before flowering. Upon flowering she'll rise above it.

Thats the plan. I can monitor my PH the whole way so will be keeping VERY close tabs on it. PH sits at 6.8 in mama.

Heres another shot of mama, still no part of her showing any signs of flowering last i looked tonight......she's just being very difficult, and i imagine i can get more going with the clone than i could for the mama in the next 2weeks, if she's not doing anything by then....mabey outside....:(

Also at the right you can see leggy sitting over with an ice bottle and the fan. Temps are steady 81-84F, high in the last 3 days is 85F. Low of 75F. During the daytime i keep 2 ice bottles in, and during the night time i keep 1 in at all times. I imagine when i get the HPS, if i can ever come around to afford it, then i should be able to keep a single light cooler than multiple CFL's, and keep the distance alot farther awawy and unfixed.

Sorry i'm very wordy...
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Well-Known Member
clones regularly look poor because they have to feed off themselves till they grow roots and you start to give them nutes.... they come around rather nicely.

you didnt waste your time, you have learned a few things, havent you? ;)

tough call on whether or not to ditch mom.... i think i would ditch her once i was confident that the clones were growing nicely.


Well-Known Member
Daytime lighting is from 6am to around 9pm right now.


Well-Known Member
Haha no DB your not retared, i was just stating the Outside lighting scheduel as of now. Sun rise around 6-7am, then gets dark right at 9pm. So if i did drop mama outside then she would get a little veg time before flowering, ~sept. First frost in oct.

Took my friend his clone today, and took 5more from mama. She's right barren, but oh well. No big loss. Will drop her outside in a few days, found a spot today.

I have 5 beautiful clones rooting right now, and a clone veg right now with my veggies under a 23w daytime, she's started vertical somewhat, mabey 1/8" or so.

Next up are the 5 clones i cut today, this is at about 4hrs after dome/misting. They look great.



Well-Known Member
So Just Letting Her Go??? The Babies Look Good... Get Rid Of Any Leaf That Is More That 50% Damaged... There Just Suckers At This Point,,, I Seen A Couple... Cant Wait To See U Grow The Crap Outa These Girls.!!!
Db.~ Tlb! :)


Well-Known Member
I think so, yes....mama's become too big of a headache...Gonna drop her outside in a few days.

Are you talking about the lower leaves on Leggy that are going white, i'm not sure if those are damaged or just from the cloning....remove these as well??

Theres a few leaves on the newer clones that are a little questionable, and i'll cut them back another 1/4 or so.

I'm really looking forward to running them girls as hard as possible.......and thinking 12/12 from getgo.

Just unsure of how large they may get, and unsure of flowering time, so really unsure if i wanna go 12/12 from the getgo with all of the keepers 3-4. But i fear the sativa in them is gonna get her quite large....

I'm just unsure of how fast the clones grow as well, so 1week on a seeded plant may be .5wk on a clone for the same growth rate, etc.

So alot of variables i'm concerned about, and unsure if i should go 12/12 from the getgo........though my first ideas are based on monkee's grow is to go for the 12/12, get a good idea of the flowering time 8-12weeks unsure, and just see how she grows.

Mabey LST two to be more bushy and the other two, if i keep 4, as just poles.


Well-Known Member
go 12/12 lol with your height and the fact how fast the mother grew... i dont think you have a choice in my opinion


Well-Known Member
Gonna be doing that 12/12 like suggested, and hopefully they wont get too tall.

Anyway i took mama outside today, found a nice little spot in the middle of a field of vines, in an open spot. Should have a good month or two to veg before time start flipping back to 12/12. I just hope to get something from her......anything. I hate outside, so many damn things can get to it.

I had my lights on today after i took her out......has been on since 10am, its currently almost 6pm, it was at 98F.........thats bad. Very bad, with no ice. 2 ice bottles drop it to 81-84F, daily.....but i have to keep them in there.......This is with 3 40w reds. I just dunno wtf to do about heat, as i don't know if it'd be worse than the CFL's for a single 150w.

I got about a week or so to get it back into shape, and moderate my temps before i want to put all the clones back inside. Just very unsure of how to go about doing this to lower temp.......

The good clones thats already rooted has gained about a 1/2" or so in height, i just mist it everynow and then, and its loving it, and its throwing out more 3 petal leaves......she looks great. and ones i took yesterday are really good looking, just a few more days on them.


Well-Known Member
Using it!!

Cut the piece i had to fit the bottom of the hood i made of foam core.

I actually wonder if the foam sides that i added, are trapping heat behind it in the foam.......but i wouldn't think i would, but theres 1.25" or so behind each panel to the outside wall, but the whole inside chamber is completely sealed of air movement to anywhere else..

Monkee your using cool white daylights right 7 23wers? I got 3 40w soft white/reds, which are a hotter part of the spectrum as well as i've read. Just loss as to what to do to keep the damn thing cooler, as my apt is sitting around 78-80F.

Heres ol Leggy, first night rooted i let her go for 18/6, last night was for 14hrs, i'm starting 12/12 tommorrow, and will be left there for the rest, just wanted to ease them back into half the light they were getting while rooting. Sh'es looking beautiful imo, do i need to remove them lower "white" leaves, or will they fill back out??

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