My First Grow


Active Member
day 56:

day 57:


you may of noticed that the background has changed but thats because ive had to move my plant as my gf parents are down, i'll be moving her back later today as their goin home today.

it there anythin i should be giving her now? im still givin her nutes but there the same ones ive been using all the way through the grow an pointers would be nice :) thanks



Well-Known Member
Looking great. I'd recommend a high phosphorous nutrient like Indonesian bat guano, along with a little Mexican bat guano for the nitrogen. Plus some molasses or sucunat to help pack on the weight.

Are you at day 57 of flowering or from seed?


Active Member
Looking great. I'd recommend a high phosphorous nutrient like Indonesian bat guano, along with a little Mexican bat guano for the nitrogen. Plus some molasses or sucunat to help pack on the weight.

Are you at day 57 of flowering or from seed?
thanks man an yer ive been lookin a guano for my next grow would i just mix it up an put it on top of the soil?
an its day 57 from when she first poked out the soil



Well-Known Member
She's looking very nice man, glad to see things are rolling for you too :). We've got 2 healthy girls on our hands, keep it up bro


Well-Known Member
I mix mine with water and aerate it for a day with a fish tank air pump and air stone. I usually throw in a scoop of compost with it too. Don't worry if there is a sand-like residue at the bottom of the container. Most of the nutrients have been extracted from it into the water. I have also heard of people just pouring it on the soil so it is a slower extraction and feeds over a longer period of time but I don't do this. You can also mix some into your soil before planted the seeds but then you want to make sure it is as the bottom of the container so that you don't burn the seedlings when they first sprout.


Active Member
day 58:


the leaf touching the moisture meter is going yellow its the only that is going yellow should i remove it?

im in a rush at the min going to watch the football (no not american football REAL football) so i'll respond to you all when i get back


but for an auto shoudnt she be much bigger at day 58 then she is?? whats the flowering time on this auto

keep up the good work i cant wait to see more


Active Member
but for an auto shoudnt she be much bigger at day 58 then she is?? whats the flowering time on this auto

keep up the good work i cant wait to see more
average for this plant is between 11 and 18 inches i think mines around 12ish. i had a slow start with her (not enough light) but once i sorted everything out she started growing perfectly she should be ready to crop at around 8 to 10 weeks shes at 8 weeks now i think she got about another 2 or 3 weeks yet (cuz of the slow start). Its my first grow so im just learning on this one but so far im happy with my results :) as i've had no problems to date (well apart from a little light issue at the start) she is smelling really nice at the min though cant wait to smoke her



Active Member
I mix mine with water and aerate it for a day with a fish tank air pump and air stone. I usually throw in a scoop of compost with it too. Don't worry if there is a sand-like residue at the bottom of the container. Most of the nutrients have been extracted from it into the water. I have also heard of people just pouring it on the soil so it is a slower extraction and feeds over a longer period of time but I don't do this. You can also mix some into your soil before planted the seeds but then you want to make sure it is as the bottom of the container so that you don't burn the seedlings when they first sprout.
cool man i'll have to look into that thanks for the tip :bigjoint:


average for this plant is between 11 and 18 inches i think mines around 12ish. i had a slow start with her (not enough light) but once i sorted everything out she started growing perfectly she should be ready to crop at around 8 to 10 weeks shes at 8 weeks now i think she got about another 2 or 3 weeks yet (cuz of the slow start). Its my first grow so im just learning on this one but so far im happy with my results :) as i've had no problems to date (well apart from a little light issue at the start) she is smelling really nice at the min though cant wait to smoke her

i rember my first grow i had a seed from jamacia that a friend got when she got some weed there i grew it and cloned her once everyon loved the smoke it was a relly slow started no bigger then a baseball for te first month and a half but ended u standing about 3 feet tall 1 single cola i wasnt smart and didnt keep he strain alie with the clone i just flowered her amd smoked her to me self lol

i think the first grow is the best you learn so much from it and the people on these sites just keep up the good work and ech time you grow you get that much better.

i have done about 3 grows and earn more each time and yeild more each time lol

thanks for listening


Well-Known Member
I would say you have more than 2-3 weeks to go, but you never know. They can have a crazy growth spurt and mature fast. Do you have a scope? I ordered a few different ones off of e-bay. I recommend jewel's loops. They are much easier to use than the long weed scopes that have an adjustable focus. Get one that is at least 30x magnification. If you can find one that is 60x or 100x that's even better. I think they run about 20 bucks or so. Otherwise just wait until the buds looks full and most to all of the hairs are shriveled and red. I've seen many logs and youtube videos where people have chopped too early. It will get you high but waiting can give you such a better smoke. Wait too long though and it'll just make you stupid and sleepy. Keep posting pics and we'll all help too.

Joker's right. The first grow you learn so much, and even if you screw it up bad you'll still get some very good smoke. It's always better when you grow it yourself.

What type of lights are you using now and how many? I skimmed the old posts but couldn't find it, and it only looks like 2 bulbs.. I did see you mention that electical costs were a concern, but I wouldn't worry about that with CFL's. Say you run 200w of CFL's for 20 hours a day. That's 4kw a day. 1kw costs about 10-15 cents (U.S.). Not sure how much it is in Europe. So in America using that much power it would be 40-60 cents a day or 12-18 dollars a month. Plus the cost of fans which might be a few more dollars. So with a decent amount of light it will only be about 20-30 a month. Well worth the money when you get you final product. Also, if you have a regular strain the lights are on for only 12 hours a day during flowering which makes it even cheaper.


Active Member
i rember my first grow i had a seed from jamacia that a friend got when she got some weed there i grew it and cloned her once everyon loved the smoke it was a relly slow started no bigger then a baseball for te first month and a half but ended u standing about 3 feet tall 1 single cola i wasnt smart and didnt keep he strain alie with the clone i just flowered her amd smoked her to me self lol

i think the first grow is the best you learn so much from it and the people on these sites just keep up the good work and ech time you grow you get that much better.

i have done about 3 grows and earn more each time and yeild more each time lol

thanks for listening
no probs man thanks for the comments im always happy to listen to imput from fellow growers especially if their more experienced than me. lol thats the probs with just growing random seeds, you dont know what it is, or how big it will get etc.. but then if its free why not :P how did it taste? was it indica/sativa or bit of both lol ahh yer but we live and learn im not going to clone of my first plant just want to get as much as i can of her as its pretty dry around here at the minute i cant pick up anywere (well someone i know is suppose to be picking up tonight so fingers crossed lol) but im thinking of not having any til shes ready and get extra stoned from her lol

