My First grow


Well-Known Member
Taking a look at your cab, is that duct running from the lights to the top just for heat? And do you have a exhaust fan for the box? Also, looked at htgsupply, and didnt find it for $70, you talking about just the bulb or the whole set up w/ballast? Im a bit paranoid of those purchasing growing equipment from growing sites. Wonder if they keep your info...
I'm sure they do if you keep your CC info, email address, and shipping information stored in there database. Search Google for some hydro shops around your town and pay with cash.


Well-Known Member
Little update, she's coming around, more foilage is coming in and they look to be free of nute problems, hard to get a picture of the rear.

Watered her today. Also worth noting is that some hairs are showing again....she's on her way to budding i beleive, so hopefully she's on her way after the last big cutting....lets also hope she dosent go hermi still on me.....:)



Well-Known Member
Just thought i'd add this picture i took of a friends plant, its very small, mabey will produce a 1/8 if that between the upper and lower buds. But identical strain.

But this is one that i sprouted from seed and vegged along with her for a few days before passing it to a friend who could give her some more room, she would have gotten alot larger if temp problems weren't his problem as well and he also had her on 14/8. Its all an experiment for him as well though.

I have a feeling that the strong purple is a problem of some sorts, but what i'm unsure of. The seed is identical in pheno as it seems to the type that i have, so mine should begin looking nearer to this as it gets farther into flowering, which i beleive this is around 2-3weeks into.




Well-Known Member
so whats the future of you growing?

when ya planning to start over again? like i know ya got the clones but when will those take the place of the big plant

also are you changing anything for the next grow


Well-Known Member
Dunno really the future of growing, i've a friend i'm going to give 1 of my clones too, that are doing well. The other i'll probobly add into the cabinet when it starts rooting, See if i can do the small clone with the larger mama and finish them both.

By the time i'm nearing harvest time with mama i should be able to take a clone from my friend (which he agreed too), and start up that way again.....

I don't really seem to be that much in a rush anymore to i might sit tight for awhile.

What i'm going to change....gonna get an 150w HPS later down the road....Topping her earlier to give me 4 or 6 heads, and the pulling them up and horizontal to the screen creating rows in the scrog, will let her flower above the screen. Gotta keep alot better tabs on my timer, making sure i'm on the darker side of the timer to initiate flowering (My biggest problem this grow), and no cutting/trimming during flowering (stresses her and slows flowering), and be easier on nutes, participate in the grow now direct it.

I'm still eagerly waiting for mama to flower, she just dosent want me to smoke her lol.


Well-Known Member
Photo update......very few hairs showing...

My good clones have 4x as many hairs showing as the mama pictured here.......

I swear if she ever flowers i'm gonna have a nice amount of herb, Thats if she would ever turn over for me.......Very discuraging....But learning alot!

I know for a fact i can buy an hps after i yield something.....anything, use the money i would normally spend on herb and make an investment on the hps, without hitting my sack any......Sounds bad. :(

Anyway got alot of foilage here lol.

If my clone shorty comes around then she'll be sat over on the edge beside the fan and she'll be flowered with mama. Literally the clone has hairs popping out on the top of it while ol mama isint showing any!

I guess i caught her too late into flowering to properly clone....should give me a teenth or so though if she does keep flowering.

So heres mama

And shorty.



Well-Known Member
they will go back to veg if you keep em under 18 hours or more light a day.... you can even reveg a plant after full budding ;)


Well-Known Member
Oh yea i know, throwing around the idea of throwing "shorty" in with mama, and thats as soon as i know if she's got roots then she shouldn't be long to flower i would think, i want to keep her small, and as it looks she's still a week or more ahead of mama, which is odd, as i've got the clones under 24/0 right now and hairs a popping, i want to keep her in that phase and still have her root, should be a decent smoke while mama matures cures/etc.

I'm giving the other good clone to a friend to keep them alternating, will take one from him when time comes to get another getting into veg around harvest time.

It takes them like a month to reveg after budding and harvest as i've read.

I just wanna get my girl to finish lol, shes been in the works since April 6th, ouch.


Well-Known Member
im surprised those clones have so many hairs on them, it would be weird for them to flower at that size, and i think they would have a lot of nute problems and not take nutes well

truthfully i have my doubts on the total yeild from the big plant, and i hope you prove me wrong lol just the hairs dont seem to be forming at the speed they regularly do, and it might have problems using up its nutes down the line


Well-Known Member
I'm keeping my chin up on mama, i'm hoping to hell she's gonna recover, and i'm getting alot of new growth after my HEAVY trimming last week. Which is a big sign of improvement, and really hoping it'll be starting soon......soon. But any reason why you have doubts on total yield from her?? The huge delay or what, cause i seem to find i can track down things i've done to her and the flowering time results...So hopefully in the next week we'll see her start moving that direction.

I'm going to wait a few more days, i checked "shorty's" roots last night and they seem to be coming around.....there a good 1/8" coming out of the sides of the 1" swollen root top. I mean swole.....Like 6x the girth below the soil than above the soil. But she's doin good as it seems.........I got some solo cups today that i'm gonna put her in in a few days with a 1/2 and 1/2 soil/vermiculite mix and try and keep her small and see if i can get it to bud....which it seems to be doing already, So shit mabey i can get a 1/8 or something from it mabey lol. Might be highly concentrated, i dunno.


Well-Known Member
Picture update. She seems to be getting alot of vitality in her again, and i think she's gonna be ready to flower before long, timers still on 13D/11L........

Gaver her plain water yesterday.


She's very healthy as it looks.

And one of some smaller bud sites....

Very happy to say that 1 of my good clones have been succesfully rooted, and i just repotted it into a solo cup :D

1 of the first 2 clones i took rooted as well......I know i'm going to keep the good clone, when is she safe to put into flowering with mama?


Well-Known Member
yeah 12/12 from clone do amazing... when shes got some strong roots shes good to go

look at my set up i did it from seed lol


Well-Known Member
Well just waiting for the may i name her now????? Mabey a inspiration from you as well Db.....

"Old Hag", cause i damn near swear she's been a bitch from the end of month 1. Shes 3months old.

But yes all is well, just waiting for her to turn over and go into heat already!


Well-Known Member
shit 3 months old? thats so long lol, im on day 63 and harvested one and the next one by day 70 will be done lol

goodluck, i dunno if ill be around when you finsih that grow, one week from now im outta here lol


Well-Known Member
Yea dude way longer than it should have been...........still unsure of what delayed it so bad, i just want to yield something and have some stash to give my bank account a little rest, and better quality than is around. So better later than never really imo.

I'm still just at a loss of words on wtf went wrong to keep her from flowering, i now i had some temp issues, timer wasn't right on 12dark (friend is flowering on 14/10 so i dunno), but she just kept fkn vegging and vegging and vegging, even after i switched over to 12/12 after 3weeks of veg...then i had the nute problem like 3weeks fk, i dunno.

I dunno she's really pissing me off around now...That and i have no money, no herb. If she would have been done i wouldn't be having either of those problems, so that adds to my frustrations a bit...


Well-Known Member
Its All The Shock,,, But If We Can Kick This Bitch,,,run 2 Will Go Better. Just Watch Yur Heat, Space From Light...!!! And Air Flow, And She Has Too... Or Its The Bigest Cucumber Ive Ever Seen, And U Dont Remind Me Of A Cumber Grower Soooo! Cover Yur Basic's And Learn From The Ride,,,cause This Bitch Is Taking The Long Way Around For Sure.!!!

If She Has To Me Moved Ive Done It And We Can Prob. Get Here There. Unless Yur Flying Then That Would Look Realy Funny In The Overhead.!! Db.!:) Keep The Chin Up! And Im Allways Lurking, In Here.~!~~:)


Well-Known Member
Yea i'm trying to decide, its a hard choice if i wanna drop her outside or run her another week or what.....i've got a single clone rooted and in the chamber with her, and thats the beginnings of round 2.

Just not sure really what i should do......kick her and start from scratch, with clone or just try to get her through.....she's being such a dick for a bitch :D

Just in general whats the growing patterns of a clone, compaired to a seed, faster, smaller, etc? Cause i'm wanting to stick with the scrog, probobly best yielding method of all i've read, i just have to keep her in veg until she fills the screen the growth begins above it...Which was a mistake last time as well.

Daytime lighting is from 6am to around 9pm right now.

Any suggestions as to what to do with her?